Copyright & Other Fine Print
Policies as of 1/4/16
Please note that I actively pursue stolen content and photos.
100% of the photos on this blog belong to me. I took them myself. None of my photos may be reproduced without my permission. If you feel one of my photos would be of use to you, please contact me at brenda (at) sugarfreemom (dot) com.
All original content is Copyright Brenda Bennett of Sugar-Free Mom, and may not be reproduced. (See below)
I spend a lot of time on my recipes. 100% of them are original recipes created by me. If there is any resemblance to another recipe somewhere, it is not intentional. If I redo a recipe or use another recipe for inspiration, I will say so in my post and give full credit where credit is due. I ask that you do the same.
For sharing recipes online:
Please give a link back to my site, AND mention the name of my blog within the credit. Please do not copy the ingredients and directions. Just a photo and link directly to my recipe is acceptable.
Adapting a Sugar-Free Mom Recipe:
If you need to change more than 4 ingredients within my recipe you can consider that a true adaption. Proper credit to my recipe as your base is appropriate and appreciated.
* Please note: Changing less than 4 ingredients, like the flour or sugar choice is NOT adapting my recipe and cannot be considered your own. You can state the modifications you made from the original recipe with a direct link back to my recipe.