10 Beautiful Benefits of Turning 50

Turning 50 doesn’t have to mean “over the hill” and “woe is me”! There are amazing benefits to reaching this milestone of a birthday and I’m sharing 10 of the best since it’s my 50th birthday today!


Today is my 50th birthday and I decided that in order to change the typical stereotype of what it means to be a 50 year old, a positive and uplifting post about all the benefits was needed!

The hardest birthday for me was when I turned 41. For some reason I felt a bit depressed as now I was over 40. But one day a friend shared this, “Brenda, growing older is a privilege many are denied”. From that day forward I look forward to my birthday because what is the alternative? 

Aging happens and I get that, I’m not trying to ignore that fact. I’ve got some dark circles under my eyes that don’t seem to go away no matter what I do. I’ve got gray hairs that seem to come even quicker after my appointment with my hair stylist. I can’t deny this nor do I try, but I am hoping to share some a more positive light about turning 50.

Shawon Davis Photography

Self-Confidence Improves

When I was younger I cared too much about everything that I felt was a flaw about my appearance. Today I am grateful for every single flaw because it is my history, a part of me that can’t be erased. Every scar, every wrinkle, everything. I have stopped the endless comparing myself to others and it’s truly a freeing experience!

Aging is a Privilege Not a Punishment

Like I already mentioned, the alternative to aging is, well, not living, so consider your age a privilege not a punishment. Some don’t get the chance and that is why perspective is everything. 

You can’t stop the clock from moving, but you can make sure you age well. Eating a low-carb or keto diet will help balance your blood sugar, lowers inflammation in the body and helps you maintain a healthy weight. Living a sugar-free life is the best way to help increase your energy and feel really good inside and out, I am living proof!

Easier to say NO

Once you turn 50 it’s so much easier to just say no to the things that don’t make you happy. Learning to say no to things that bring you down or drain you is a beautiful benefit! I found it so hard to do when I was younger and now, it’s just so easy! I’ve got boundaries and I won’t sacrifice my sanity and health for anything anymore!

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Your Bucket List Changes

I’ve got a new bucket list now that I’m turning 50! I have the “NOT on my bucket list”  list, all the things I will never do! My bucket list will not include sky diving or swimming with sharks or bungee jumping!

Your bucket list changes when you reach 50 because you realize there are more important things to do with the rest of your life and what you thought was important in your 20’s is just no longer important.

You’ve Got Wisdom to Give

In 50 years of living, I’ve had experiences that no one else has had. I’ve made mistakes, I’ve had regrets, and I’m hoping the lessons I’ve learned along the way will inspire others, especially my own children who are now 21, 18 and 15.

When I started blogging 10 years ago I had no idea how my little blog would help so many people. The greatest struggle in my life has turned into a place where all of you can find delicious recipes that don’t make you feel deprived. 

My online sugar detox course has helped hundreds of women break free of sugar addiction and I’m just so grateful I took the leap of faith to start sharing my recipes back in October of 2011. 

Your Not Afraid to Share your Opinion

I used to be worried about truly sharing my opinions when I was younger and now, nope, I am ready and willing to share it all! I used to be worried about sharing my faith in Jesus, but not anymore, it just spills out of me in conversation. It’s a wonderful feeling to not care what everyone else thinks of you. I feel very liberated!

Less Critical of Yourself

Do I still want to lose those last 10 pounds? Of course I do, but I’m not going to wait for that to happen to be happy with my life. Once you hit 50, it’s like a light bulb moment hits and you know you are good enough where you are at and that is it!

Shawon Davis Photography

Bust those Stereotypes

I hope that my life has set an example that no matter what you are going through, you can still find some joy and be content where you are at. I’ve been through a lot in the last 5 years that could have destroyed me.

I was diagnosed with hypothyroid in 2018 and in the last 2 years we found I have high mold toxicity from water damage in our home. If all that wasn’t enough, my hormones seemed off, got tested to discover high estrogen.

It’s been a difficult few years but I believe because of my diet and lifestyle I am doing better than expected. I have no doubt if I was eating the standard American diet, I would had debilitating symptoms. 

So today, I am grateful for all I’ve been through because it helped me to see how strong I truly am. I hope you see a 50 year old woman who is beating the stereotype that it’s over when you hit 50 because to me, it’s just fired me up to finish the rest of my life with purpose. 

Willing to Take Risks

I’ve never been a risk taker but turning 50 has turned on this light in me that, I don’t want to wait for a special occasion to do the things I want to do. You just become more willing to take a leap of faith rather than waiting for the right moment.

You Appreciate Time more than Money

You begin to realize how fast time has flown by in your 50 years and you recognize life is half way over. It may sound a bit morbid, but trust me, it’s not. It’s a realization that life is too sweet to be spent working more and spending less time with the ones you love. 

Making money before the age of 50 was a necessity, but now it’s more about having quality time with family and friends that matters. Acquiring lots of material things is no longer on the mind and instead spending as much time as possible with those we love is top priority.

If you’re turning 50 like me, I pray you aren’t dreading it, but instead looking at it with a new perspective, that life is short and each birthday we are given is a gift.

Blessings to you,

Brenda/ Sugar-Free Mom




About Brenda

Brenda Bennett is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, certified Sugar Detox Coach, certified Keto Coach and certified Life Coach. She has been Sugar Free & Refined carb free for 17 years and has written 2 cookbooks, Sugar-Free Mom, and Naturally Keto and her 3rd book The 30-Day Sugar Elimination Diet, is a four part program to help you detox from sugar, eliminate cravings, balance blood sugar and lose weight all while eating a delicious, nutrient dense whole foods. Meal plan offers two tracks to follow, low carb or keto. She is the founder of the Sugar Free Fresh Start course and Sugar Free Tribe weight loss membership. Learn more.

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  1. Words of wisdom on turning 50. Any words for this woman turning 70 in January??

    You look beautiful and younger than 50 by the way!

  2. Happy Natal Anniversary! Having crossed that 50 mark almost two years ago, I can relate to many of the items you listed. God’s blessings to you and your family! Each day is a blessing, try to live them one at a time. My wife and I are thankful for your blog, and we pray it reaches and helps many more folks.

  3. Brenda,
    Love the authenticity of what you shared. Hoping this was a blast of a birthday celebration for you. You’ve positively impacted so many people by getting on the road to healthier eating and lifestyle habits. I’m so grateful for you.

  4. Happy Birthday!! Words of wisdom and I couldn’t agree more with everything you said. Thank you for sharing! I hope you and your family have a wonderful birthday celebration and Thanksgiving too!!

    1. My same birthday is tomorrow and I have been a little sad about it. Your words helped. Every day, week, month, and year are a gift and I need to remember that.

  5. Wonderful benefits, Brenda! I’m thanking the Lord for you again and asking Him to bless you incredibly this year as you celebrate 50 years of life! Happy birthday!

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