5 Tips to Avoid Overeating Regret
How many times have you vowed to not overeat at a holiday party with family and friends yet still indulge regardless of your commitment to your weight loss and lifestyle plan? Your heart is saying, ” no, I don’t really want to eat that”, but peer pressure gets the best of you and you eat it because everyone else is. The “woe is me” syndrome kicks in and tells you how sad it is that your family or friends can eat whatever they want and don’t have a weight issue so why is life so hard on you? This message coupled with the excessive holiday food choices can be a stressful time for the person who is on a mission to lose weight or at least maintain and not gain in the process from Thanksgiving till the New Years resolution.
Inevitably the feelings of guilt and regret usually come immediately after the tempting meal is done, and the last bite has been eaten. Still disappointed and defeated, you vow next time will be different. Yet again the next holiday party rolls around and you seem to have a case of food amnesia when once again you overindulge.
Why does this happen? Mostly because of poor planning. Expecting things to go smoothly with just sheer will power is hopeful, but often unrealistic. Having healthier options and following a few simple tips will ease your stress and hopefully help you avoid the regret of over-consumption.
1. Bring a Healthier Appetizer. It’s often the nibbling that does most of us in, even before we sit down for that luscious holiday meal. Why do most of us nibble? Because it’s there! We chat, laugh, nibble, chat, nibble, laugh, etc. This leads to a ton of extra calories and a partially full stomach before the main course. What do I do to avoid this you may ask? Well, I’ve realized I am not wonder woman. I can not seem to make myself NOT eat any appetizers while everyone else is. So I work this out by bringing a healthier option, usually a yummy veggie platter with a great low calorie dip. If chips are your downfall, try to make your own lighter version. Here’s a great recipe to check out from Your Lighter Side, called Zucchini Dorito Style chips. They look absolutely Delicious!
I also have learned not to grab from the large bowl on the counter. I serve myself a small plate of the appetizer and only eat what I placed on it. Usually this is enough and becoming disciplined in not going back for more is a learned task and one that takes some conditioning, BUT can be achieved. Committing this one simple step of not getting seconds to your accountability weight loss buddy is a good idea. Telling someone you broke your promise to them and yourself is quite motivating and humbling and may just be what you need to stop the excess appetizer overload.
Other appetizers you might like:
2. Drink Up! No, I am not condoning drinking your calories away on alcohol rather than food. I am suggesting that you guzzle a full glass of water before you even get to your holiday party. Water does fool and fill your stomach and can hold off that ravenous hunger you may think you actually have. Waiting 15 minutes after guzzling a glass of water is the key. If I am still feeling hunger after 15 minutes than I will go ahead and eat something. Usually though the hunger pangs are not there. It was just habit hunger that happens often to those of us used to comforting ourselves with food for happy, sad, {insert any type of emotion} occasion! I’ve found having a delicious drink while chatting with family and friends makes me content and satisfied. Here is a great, easy recipe I found from The Whole Life Nutrition Kitchen called Sugar-Free Cranberry Orange Punch. Here’s another simple recipe from Comfy In the Kitchen called Orange Infused Water. If all else fails, just grab some tap water and guzzle down a full one!
3. Practice Portion Control on Your Plate! If you are looking to lose weight during the holidays then weighing and measuring is the only fool proof way to know exactly how much you are eating without going overboard on portions. If you are just trying to maintain your weight during this time, at least plan to watch HOW much is going on the large plate of yours. If you have the plate covered in food and can’t even seen any color of the plate, that is going over board! Having a little taste of everything is fine as long as you use the rule that only what can fit on the serving spoon is what you place on your plate without double scooping. The biggest mistake and what causes the most discomfort is when we go back for seconds and overeat to the point of feeling stuffed. The more practice in doing this simple step the better off you will feel when you get up and step away from that dinner table. Each time you practice this, the easier it becomes, I promise you it is true!
4. Do Dessert Sliver’s. Choosing to indulge is dessert is your own personal choice. For those who have just begun to experience freedom from sugar withdrawals, it may not be the best of choice to plan to indulge just this one time. Once the taste gets back on your tongue the pull is even stronger to escape from. I know because I have done it. I’d rather make a healthier refined sugar-free dessert that I know will not cause me to want more and crave the next few days after a holiday. Here are some recipes I’ve found that look like a perfect option to the alternative sugary dessert. Check out this French Apple Tart from Simple Sugar & Gluten Free or this Pumpkin Pie from Heavenly Homemakers.
Other desserts you might like:
- Apple Custard: Dairy Free
- Pumpkin Pie Custard which can be made into a crust as a pie!
- Apple Cake: No Sugar Added
No time to make something for yourself to bring? Then practicing my sliver approach should be your next best bet. The ability to do this will be something again that needs to be practiced, but it can begin with this Thanksgiving day approaching. Grab a small plate and only slice a sliver, half of the length of your index finger, onto your plate. You can consume three slivers of three different desserts if you so choose that would probably equal the giant size piece of a pie you normally would have cut for yourself. Just be selective! Don’t eat that dessert if it really isn’t all that fabulous! You don’t need to be part of the “clean your plate” club or feel guilty about dumping that dessert in the trash, just kindly do it without the one who made it noticing.
5. Flee from the Food! I am completely serious here friends. If you are anything like me, removing yourself from the temptations is the only true way to stop the picking and nibbling habit ALL DAY LONG!
- Ask family and friends to go on a short walk.
- Offer to clean the dishes for the hostess.
- Pick up the camera and take some fabulous pictures.
- Bring a wonderful game.(I absolutely love Catch Phrase! )
Whatever you do, just make this holiday about those you are with and not about the food. There is always another meal, another party, another day. Overeating today will not make you feel fabulous tomorrow, but overcoming today will absolutely make you feel success and joy beyond tomorrow! 🙂
This sounds great, thanks so much. Could you provide some more info about the serving sizes?
– Claire
thrift savings plan
Great tips!! It’s something we all need to think about this time of year. I don’t worry about Thanksgiving or the day after or Christmas or the day after….but in between I am very mindful about what I eat.
Thanks for sharing my French Apple Tart with your readers!
You’re welcome and thank you for a great recipe!
Great advice! I plan to leave my mom’s tomorrow without feeling any regrets about how much I’ve eaten. This article helped alot, thank you!
Thank you so much Kress! You’ll do great!
catch phrase rocks! and…wheni was in the ER last week, one of the dr’s told me that the couple of days after Thanksgiving and Christmas are the busiest becaue people overindulge. and not on alchohal! they eat so much food, most of it laden w/salt, that they come in IN CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE! and not older, heavier people either! young healthy people who so overindugle, past the point of a tums, that their heart actually cannot handle all the sodium and extra fat!
“past the point of a tums??? Now that is crazy, oh my! I did not know that!