$50 Discount for 6 Week Sugar Detox Course

Break free from sugar and carb cravings, and lose the weight you want to lose with my 6 week sugar detox course and my group coaching support membership! $50 discount for this 6 week Sugar Detox Course!

6 Week Sugar Detox Course with Live Weekly Support
6 Week Sugar Detox Course with Live Weekly Support



This is the last program you will ever need to lose the weight you want to lose, balance your blood sugar, stop the cravings for sugar and carbs, and live your best life! 

When you join the 6 Week Sugar detox Course and membership, you will be fully supported through live weekly Zoom meetings to coach you, help you tweak your program and answer all your questions. You will find other wonderful members who are also on the same path and journey as you which provides you the accountability you really need for  success.

Right now until January 25th you can receive $50 off the 6 Week Sugar Detox Course that begins on Jan.26th!

TESTIMONIALS from previous course members:

Angela says, “I’m down 4.6 pounds and more motivated than ever”! Just one week on Sugar Detox course!

Susan says, “I stepped on the scale this morning, after just one week on plan I’m down 4.8 pounds! So excited!”

Trish says, “ (Just catching up on week 4 because I had surgery last week- watching the meeting now). Brenda this has been a very positive experience! Before surgery I had lost 5 lbs. and was feeling better than I had in a long time. Learning a new way to think, cook, and eat has been great and I will be able to stick with this and make it a lifestyle. I have really enjoyed this course and would definitely recommend it to others!”

Carol, Hi everyone! After 6 weeks I am happy to report I’ve lost 13 lbs! I kept forgetting to measure myself which I’m disappointed I didn’t. BUT I put on a shirt today I haven’t been able to wear for months.

Michele says, “Amazing class!! I loved all of the information and learned so much. Things that I can continue without feeling deprived. I lost 9 pounds, 10” and 2% body fat!!”

Here is Michele’s Face to Face Amazing Transformation! She looks 10 years younger!

These are just a few of the wonderful praises for my previous sugar detox courses. We did the course in a pandemic and it was remarkable the amount fo weight loss and health that was achieved! I’m launching the course LIVE  and it starts September 20th!


Shawon Davis Photography

Achieve Sugar Freedom

Why would I ever say this is the best sugar detox course you could ever join? Because I’m not going to tell you that you need to be following a keto diet. I’m not going to be telling you, you need to go dairy free. I’m not going to even tell you how many carbs you need to eat each day! I am going to help you figure out what is right for YOUR body!

You will discover how many carbs to eat by taking this course. You will discover what carbs are a good fit for your body and what are not. You will finally find a way to remove sugar and carb cravings once and for all so you will reach a healthy weight for your body.

It’s about bio-individuality and no one should ever be telling you what vegetables are off limits for your body because every body is different and is effected differently by certain foods. Some can eat sweet potatoes without any raise in blood sugar while others can not. This sugar detox course is the only one that will meet you where you are at, to help you find what works for you to balance your blood sugar and have food freedom! 

Karen says,  “I wanted to thank you again for the terrific 6 week class. I’m so happy with my results (-17lbs and -16 inches)and learned so much.”

And it’s NOT just about detoxing from sugar and losing weight, DIABETICS are seeing amazing results with my program!

Christa says, “Amazing results I’m over the moon thank you so much Brenda! Went to see my endocrinologist and he took me off my fast acting insulin and drastically reduced my long actin insulin. I lost a total of 11.9 pounds and 6.5 inches and I feel great!”

Darlene says, “So awesome. I am type 2 diabetic . Have lost 13 lbs. Stopped 1 pill and cut insulin and metformin in half.”

Leslie says, “As we come to the end of our 6 week course, I have to share this truly remarkable success story – my partner was diagnosed as a Type 2 diabetic in February and ended up in ICU. So scary and I didn’t have any idea how to handle – he ended up on 105 units of short term insulin and 60 units long term per day . So hard to control & now thanks to “our” Sugar Free Mom -Brenda Bennett,…..he is on ZERO insulin and just metformin…..he’s lost 10 lbs too! We saw the endocrinologist yesterday and she said she had never seen a Type 2 Diabetic go from that much insulin to ZERO AND his glucose is in range 99% of the time !!! I can’t thank you enough for being such a REAL person and teaching me how to cook healthy and enjoy it too!”



Week 1: You’ll learn exactly what to eat and what not to eat to detox from sugar. You’ll have the option to choose the low-carb plan, keto plan or auto-immune diet plan. You’ll receive handouts on what to drink, snack on, healthy fats & oils and optional supplements.

Week 2: You’ll learn if your snacking is habit or true hunger, abstinence between meals and how to fill-the-gap instead of snacking.

Week 3 : You’ll learn about the right macronutrients for your body, food sensitivities, blood testing, and using the pulse record. 

Week 4:  You’ll learn the triggers and cues that lead to temptation and how to combat it. We’ll learn about how grains and gluten impact your health and intermittent fasting, and how to follow a Protein Sparing Modified Fast.

Week 5: You’ll learn how to bust through plateaus, when to get further testing and what to test for hormones, adrenals, and thyroid.

Week 6: You’ll learn how your body reacts to certain carbs by taking a 7 day carb testing protocol. (optional)

Week 7: BONUS;Wrap Up; How to keep the momentum going!


$50 Off THE SUGAR DETOX COURSE until 1/25th using this link !

And one last testimonial for you!

Suzanne says, “Ok. My results. To be honest (like I am).I did 4 weeks on the program and lost 14 pounds, 10 inches. For week 5 I bailed on candy, wine, and pizza. I felt horrible and gained back 2 pounds. Week 6 I still was off but I cooked healthy meals and maintained my weight. I realized by week 4 I needed more carbs for my body and for my work. I felt incredible weak and blood pressure was dropping really low. I tried more salt and just couldn’t get comfortable so for week 5 and 6 I ate more carbs and the wrong carbs. Potatoes and wheat get me every time. I bloated and felt awful on them. So I won’t eat them any more! Today I did my final pictures and measurements. In 6 weeks I have lost 12 pounds and a total of 11.5 inches!!!!! Thank you Brenda this course was amazing and today I am off to catch up and make some meals out of your cook book!”

Whether you’re struggling to lose weight or you are in maintenance, you are encouraged to reap the benefits of the support of others who are doing the same thing.

I’ll  teach you  the steps to tackle cravings on a daily basis, one day at a time.




About Brenda

Brenda Bennett is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, certified Sugar Detox Coach, certified Keto Coach and certified Life Coach. She has been Sugar Free & Refined carb free for 17 years and has written 2 cookbooks, Sugar-Free Mom, and Naturally Keto and her 3rd book The 30-Day Sugar Elimination Diet, is a four part program to help you detox from sugar, eliminate cravings, balance blood sugar and lose weight all while eating a delicious, nutrient dense whole foods. Meal plan offers two tracks to follow, low carb or keto. She is the founder of the Sugar Free Fresh Start course and Sugar Free Tribe weight loss membership. Learn more.

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