Angie’s Weight Loss Success Story

Angie has lost 60 pounds and kept it off!

Angie says,

I had reached my limit. I knew I needed to do something about losing weight.

This is why I went into the program initially to los weight also with the goal of knowing that in my family, we have Alzheimer’s and Dementia and sugar feeds so many illnesses. So that was another reason why I wanted to get off sugar.

I just signed up for her 6 week course. I had been following some of her recipes and meal plans, she also has her free recipes on her blog, that have amazing, amazing recipes and her books.

I absolutely love it. I’ve stuck with it. I’ve made this a lifestyle change.

I went from 232 pounds when I started, back in the fall of 2020, and I reached my goal which was 175, and now I am currently 170.

But I am telling you, I have found so much freedom and I still have to battle cravings periodically, but if I do get cravings I know why. I’ve learned so much more than just to know what to eat.

I’ve learned why I’ve eaten what I eat and why I got into those bad habits. There’s such a great mind, health component to this that I love.

What is you age and where do you live?

I’m 47, and from Iowa.

How did you find and when did you decide to join the 6 week Sugar Detox course?

I found SFM first on a weekly FB Live.  I tried her free recipes from her blog and did her Meal Plan for a few months.  I finally did what I should have done in the first place, I started the 6-week Course With Support.

Did you have any health or weight struggles before joining the course and membership?

I remember back to gradeschool having issues with overindulging in food and carrying around extra weight. 

I’ve tried many different methods to lose weight and keep it off, but nothing has stuck, until I found Brenda Bennett’s Detox Course with Support program.

What other programs have you tried before joining the sugar detox program?

Atkins, Weight Watchers, Ideal Protein, South Beach.

How much weight did you lose and what other non scale victories have you had?

Since the fall of 2020 I have lost 60+ pounds and kept it off. I’ve obtained my weight goal, even went under it somewhat, and am working now on seeing what weight my body wants to settle on its “best-fit-for-me weight” as I like to call it.

Other non-scale victories: fit into favorite jeans, decreased body fat, better sleep, improved emotional relationship with food, tools to navigate food choices during traveling and at gatherings, improved self-esteem and self-image, increased confidence.

What were you typically eating before making this lifestyle change?

three fairly balanced meals a day with protein veggies and fruit, BUT I overindulged in sweets, alcohol, chips, breads and the starchy veggies. 

What SugarFreemom recipes or resources have helped you?

MOST valuable to me has been the support aspect of SFM’s offerings: Brenda’s live coaching and the SFM community (FB and in the live meetings) have made all the difference. 

The 6-week course with support taught me how to make meal plans that fit into what I wanted to do that week (low-carb or keto or a modified version of those classic models). 

All of the tools that Brenda has in her 6-week course were essential in me being able to establish the lifestyle habits I needed to make lasting change, and her support opportunities gave me the momentum and accountability I needed to keep going. 

What does a typical day of eating look like now for you?

Most mornings: black coffee and water until around 9:30am, followed by decaf coffee + cream + collagen peptides.  12:30/1pm (or whenever I’m hungry) I’ll have a light lunch with about 6oz protein, 4-6 oz veggie. 

Evening meal I try to have finished by 6pm that includes 6-8oz protein 4oz veggie. If I do feel any hunger between meals I often grab a tea. 

Once every 1-2 weeks I’ll do a 24-36hr liquid fast where I have black coffee, water with electrolytes, water + lemon, tea, and possibly bone broth.

What have you learned from your journey?

I’ve learned that a menu free of refined sugar and carbohydrates is delicious, liberating, and most certainly sustainable as a lifestyle. 

I’ve learned that undoing years of former eating habits in order to establish new sustainable healthier habits is a journey, not a race. 

Most of all, to give myself grace, realizing that what I formerly thought of as a failure is really a learning experience.

Final thoughts or takeaways? 

This program has changed my life!

50% OFF 6 week Sugar Detox Course with Support

If you’ve purchased my new book, The 30-Day Sugar Elimination Diet, then you already have the link to the 50% off for the live course!

It’s my way of thanking you for purchasing my new book as well as for you to see what live coaching and support looks like to help you achieve your health goals!

Go to page 281 titled, What’s Next, and you will find that special link to use to get 50% off!

Get 30% Off the 6 Week Sugar Detox Course 

You don’t need any special coupon to get 30% off the 6 week live online Sugar Detox course.

The 30% off is automatically applied at checkout.

Offer ends January 29th, 2023. Class starts Wednesday, February 1st, 2023!


About Brenda

Brenda Bennett is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, certified Sugar Detox Coach, certified Keto Coach and certified Life Coach. She has been Sugar Free & Refined carb free for 17 years and has written 2 cookbooks, Sugar-Free Mom, and Naturally Keto and her 3rd book The 30-Day Sugar Elimination Diet, is a four part program to help you detox from sugar, eliminate cravings, balance blood sugar and lose weight all while eating a delicious, nutrient dense whole foods. Meal plan offers two tracks to follow, low carb or keto. She is the founder of the Sugar Free Fresh Start course and Sugar Free Tribe weight loss membership. Learn more.

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  1. Thank you, Brenda for introducing me to the BEST program and coaching support for attaining a healthier lifestyle. I wish I had found you sooner.

  2. I am working on the sugar detox following Brenda’s book. I have not followed 100% but truly want to. A lot of the ingredients are hard for me to find, some are expensive and some I have no clue what they are. I’m also concerned that so much meat and cheese and fat would increase cholesterol. I lost 80 lbs 6 years ago and have kept it off.I’d like to lose about 5 lbs. I also want to be careful with inflammatory foods as I have RA.

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