Break Free From Sugar Cravings

Break free from sugar and carb cravings, and lose the weight you want to lose with my 6 week sugar detox course and my group coaching support membership! See below for a $50 discount for this 6 week Sugar Detox Course!

Is Sugar Addiction Real? 

There comes a time in life that you or someone you know has reached the bottom. The bottom of a pit that looks hopeless and miserable and you think you’ll never get out of it.

I’ve been there, I know the struggle to say, “Tomorrow will be better, tomorrow I will do everything right, tomorrow I will change my ways and won’t give in to the sweets that call my name, tomorrow things will be better.”

Then tomorrow comes, which of course is a Monday, and you are ready to take on the day. You made a nice breakfast and have all the stamina of a bull ready to be released and charge into the pit to fight. Lunch comes around and your feeling great; had a nice salad, enjoyed veggies, protein and a fruit. Feeling wonderful and happy.

Then 3 pm hits and you have some coffee to help with that sluggish feeling.

You start looking in the cupboards for a healthy snack and choose some fruit. But you’re not satisfied; you can’t concentrate you need something else because certainly fruit isn’t going to hold you over until dinner right? So you go back into the cupboard and find some crackers; “ok cheese and crackers that will work, but those cookies in there for the kids look really good!

“I can do this, I can have one and be done, I just need a little something sweet, one won’t ruin my healthy day!!”

And you take that one bite and if you can relate to this you know how it ends, don’t you?

This is Sugar Addiction and it is Real!

Studies show that in some people, sugar triggers a high dopamine response just like a drug addict. Some people can moderate sugar and some can’t. I need to be an abstainer because moderation never worked for me.

Why Don’t I have enough Will Power ?

At least a dozen different diet plans had been tried from the age of 12 until I was 32. I’d lose some weight and do pretty well for a time, only to think I could handle a few treats here and there at birthday parties and holidays, you know…. only special occasions.

Then it became more consistent to have a  nice special sweet treat just on Sundays to reward myself for a good week of healthy eating.

Then Monday rolled around and I was determined to get back on track because of course I knew how to eat healthy and loose weight since I had done it many times before and succeeded. What happened on Monday was the scenario I just shared with you above.

I could eat well until about 3 pm and then the treats from Sunday were calling my name that I could not resist. Many times I could make it through the rest of the week until the weekend and then the battle would begin again.

Because there was always another party or get together and saying no to the snacks that everyone else was having was just not fair in my opinion. I wanted to eat the way my friends could eat and not gain weight and not have a problem.

But I do have a problem and its name is sugar. When did I finally realize and come to the acceptance of this problem?

After many failed attempts to limit the consumption like “normal” people could. I failed miserably because no matter what I did to try to limit eating sweets, sugars hold on me was too strong.

6 Week Sugar Detox Course with Live Weekly Support
6 Week Sugar Detox Course with Live Weekly Support

Sugar Detox Testimonials

Christa says, “Amazing results I’m over the moon thank you so much Brenda! Went to see my endocrinologist and he took me off my fast acting insulin and drastically reduced my long actin insulin. I lost a total of 11.9 pounds and 6.5 inches and I feel great!”

Darlene says, “So awesome. I am type 2 diabetic . Have lost 13 lbs. Stopped 1 pill and cut insulin and metformin in half.”

Kristi says, I lost 9.8lbs and 9.25 inches! I have always struggled with sweets. I normally eat candy all day and brownies or cookies for dessert. Plus a large 32oz soft drink every morning (not a coffee drinker). But no more! The first couple weeks were hard. I struggled with what to eat and ate basic chicken and zucchini. Then I learned of your amazing recipes and meals were so much better!

By the 3rd week I started feeling full and the cravings went away. I was even able to get my kids a soda at our favorite place without trying to sneak a sip. When my weight loss slowed down last week I got depressed and that I felt like I was trying so hard. I changed up some things like I learned and this week had my biggest loss.

I avoided the scale all week and was happily surprised. My goal for this detox was 10lbs and I am counting 9.8lbs as a win! I have 10-15 more pounds to be at my big goal and feel confident I will get there.

I don’t feel bloated anymore, my clothes fit way more comfortably now too! I am also proud that I didn’t cheat once! Not one time.. as tempting as it was! Instead I used sugar free desserts to satisfy my sweet tooth. Thank you so much Brenda for giving us all the tools and inspirations to be successful!

Sarah says, “Today marks 6 weeks without sugar. I still have a long way to go but am committed to keeping sugar and refined carbs out of my body as it’s the only way for me to have any control over what I eat . There is no way I could do it without the support of this group and being with people who share this same struggle .

$50 Off THE SUGAR DETOX COURSE until 3/29 at midnight using this link !

Achieve Sugar Freedom

Why would I ever say this is the best sugar detox course you could ever join? Because I’m not going to tell you that you need to be following a keto diet. I’m not going to be telling you, you need to go dairy free. I’m not going to even tell you how many carbs you need to eat each day! I am going to help you figure out what is right for YOUR body!

You will discover how many carbs to eat by taking this course. You will discover what carbs are a good fit for your body and what are not. You will finally find a way to remove sugar and carb cravings once and for all so you will reach a healthy weight for your body.

Karen says,  “I wanted to thank you again for the terrific 6 week class. I’m so happy with my results (-17lbs and -16 inches)and learned so much.”

$50 Off THE SUGAR DETOX COURSE until 3/29 at midnight using this link !


About Brenda

Brenda Bennett is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, certified Sugar Detox Coach, certified Keto Coach and certified Life Coach. She has been Sugar Free & Refined carb free for 17 years and has written 2 cookbooks, Sugar-Free Mom, and Naturally Keto and her 3rd book The 30-Day Sugar Elimination Diet, is a four part program to help you detox from sugar, eliminate cravings, balance blood sugar and lose weight all while eating a delicious, nutrient dense whole foods. Meal plan offers two tracks to follow, low carb or keto. She is the founder of the Sugar Free Fresh Start course and Sugar Free Tribe weight loss membership. Learn more.

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