Clean Eating Weight Watcher Friendly Menu Plan 12-2-12 with Detox Plan











Are you enjoying your weekend? We’ve been busy with Christmas decorating and a dance recital for our daughter and a wedding to attend but we always try to enjoy the moment even in the busy. 🙂

Tomorrow I will be starting my 3 Day Cleanse & Detox for myself but obviously still need to feed my family too. So I tried to pick dinners that were easy enough and not too tempting for myself while following the plan for the 3 days. The good thing about the cleanse is I only need to make one or two dinner choices and it will be enough servings for the 3 days for either lunch or dinner for  myself. I’m going with light veggie soup and veggie quinoa salad to make ahead and the rest is easy enough as it is green smoothies for breakfast or snacks.

Are you joining me on the cleanse?



Have a great week!


About Brenda

Brenda Bennett is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, certified Sugar Detox Coach, certified Keto Coach and certified Life Coach. She has been Sugar Free & Refined carb free for 17 years and has written 2 cookbooks, Sugar-Free Mom, and Naturally Keto and her 3rd book The 30-Day Sugar Elimination Diet, is a four part program to help you detox from sugar, eliminate cravings, balance blood sugar and lose weight all while eating a delicious, nutrient dense whole foods. Meal plan offers two tracks to follow, low carb or keto. She is the founder of the Sugar Free Fresh Start course and Sugar Free Tribe weight loss membership. Learn more.

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