Dairy Free Chocolate Pudding: No Added Sugar



Chocolate pudding anyone? Creamy, luscious, smooth……..mmmmm, my favorite! Unfortunately, I never can make it because I am lactose intolerant and can’t handle the milk in it.

I’ve made some pretty yummy dairy free desserts, like Dairy Free Chocolate Mousse Topping, which is delicious and the kids love it. But it was pretty high in calories due to the coconut milk used, hence the name “topping”.

I was inspired to make this after seeing a Pinterest picture and like so many things, it was on the back burner until I had some time and a ripe avocado, HA! Here’s the original recipe. I slightly adapted it for my kids and I .

It’s not too high in calories and ever so creamy! The oldest picky child never even knew avocado was in it, can’t taste it at all! If you want more servings, just double the recipe.

We  absolutely love it and will most definitely be making it again!





So what do you think, will you give avocado pudding a try?

Maybe you’d like to try this yummy pudding frozen on a stick???? Check out:

If you don’t have chocolate stevia, you can really use any sweetener of choice, just taste an adjust.


Dairy Free Chocolate Pudding: No Added Sugar
Author: Brenda Bennett
  • 1 banana
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa powder, unsweetened
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • Optional: 1/2 teaspoon-1 teaspoon [url href=”https://www.iherb.com/p/8717?at=0&rcode=yaj035″ target=”_blank”]Chocolate Stevia[/url], in liquid form
  1. Combine banana and avocado in food processor. Process until smooth.
  2. Add vanilla, cinnamon and cocoa and process again until combined.
  3. Serve with your favorite toppings. We love nut free Trader Joe’s Granola with 3 berries!
Serving size: 1 Calories: 121 Fat: 6g Carbohydrates: 19g Fiber: 6g Protein: 2g
Weight Watchers PointsPlus: 3*




About Brenda

Brenda Bennett is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, certified Sugar Detox Coach, certified Keto Coach and certified Life Coach. She has been Sugar Free & Refined carb free for 17 years and has written 2 cookbooks, Sugar-Free Mom, and Naturally Keto and her 3rd book The 30-Day Sugar Elimination Diet, is a four part program to help you detox from sugar, eliminate cravings, balance blood sugar and lose weight all while eating a delicious, nutrient dense whole foods. Meal plan offers two tracks to follow, low carb or keto. She is the founder of the Sugar Free Fresh Start course and Sugar Free Tribe weight loss membership. Learn more.

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  1. I am very excited to try this! I get my wisdom teeth taken out soon and figure this would be a great substitute for regular pudding!

    Would regular liquid stevia taste just as good as chocolate liquid stevia?

  2. I am going to try making this pudding when the bananas are ripe! Have you tried freezing this pudding to make “pudding pops”?

  3. Thank you for the recipe! I love your blog…I am always trying to find ways to use less sugar. I too am lactose intolerant, and it’s a pain in the butt (literally if I eat the stuff), however for the occassion that I have to have the real thing (especially with cheese, ice-cream, and yogurt), I use a lactase enzyme with it and my body is able to digest the dairy just fine! Lactaid is a good brand but there are also some great generic brands available.

    1. Thanks for sharing Tiffany. I have tried the lactose enzyme and it actually makes things worse for me, just doesn’t agree with me at all, but thank you for the suggestion.

  4. Good morning Brenda,

    Guess what I’m having for breakfast? The chocolate pudding. 🙂 I made it yesterday afternoon and wanted it cold so I put it in the fridge to have it after dinner but after dinner I was too full! Just got back from the gym and was starving. Didn’t want to wait to make some eggs so I figured avocado, banana, chocolate… what could be better! I wanted to let you know that it was just as creamy as when I put it in the fridge last night. Just gave it a quick stir and It is so delish!!!!
    Love you friend and I appreciate all the hard work you do researching and experimenting with food and sugarfree alternatives.


    1. That’s wonderful Theresa! Thank you for letting me know how it worked overnight! And thank you for the compliments!Love you friend!

  5. Hi Sugarfreemom. Can I make this in the morning and have it for an afternoon snack? Or does it have to be eaten right away because of the banana and avocado?

    1. Hi Theresa! I think it would be fine to make in the morning and leave in the fridge for an afternoon snack. If its not creamy enough, whir it up again, but I think it will be fine. 🙂

  6. I made this tonight and I am eating a bowl now. I LOVE IT! I used two packets of Truvia. I topped it with sliced strawberries. YUM!
    I may not have needed the Truvia (at first I did not think it was sweet enough) after adding the strawberries. They sweetened it right up!

  7. I had tried the original of this from Pinterest too- surprised some of my friends with it at a party. They couldn’t tell it was avocado, but wasn’t sweet enough for them. I had a hard time working with the dates that the original recipe had called for. I look forward to trying this on…although I don’t think my friends will ever trust chocolate pudding from me again!

    1. Bummer with your friends, too bad, once a recipe gone bad or not to their tastes then they are quite wary for sure!

    2. if you boil some water and then let the dates soak in the hot water for a little while they get very soft and work great in the recipe. I think that it is same recipe that I have made for my husband and it is his favorite chocolate pudding. He is always so happy when I make it.

  8. In a word: Thrilled!

    Do you remember several weeks back I asked about a cholocate pudding recipe? We’ll I ran across one very, very similar to this shortly after that and thought I should pass it along to you and then got sidetracked…

    So glad you posted this and I’ll have to try the optional Chocolate Sweetleaf Stevia!

  9. did you know that cocoa and even raw cacao is a source of caffeine (drugging us as in high BP, irritability, acid reflux, PMS, fibrocystic breasts + and an MD has said that using caffeine is like beating a tired horse). So if these effects are a concern to anyone then Carob powder and some roasted grain beverage powder (as Cafix) for an added mocha flavor (without caffeine) are a wonderful satisfying alternative I have found.

  10. If you freeze the bananas first it is the consistency of ice cream. Oh and you can add peanut butter instead of avocado, give it a try.

  11. I was so psyched when I noticed that Avocado was used in this recipe! I once made a really good Avocado Chocolate pudding, but it was only good with Maple Syrup! I have yet to find a good sugar replacement to make it taste like pudding. Is the banana taste strong?

    1. I don’t think the banana taste is super strong because of the cocoa and stevia. I’ve made quite a few recipes and I wouldn’t post it if I didn’t think it had the best texture and taste. I’m not for mediocre if you know what I mean.

    2. Sorry, just wrote it in as optional since it was sweet enough for me with just the banana but my kids wanted it sweeter so its optional.

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