DIY BakedTaco Shell
Want to make tacos for dinner or lunch but you have no store bought taco shells?
NO PROBLEM!! You can make your own!!
All you need is some tortilla wraps and an oven!
This is a great way to get your family to eat healthier tacos by purchasing healthier tortilla wraps of your choice, trying to find some with whole grains and as few ingredients as possible is the best route.
So simple and only take minutes in the oven!
Here’s how to do it:
Preheat your oven to 425 degrees. Spray a baking sheet with nonstick cooking spray.
- Crumble aluminum foil into a 3 inch ball, place it on the baking sheet. Drape your tortilla wrap over the ball on the baking sheet. Spray the wrap with nonstick cooking spray.
- Fold 3-4 sheets of aluminum foil to the width you want for the opening of the shell. Lay the aluminum on one half of the tortilla wrap then fold the wrap over the top of the aluminum foil. Spray with nonstick cooking spray over the top of the wrap.
Bake for 6-8 minutes until browned and crisp! Enjoy warm!
I wonder if you could even put your filling in the shell and somehow seal it and then flash fry the whole thing like that? I’ll look into it. I love mexican foods but they can be so bad for you.
Looks intruiging! frying them is so fattening but the store bought shells taste horrible.