Family-Friendly Sugar-Free (CAMPING) Menu Plan 7/1/12
Happy Sunday to you! We are out of town on vacation, actually can you call camping a vacation? But yes I still made a menu this week because eating out is too expensive for a family of five! And I didn’t want to eat hamburgers and hotdogs all week either! So I prepared food ahead to bring with us while here. Easy breakfast and dinners. We will be doing day trips so lunch will be sandwiches or getting food wherever we are.
- Personal Baked Oatmeal with Individual toppings (can be heated with cooking spray in a pan over wrapped in aluminum on a grill or even eaten cold!) 2x
- cereal with blueberries- 2x
- scrambled eggs with turkey bacon, watermelon
- yogurt, granola, berry parfaits-recipe coming
- Whole Wheat Banana Chocolate Chip Mini Muffins
- Freezer Easy Chicken Burritos ( chicken cooked ahead )
- Whole Wheat Grilled Pizza (recipe coming soon), Chicken Sausages, grilled zucchini/squash
- Happy 4th of July! Out To Eat -2x
- Chicken Salad Cucumber Bites or as a sandwich, raw carrots/cucumbers with hummus
- Grilled Fish with veggies in an aluminum foil pouch- recipe coming soon
- Turkey Meatloaf Muffins (premade and reheated ), corn on the cob, red potatoes chopped small baked in aluminum foil pouch on grill
What’s on you menu this week?