Greek Dip Recipe Review from Aggie’s Kitchen
As soon as I spotted this yummy dip created by my friend Aggie from Aggie’s Kitchen, I couldn’t wait to try it!
I love healthy, low- calorie dips because I can have A LOT more than a fattening dip so this one is a win for me!
I didn’t change or adapt her recipe in any way. It was perfect just the way it was!
Although I didn’t have an English cucumber which the recipe called for, using a regular one with skin peeled was still delicious! The recipe made 2 cups so you can either have a 1/2 cup as a serving or 1/4 cup, both very low in calories in points.
Nutrition Info
Servings: 8 (1/4 c.) Calories: 29* Fat: 1g* Fiber: 0g* Carbs: 3g* Protein: 2g* P+: 1*
1. Shred a whole cucumber. I used my Cuisinart Food Processor, which took 3 seconds!
2. Mix all ingredients in a bowl.
3. Chill in Fridge! Serve with Whole Wheat Pita Chips or fresh crunchy veggies!
I ate mine with fresh fennel and carrots. Have you ever tried fresh fennel?
Click here to learn how to cut a fennel and make a fresh salad!
I’ve included the Nutrition Info for you but to view the ingredients and recipe you need to go directly to this page.
It looked pretty good and it sounded pretty good but after looking at about 50 recipes on your website I gave up on finding it. Kind of a low way to get people to your site.
It’s linked above to the bloggers recipe page.
Yum! Looks & sounds delish! Thanks!
I love love love that you ate this with fennel!! I’m such a dip freak, I love dipping something crunchy in this dip, so glad you enjoyed it and shared it!! Thank you!!
I love fennel!! Glad you liked the review! The dip was delicious!