Healthy Fall Menu Plan 10-7-12 & Exciting Cookbook News!











Happy Sunday! Hope you all can enjoy a blessed and wonderful day and that you also have tomorrow free from work as well since its Columbus day! We may try to go apple picking in the afternoon!But I SO Love having a 4 day week of school. 🙂

Here’s our menu plan this week, Enjoy!






I am a contributor for THIS awesome cookbook for Trader Joe’s using the awesome EASYLUNCHBOXESby Kelly Lester!!

This cookbook is all about easy, fast, BUT healthy packing for your family! All the recipes use Trader Joe’s wonderful products and include incredible recipes by well known food bloggers around the blogosphere!

If you need ideas to pack for picky children or even the hubby, this cookbook is for you! My oldest son hates sandwiches so the the ideas in here are absolutely perfect! I know if you decided to make the purchase, you will certainly not be disappointed in the least and in fact you will be hopeful! Hopeful that NOW you can please everyone in your family when it comes to packing their lunch!

So this is my first time EVER to be in PRINT ! So honored that Kelly Lester asked me to contribute and thankful for such an opportunity! Although I didn’t receive compensation for contributing I wouldn’t have passed up on this chance in a million years and am very excited to share it!

Here we are……….


and here is my Baked Oatmeal Recipe to Go!

EEEK! So cool!!


It can be bought on Amazon or Barns & Nobles. Unfortunately Rhode Island law doesn’t allow bloggers to sell on amazon or have affiliate links.

But the great news is I am an affiliate for Barnes & Nobles! It would totally bless me if you are planning on purchasing anyway that you do so through my website here. The below picture of the cookbook will link you directly to the site!

Thank you so much! I know you will love it as much as I do!


And one day I hope to be sharing with you my very own cookbook full of all the recipes you love!!! I know that God has blessed my life and my blog wouldn’t have grown as fast as it has without His hand in it. So all the praise goes to Him for the ideas for recipes to the blogs success thus far.

Putting God first in your life will never be a mistake and will be the best decision you could ever make! He loves you!!



About Brenda

Brenda Bennett is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, certified Sugar Detox Coach, certified Keto Coach and certified Life Coach. She has been Sugar Free & Refined carb free for 17 years and has written 2 cookbooks, Sugar-Free Mom, and Naturally Keto and her 3rd book The 30-Day Sugar Elimination Diet, is a four part program to help you detox from sugar, eliminate cravings, balance blood sugar and lose weight all while eating a delicious, nutrient dense whole foods. Meal plan offers two tracks to follow, low carb or keto. She is the founder of the Sugar Free Fresh Start course and Sugar Free Tribe weight loss membership. Learn more.

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  1. Congratulations! And thank you – I just reserved my copy at my local B&N; will pick it up later today. Yea! Even better, I’m one of the lucky ones that has a Trader Joe’s nearby … across the street from B&N no less. How lucky is that? Thanks Brenda – can’t wait to go through the book!

  2. That is SO cool! Congratulations! It’s also great that maybe parents will be fixing healthier lunches if they get this book.

  3. That’s beyond exciting! Now, if only a Trader Joe’s were closer than 4 hrs away…….sigh! Someday I will go there and be like a kid in a candy store 🙂

  4. Congratulations!! What a great idea for a book! Makes me want to cry that TJ’s is over an hour from me:( I would LOVE for you to write a cookbook!! I would so preorder it!!

  5. Congrats on the book! I would love to have a book like that but I’ve never even seen a Trader Joe’s before, much less been to one. I’ve heard it’s a great store! Best wishes!

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