How to Go Sugar-Free; Sugar Free Fresh Start Course

Learn how to go Sugar-Free with the Sugar Free Fresh Start Course! This is the last program you will ever need to lose the weight you want to lose, balance your blood sugar, stop the cravings for added sugar and carbs, and live your best life! 

The Sugar Free Fresh Start Course 

It is a self-paced, 5 module course designed to be done in about 4, 5 or 6 weeks, it’s up to you. You’ll learn the science and psychology of why you eat and crave sugar for emotions or circumstances. 

My course works by retraining your brain to not desire sugar in the first place. 

If you follow my guidelines and do the work, you can be free from the hold sugar has on your life, lose the weight you want to lose and live healthy, happy and free!

By the end of the course, you will no longer desire to comfort yourself with sugar and refined carbs, you will learn new habits and ways to cope with stress, upset, and boredom besides eating.

Whether you just want to kick your daily snack habit, reduce your sugar intake by removing added sugar or artificial sweeteners or completely remove sugar for good, my course can hep you!

Sugar Cravings

Relying on will power and discipline just makes cravings stronger. Most diets fail because you haven’t gotten to the root of WHY you are eating to comfort yourself. 

Sugar cravings or eating for comfort, can be seen as bad habits that grew overtime from how you respond to daily stress, anxiety, boredom, upset, etc.

The good news is that unhealthy habits or old habits that you’ve used over a long time in your life to deal with struggles, can be overcome. But it does require a little bit more than the 21-day rule or myth to remove an unwanted habit and establish a solid habit change for the better.

Behavioral changes and habit formation is an ongoing process, but the length of time will vary for each person and is dependent on a variety of factors.

Unfortunately when you decide to eliminate your favorite junk food; sugar and refined carbs can feel like an addictive substance that haunts you with cravings.

The best way to fight sugar cravings and create a new habit is to not give in to those temptations and reward that addictive behavior, which can be the hardest part.

Often when you go cold turkey, withdrawal symptoms can occur, sometimes it feels like your immune system has been attacked.

I have found effective ways to teach my clients how to combat this, as well as remove the harmful habits that have caused their weight gain in the first place. You will learn to eat real foods and healthy fats that satiate you and don’t cause cravings.

Can you relate to this scenario?

You’re eating a low-carb diet or keto diet and all was well for a week or two, then all of a sudden…. BOOM, the food CRAVINGS have hit and they have hit HARD!! Did you give in or did you grin and bear it and wonder what the heck happened?

I’ve been there my friend, more times than I can count and I know how grueling and difficult it can be, especially when you feel like you are doing everything right!

It’s not your fault or your lack of will power! There are physical and emotional reasons why we crave sugary foods and high-carb junk food and there are ways to conquer these food cravings.

The palatability of foods is one common reason we crave. Food chemists create foods to have the right amount of fats, sugar and carbs that cause an intense desire for you to want more and more.

The good news is that you can get a handle on your sweet tooth!

When you have sugar cravings and indulge, you raise your blood sugar levels, and that blood sugar spike triggers your dopamine levels, which is your excitement hormone.

This releases feel-good chemicals in the body, which tell your brain that, the simple carbs you ate filled with sugar gave you comfort and made you feel good.

The brain likes habits and this becomes stronger each time we give in to those high-carb foods like white bread, white rice, pasta, even whole grains. All contribute to spikes in blood glucose, which continues a vicious cycle of eating comfort food, weight gain, shame and guilt.

Keeping your blood sugar balanced and removing inflammatory foods is the way I have helped hundreds of women in my online sugar detox course to eliminate cravings, lose weight, reverse insulin resistance, lower A1C and improve their overall health. 

Studies show that in some people, sugar triggers a high dopamine response just like a drug addict. Some people can moderate sugar and some can’t. I need to be an abstainer because moderation never worked for me.

This course is for you if:

You’re eating more sugar and processed foods than you want to and don’t know how to stop.

You’ve tried to kick sugar before and failed countless times leaving you feeling frustrated.

Your doctor has told you to lose weight and change your diet and lifestyle to be healthier.

You set calorie/food restrictions on yourself only to forgot about them once you get stressed out or bored.

You use sugar, refined carbs and junk food to make yourself feel better.

You constantly have a negative voice beating you up about your food choices.

I’m not going to tell you that you need to be following a keto diet. I’m not going to be telling you, you need to go dairy free. I’m not going to even tell you how many carbs you need to eat each day!

I am going to tell you to eat whole nutritious food and help you figure out the right meal plan for YOUR body!

You will discover how many carbs to eat by taking this course. You will discover what carbs are a good fit for your body and what are not. You will finally find a way to remove sugar and carb cravings once and for all so you will reach a healthy weight for your body.

It’s about bio-individuality and no one should ever be telling you what vegetables are off limits for your body because every body is different and is effected differently by certain foods.

Some can eat sweet potatoes without any raise in blood sugar while others can not. This sugar free course is the only one that will meet you where you are at, to help you find what works for you to balance your blood sugar and have food freedom! 

And it’s NOT just about detoxing from too much sugar and losing weight, DIABETICS are seeing amazing results with my program!

Here’s what you’ll learn:

Module 1 you will learn how to read labels for sugar, balance your blood sugar with nourishing whole foods, the good-better-best method to avoid throwing in the towel, you will learn how to navigate food choices at parties using the 1-1-1 method, and learn how to combat cravings, triggers and troubleshooting your program for success.

Module 2 you will level up your knowledge learning about inflammatory fats & oils, exercise, self care and your relationship with the scale. 

Module 3 you will fine tune your program learning more about macronutrients, glucose & ketone testing, how to expand your comfort zone and manage emotions.

Module 4 you will learn about the influence of grains, gluten, fasting and how to end self-sabotage and perfectionism.

Module 5 you will go beyond the basics and learn how to reintroduce carbs, how to navigate plateaus, hormones, thyroid and continue to support the new you!

Christa says, “Amazing results I’m over the moon thank you so much Brenda! Went to see my endocrinologist and he took me off my fast acting insulin and drastically reduced my long actin insulin. I lost a total of 11.9 pounds and 6.5 inches and I feel great!”

Darlene says, “So awesome. I am type 2 diabetic . Have lost 13 lbs. Stopped 1 pill and cut insulin and metformin in half.”

Leslie says, “As we come to the end of our 6 week course, I have to share this truly remarkable success story – my partner was diagnosed as a Type 2 diabetic in February and ended up in ICU. So scary and I didn’t have any idea how to handle – he ended up on 105 units of short term insulin and 60 units long term per day . So hard to control & now thanks to “our” Sugar Free Mom -Brenda Bennett,…..he is on ZERO insulin and just metformin…..he’s lost 10 lbs too! We saw the endocrinologist yesterday and she said she had never seen a Type 2 Diabetic go from that much insulin to ZERO AND his glucose is in range 99% of the time !!! I can’t thank you enough for being such a REAL person and teaching me how to cook healthy and enjoy it too!”

I’ll  teach you the steps to tackle sugar cravings on a daily basis, one day at a time.

Most Frequently Asked Questions

How much does the course cost?

The Sugar Free Fresh Start course is usually $249, but right now for the month of November, I’ve greatly discounted it to just $99!!

Can I have natural sweeteners from natural sources, like fruit juice, honey or maple syrup?

No, natural sugars are not recommended while following the course. In the last module I explain how to reintroduce foods you avoided while doing the course and how to incorporate them back into your life in a way that helps you avoid cravings and weight gain.  

What do I have to stop eating? 

You will remove all sugary drinks, all ingredients with any names of sugar, like high fructose corn syrup, all refined carbohydrates, that includes pasta, bread, rice and processed, packaged sugar and high carb snack foods. You will eat real food ingredients. 

Is there a meal plan? 

Our sugar-free program doesn’t include a meal plan because I teach you how to create one eating foods you enjoy. But if you have my 30 Day Sugar Elimination Diet book, you can use that 30 day meal plan while doing this course. 

Can I eat fresh fruit?

Yes, fresh berries are on the list for low carb or keto. Some fruit is higher in carbs and should be avoided on the keto plan. 

Can I do this while traveling?

Yes, this is very manageable while traveling. You are eating real, whole natural foods and avoiding processed carbs and sugar. It can be done when eating out at restaurants. 

What happens if I fall off the wagon during the course?

If you have a slip, I teach you how to move on from it, and stop the “what the hell” effect that causes you to eat everything in sight and get back on track immediately instead of blowing the whole day or the whole weekend. 

Can I have sugar free desserts on this sugar-free diet?

In the course, I help you determine if including a little bit of sugar free sweeteners or small treats, is right for you in small amounts and whether or not your taste buds can handle it. 

Will I lose weight during the course?

Absolutely! Look at all these testimonials!

Tracy says, Week 1 Results. Weight loss 10.2 lbs , 8 1/8 inches, AM sugar # down 20 pts. Best part is that I am one day closer to being healthy !! Sugar-Free Mom for President so she can get the FDA fixed!

Angela says, “I’m down 4.6 pounds and more motivated than ever”! Just one week on Sugar Detox course!

Susan says, “I stepped on the scale this morning, after just one week on plan I’m down 4.8 pounds! So excited!”

Trish says, “ (Just catching up on week 4 because I had surgery last week- watching the meeting now). Brenda this has been a very positive experience! Before surgery I had lost 5 lbs. and was feeling better than I had in a long time. Learning a new way to think, cook, and eat has been great and I will be able to stick with this and make it a lifestyle. I have really enjoyed this course and would definitely recommend it to others!”

Carol, Hi everyone! After 6 weeks I am happy to report I’ve lost 13 lbs! I kept forgetting to measure myself which I’m disappointed I didn’t. BUT I put on a shirt today I haven’t been able to wear for months.

Michele says, “Amazing class!! I loved all of the information and learned so much. Things that I can continue without feeling deprived. I lost 9 pounds, 10” and 2% body fat!!”

Can I do this with my whole family?

Yes, this course is all about eating real foods with simple ingredients that the whole family can enjoy together. 

I can’t eat gluten or dairy or nuts, can I still do this program?

Yes, you make the healthy choices from the low carb or keto foods list provided. While dairy and nuts are available to enjoy, it is up to you whether or not you want to include them. The healthy food in our course is all gluten free. 

Is there a support network of others doing this?

Yes! Full disclosure, I would LOVE for you to join our Sugar Free Tribe membership which provides weekly live coaching and accountability 3 times per week, a private Facebook group of others with the same common goal, to break free from the hold sugar has on your life, to lose the weight and keep it off for the last time! 

When you join the Tribe membership, you get my course when you register! If fact, you get ALL my courses as part of your membership!

Everyone inside the Tribe membership has taken this Sugar Free Fresh Start course which is the foundational program. You don’t have to do this on your own!

Whether you’re struggling to lose weight or you are in maintenance, you are encouraged to reap the benefits of the support of others who are doing the same thing.

At the end of the day, if you know you are someone who loves community and support with others cheering you on, join us today! 

The holiday season is approaching! Why not take some small steps that will bring amazing health benefits to your life at this time of year? Don’t wait for the new year to start a healthy lifestyle!

One of the best ways to support your immune system through cold and flu season is with healthy eating, and eating less sugar because it feeds disease!

If this past year has taken a toll on your mental health and you’ve soothed yourself with sugar, and carbs, end the vicious cycle right now! 

Learn More about the Sugar Free Fresh Start Course Here.


About Brenda

Brenda Bennett is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, certified Sugar Detox Coach, certified Keto Coach and certified Life Coach. She has been Sugar Free & Refined carb free for 17 years and has written 2 cookbooks, Sugar-Free Mom, and Naturally Keto and her 3rd book The 30-Day Sugar Elimination Diet, is a four part program to help you detox from sugar, eliminate cravings, balance blood sugar and lose weight all while eating a delicious, nutrient dense whole foods. Meal plan offers two tracks to follow, low carb or keto. She is the founder of the Sugar Free Fresh Start course and Sugar Free Tribe weight loss membership. Learn more.

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  1. Hi I’m looking for the conversation chart for sugar vs monk fruit or stevia. Love your Facebook posts by the way.

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