Keri’s Weight Loss Success Story

Keri has lost 25 pounds with the Sugar Free Fresh Start course and with the support of the Tribe membership she is determined to conquer maintenance and make this a lifestyle for good.

Describe your experience in your efforts for weight loss before joining my program.

I’ve been heavy since high school. Always a chunky girl. Two years ago I started with Isagenix and lost about 60 pounds. I then hit a plateau and no matter what I did, could not get the scale to move.

I gained some weight back trying to figure out maintenance because that program was 2 shakes a day and I didn’t learn how to introduce real food back into my diet.

I then stumbled upon Ideal protein. I was successful and hit my goal weight 3 times but didn’t have much support. Gained weight back each time I tried to introduce foods back.

Your program is different for many reasons. There is so much support in the Tribe.

You are so personable with lots of experience and advice, the worksheets and coaching are easy to follow, the countless recordings you can reference at anytime and changing how you think is huge.

The amount of knowledge I’ve gained with reading labels and the hidden sugars has helped me with my weight loss. I don’t feel like I’m alone to figure it all out.

The quick response to any questions is huge for me.

In the past I old reach out to my coach and sometimes waited days to here back from her. 

Maintenance has been my downfall. I think trying to live life and adding foods back into my lifestyle and not falling back to old habits is my issue. Also changing the way I think and really working on that.

I’m determined to conquer maintenance and sustain this lifestyle.

Brenda your recipes are absolutely amazing. I can’t even count how many times I called you a genius. Who knew sugar free could taste even better than the processed crap.

What program did you start with and why?

I stumbled upon SugarFreeMom recipes and then bought your 30 Day Sugar Elimination diet book.

My hubby and I did the 30 day program together. Taking sugar out of my diet was a game changer.

I started the 30 day in March 2023 then continued with your 6 week Sugar Detox Course (Now newly updated to the New Sugar Free Fresh Start Course) and then joined the Tribe for the support membership. BLACK FRIDAY SALE RIGHT NOW for the course!

What have you been able to achieve and experience?

With all the programs I’ve lost 107 pounds. But this time, now losing the last 25 pounds with your program, I don’t feel like I’m alone in maintenance.

The support meetings and that you respond to emails right away has been key for me.

The accountability group that I’m in, all the girls are great and supportive and with the FB posts, there’s so much support.

What have you been able to transform?

It’s not a diet for me anymore, it’s a lifestyle. You are real, just like us and I can relate to lot of the things you say.

I’m really concerned about maintenance and want to do it right this time and stop the yo yo dieting.

I feel that with everything I have, I will be able to do it now and maintain my weight loss because I will have the support and guidance I need so I can continue this lifestyle going forward.

What have been some surprising bonuses that you weren’t expecting?

I never thought I’d be an intermittent faster and I do an 18 hour fast now and it’s been a game changer and it helped me lose that last 5 pounds.

What would you say to a woman who’s been extremely frustrated, struggling with her weight and considering but hesitant about signing up for the Tribe membership?

I’m happy with my weight loss and how I look in my clothes. I never want to be the women I was a few years ago being over weight.

I would tell any women struggling to try this program it works. The tribe is so supportive. Listening to others experiences and advice is worth the membership fee.

Learn More about the Sugar Free Tribe Membership Here.


About Brenda

Brenda Bennett is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, certified Sugar Detox Coach, certified Keto Coach and certified Life Coach. She has been Sugar Free & Refined carb free for 17 years and has written 2 cookbooks, Sugar-Free Mom, and Naturally Keto and her 3rd book The 30-Day Sugar Elimination Diet, is a four part program to help you detox from sugar, eliminate cravings, balance blood sugar and lose weight all while eating a delicious, nutrient dense whole foods. Meal plan offers two tracks to follow, low carb or keto. She is the founder of the Sugar Free Fresh Start course and Sugar Free Tribe weight loss membership. Learn more.

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