Low Carb vs Keto Diet and My 6 Week Results
The differences between a Low Carb Diet and Ketogenic Diet and my 6 Week Keto Results!
If you’re following my blog then you are most likely into a sugar free diet and many of you are also low carb. But I’m guessing there aren’t too many of you following me that are on the keto diet so I figured a post all about the differences might be needed.
Most of my recipes are all low carb, some lower carb then others and fit nicely into a keto lifestyle. You’ll see below my 6 week results. I’d love to hear if you are new to low carb, or on keto and your results, please share in the comments!
I’ve been on a low carb diet for the last four years. My meaning of low carb might be different from yours as there really isn’t a one size fits all. Every persons body will respond in a different way to the amount of carbs you are taking in daily.
It’s often understood that a low carb diet is one in which your carbohydrate intake is under 150 grams per day, yet others say under 100 grams is better. My low carb diet consisted mostly of carbs from veggies and fruits and my range was between 50-70 grams per day.
I was quite high in protein and ate a moderate amount of fat. It was just right since I was maintaining my weight, but not low enough to firm, tone and see the muscle I wanted to achieve. I’ve been seeing a trainer twice a week for the last year for full body workouts, but just wasn’t satisfied with how my body was responding. I recently decided a keto diet might be best to really achieve the tone and muscle I was looking for.
When you’re on a low carb diet, you can certainly lose weight, but you are still using glucose (sugar) from the carbs you are eating to fuel your body. This means you’ll often have to eat every 3-4 hours because you’ll be hunger and you need that glucose to function throughout the day.
The Keto Diet may seem extreme to some of you at just 20 net carbs per day which is about 5% of your daily food intake, some people even do less! In fact, I was reluctant to trying this for a long time, years really, feeling like so low in carbs would be too difficult for me since I love my veggies.
Protein is more of a moderate approach consisting of about 15-25% of your daily food intake. If you’re weight training and active like I am, 20-25% is appropriate. If you lead a more sedentary lifestyle you don’t need as much protein, more like 15-20%.
The biggest difference is in the fat!! Your fat should be around 55-75% of your daily food intake! UPDATE 2021; How Much Fat Should You Eat to Lose Weight On Keto?!
When I first heard that, I was like, “Are you kidding, No Way, I will surely gain weight!” I was truly wrong and misguided. I think we’ve all been too accustomed to hearing for years and years that fat makes you fat! That is the farthest thing from the truth. Let’s not blame the butter for what the bread did. Sugar and Carbs are the culprit to gaining weight among other health related issues.
Once you start eating this very low amount of carbs, your body will become keto adapted. You are starving it from the carbs therefore it needs to find a source of fuel. There is a bit of controversy on how many carbs a day will get you into ketosis, but a range of 20-30 is a good start. When you’re in ketosis, your body will no longer have the carbs it once used to fuel your body. It will have to resort to using your own body fat for fuel. This is amazing because you’ll lose body fat if that was your goal and many other benefits you’ll see below.
It could take a few days to a few weeks to a few months, everyone is different. Since I’ve been low carb for a few years I really thought I’d get into ketosis in a few days, that was not the case. It took almost a month!
The Benefits of a Keto Diet vs Low Carb
- You’re Not Hunger between meals. You can go anywhere from 6-12 even 16 hours without feeling starving!
- You don’t have cravings for sugar as you once did. Instead you’ll start craving good, healthy fat!
- Your hormones will be balanced. No crazy mood swings or irritability.
- You’ll have great mental clarity. No more fogginess.
- You’ll have a ton of energy without the need for caffeine!
- You’ll lose body fat and see the differences in your body, not just the number on the scale!
Besides having the benefits mentioned above, if you really want to make sure you are in ketosis I would suggest buying a glucometer which is a blood test. A simple prick on your finger using ketone strips to measure. Anywhere from 0.5 and up means you are most likely keto adapted. It’s definitely not cheap but it is the most accurate measurement. There are other methods as well, like using urine ketone strips but not as accurate I don’t feel. There is also a breath ketone meter if you hate the blood pricking idea.
You’ll find it’s not as hard as you think it will be if you’re just starting out. Keep the fat high and you’ll be satisfied and never hungry. My recipes are low carb though some are not as low as others. If you are browsing my recipes, sticking to less than 10 net carbs per serving will easily fit into your macros for a keto lifestyle!
My 6 Week Keto Results

My video above goes into a lot more details of what I did for the 6 weeks. But basically you can see the results in the photos below. May not be as dramatic as I would have hoped in 6 weeks and I may need to change some things over the next few weeks if I don’t see results, but overall I’m happy with my small improvements.
Like my Coffee shirt in the video? You can get one for yourself at this link!
I realize the right pic looks different or that I’m more tan looking, but it was just taken at night and the bathroom light was needed whereas the first pic was in the morning with daylight from the window.
Crazy right though? I just can’t even believe it for myself until I see this picture of my mid section! I’m truly in shock how it was just 2.4 pounds I lost in 6 weeks and just a half percent in body fat. But clearly the keto diet produces results. I feel better. I look leaner and more toned and I’m just motivated to continue on even though I’m not one of those people who have lost a crazy amount of weight in a short time. I’m in it for the health benefits I mentioned above, but also I’m feeling pretty darn good in my size 6 pair of jeans!
Maintaining a healthy weight has never been easy for me. I’ve struggled with sugar addiction and weight gain since I was a teen. You can read about my whole journey here and see Before pics as well. But since I’ve been low carb over the last 4 years I’ve been able to easily maintain my weight. Now with keto, I’m hoping to change my body even more. I may not lose “pounds” but just seeing these results shows the scale number is just one measurement and to me the body fat number is more important.
It’s worth it and I hope you’ll be encouraged to do something different in your life if you are at a plateau or just dissatisfied. You can’t keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.
If you have any questions getting started, just leave a comment on this post. I’ll be happy to answer as much as I am able and if I don’t know the answer as I’m fairly a newbie to this, I will certainly do my research or ask a keto expert friend, since I do have a few of them!
Hi, I am new to keto. When you talk of percentage, is it by weight or calories?
What I understand is the following:
If I eat 20 grams carb, 70 grams protein and 100 grams fat daily it would be
carb: 10.5%, protein: 37% and fat 53%?
I added the weight of the 3 and calculated the percentage for each one.
Is this the correct way to calculate?
Thanks a lot
I would suggest using a keto calculator on the various websites I mentioned like Maria Body Mind Health or Ketogains. 20 net carbs, not total carbs. So I subtract the total carbs from the fiber to get my net carbs. It should be just 5% of your day, just like the chart I posted, protein can range from 15-25% for my body that is anywhere between 60-80 grams a day and the rest is fat.
Ok. Thanks I’ll look for the keto calculator.
Hi Brenda,
My name is Deb and i am in a bit of a pickle.
Well first i have Type 2 diabetes, 2nd i have no gall bladder and 3rd i am overweight.
With no gall bladder i cant eat fats not even healthy ones.
Can you help
Oh man that is tough. I’m not a doctor so I can’t advise you but I would suggest looking up Dr.Eric Berg, I’ve heard him mention people without gallbladders doing keto but again you’ll need to find out from a doctor.
LOVE keto! I started January 23rd and have lost 17 lbs!! One more lb and I will have lost 10% of my body weight. I am so excited about these results and feel great! I wish I had taken before pics, but people are noticing. I was “winging” keto for most of this time, not truly counting macros. Just yesterday I downloaded carb manager and boy was it eye opening! I feel I am now better equipped to make this work. Most importantly, I’m excited to see what my A1C is next month. By my lab values, I am a diabetic. It runs rampant in my family. I do not want to have to go on medication…hoping to get things under control with diet and exercise. I am so thankful for all the wonderful resources online that are helping me do this and for a network of encouragement as we all try to be a healthier version of us!
What great results you’ve had, congrats!
I want to do it but i dont know where and how to star any recomendation ? How did you start how did you learn what kind of food to eat? And also how myfitnesspal calculate net carbs? Cuz for me puts general carbs.
Thank you!! You look beautiful by the way!!
My Fitness Pal doesn’t calculate net carbs but you just subtract the dietary fiber from the total carbs you’ll have net carbs.
It’s vise versa. ?
Hello Brenda,
I too have been following you for a long time, trying your recipes and loving most of them. I am 4 days into the keto diet. I have not looked at the scale yet, but I kinda feel like my clothes fit a bit better. I am not in ketosis though…I was glad to hear that it took you a bit longer to get there so I don’t feel like I am doing it wrong. I am 62 and 5 foot 2 and I just can’t seem to keep my protein low enough. Too much meat I am guessing. I am trying to stay at 1330 calories, 105 grams of fat, 20 carbs, and 76 protein. I am very interested in learning what you eat in your typical meals for the day. I use the free version of My fitness pal.
Having digestive problems with low carb, in-controllable diarrhea. I did find an article that helped, but wondering if high fat would do more damage? Would link the article here but not sure if that is allowed.
I’ve not heard of that happening on keto, more often I’ve heard people getting constipated, but that just requires adding magnesium to your diet which I take nightly.
I’ve also been following you for awhile, when I knew I needed to cut back on sugar. I am a 56 yo woman who started Keto just after Christmas and am down 12 lbs so far. Many, many more to go. I was looking for recipes and ran across yours, again, thank you! And btw, you look GREAT!
Thank you!
Praise God, Brenda for your success! You look fabulous and show your beauty inside and out. Thank you for the encouragement. I, too, have experimented with both low carb and keto for years. I am your age and I understand the “food journey,” which leads to better health and overall well being. I have fibromyalgia and other immune disorders and have found that keto is best for me, as well in terms of energy, pain, and weight loss/management. I exercise daily and weight train in a fasted state with no problem. I fast regualarly, not eating for 14-19 hours, and I am not hangry nor hungry. I truly believe intermittent fasting, a keto diet, and exercise are the keys to true success for weight loss and maintance. Thank you for sharing your story, pictures, and delicious recipes. Most of all thank you for being an inspiration and building up your followers. Keep pressing on! God bless you, Amy
Thank you So Much Amy!!
Brenda, you said you want your body to burn the fat you have stored not te fat you eat. How do you accomplish that task? I’ve been making Keto meals but really haven’t noticed a drop in weight or much of a difference in my composition. What could I be doing wrong.? I’m 5,0” and 141 post menopausal.
But are you tracking your food intake into a calculator? You could be eating low carb but higher than needed for a keto diet.
Congratulations on your keto success! i started keto on September 2, 2017 after reaching my highest weight ever of 192. As of this morning, I’ve lost 50 pounds, weighing 142. I’ve struggled with weight my entire life, & never thought I would be this size or weigh this little. I have never felt better! My hormones are stabilized (I’m 60, so I have the perimenopausal thing going on); my acid reflux is almost completely gone; my arthritis symptoms are gone; I’m sleeping MUCH better; and my skin isn’t dry! I started keto for weight loss, but now I know the weight loss is a perk. I’m never “hangry” and have been able to incorporate 24 – 48 hour fasting into my weekly regime with no difficulty. I do intermittent fasting every day, eating all my food in 8 – 12 hours daily. My “food obsession” is gone; yet, I love eating more than I ever did pre-keto! I eat only when I’m hungry (not by a clock) and stop when I’m satisfied. I agree that a lot of docs still are not on board with keto. A great book to understand keto from a medical perspective is Jimmy Moore’s Keto Clarity. I think the reason some people don’t do well on keto is they have a difficult time embracing the idea of eating “this much fat”. Happily, I’m an “all or nothing” person, so when I started keto, I jumped in – and found that the fat fills me up faster & keeps me full longer so I don’t have cravings. When I do want something sweet, I make a keto treat – but it’s not every day or even every week. Most of the time, I’m super happy on my bacon, sour cream, cream cheese,and fattier meats! I am keto for life – there is no reason to go back to eating any other way!
You’ve had some amazing results! I love the fat too and it really came naturally to eat that much!!
Is it ok to be on the Keto Diet if you have High cholesterol from family genetics?
High cholesterol runs in my family, both my parents. I would say you should still do your research, like reading the book Cholesterol Clarity by Jimmy Moore,https://amzn.to/2K2IxDv.
You looked great before, you look amazing now! You can absolutely see the difference. Well done! I’m just starting my keto journey (for about the 4th time) but I feel this time I’m going to smash it. Btw, LOVE your recipes 🙂
Thank so much Anita!
Wow what a difference. You look great keep it up. I’m trying keto now . It’s really hard but thanks for all your help and information
Hi and thanks for sharing! Like you, I’ve been low-carb and for a while (a loooong while) low fat. I want to try a Keto diet, but am “afraid” of the fat; similar to your situation. I don’t have weight to lose, but definitely am in the same boat about not liking the shape and firmness (lack of) my body despite daily exercise and weightlifting.
I’m not an egg person at all. Any ideas for breakfasts? And, how do you feel about getting your carbs from veggies as those are the love of my life!
Thanks and awesome job!
You can definitely do keto without eggs. For a while I just did bulletproof coffee for breakfast which is super filling. But I have my 2 minute english muffin you might like. And my Crock pot granola is fantastic too with unsweetened almond milk. I love all veggies but I did have to cut way back in order to not go over my 20 net carbs. I just make sure to enjoy different veggies each day so I don’t feel like I’m missing out.
Good for you!! You look very trim and healthy. I started Keto in mid March, 2017, weighing 160 lbs.. By June 1 I had lost 20 pounds and today I weigh 133.8 lbs. I was wearing very tight size 14 jeans and refused to buy 16’s, thus my Keto journey began. I’m now wearing size 10 comfortably, the fat rolls are gone and I’m never starving. In fact, I have to remind myself to eat. Keto has become my lifelong eating regimen.
So happy for you!
Ok I am a dummy when it comes to media….but how do I follow your blog? And where do I find your recipes?
You can find all my recipes on the main landing page of my website. There’s a search bar at the top and you can type anything you’re looking for, if I’ve made a recipe for it you’ll see it. Also there’s a tab at the top of the page that says recipe index and a ton of categories for you to find what you’re looking for. If you want to never miss a new recipe, I post twice weekly, you can subscribe to my website by adding you email address in the middle of the landing page, that says, Never Miss a Recipe. Hope that helps!
The pictures look great and yes I brought about the advantages of the keto diet. My question is is I am a type one diabetic and is this type of a diet healthy for me?
Absolutely, very helpful for regulating blood sugar for diabetics.
Hi Karen. I am also a type 1. Keto works great for me. My blood sugars have never been better. You will need to pay attention to your insulin needs. When you go low carb you do need to start taking some insulin for protein. There are Facebook groups that can help. Diabetics transitioning to LCHF is one.
Thank you for mentioning this Facebook group. I was just diagnosed in November with Type 1 (51 yo here). I have been on Keto for about 3 months. Unfortunately, I lost so much weight that I am trying to gain. I will look up this group. Hopefully, someone will have some pointers.
Brenda, you look fantastic!
Brenda! This is phenomenal! Way to go. Thank you for your bravery and courage in posting those photos – you look amazing! You have inspired me. I am going to do a six-week challenge of my own, including photos.. I can’t wait to see the results . Six weeks goes by pretty quickly.
I was on the ketogenic diet for 6 months to support my husband, who is on it permanently for epilepsy. The diet totally messed with my hormones, which my doctor and my husband’s nutritionist sadly confirmed was a possibility. I am continuing to eat low-carb, but the ketogenic thing unfortunately seemed to work against me as a 49-year old pre-menopausal woman.
I am glad to see this lifestyle working for you! Love your recipes and your inspiration!
Thank you! I think though many doctors and nutritionists are not keto friendly at all. They still believe in moderation and that grains are important, my own hubby’s doctor, same thing. That way of eating has failed for so many of us, even my husband. I think the keto diet is especially helpful if you’re in pre-menopausal, but that’s just my 2 cents. I’d say do more research. I’v found Dr.Jockers on youtube and Dr.Eric berg to have sound advice.
Exactly. Keto worked miraculously for me pre-menopause but my 50’s have been rough terrain-I’m 55 now. I don’t know what the answer is and it is **definitely** harder during menopause. I’d love to hear from other mid-menopausal keto ladies if and how they’ve had success.
I am post menopause and I did lose about 40 lbs. Then I stalled and stalled. I was too hot all the time and was having sleep issues. I added more carbs and was better. I attempted keto/ low carb again in January. Two weeks in I had the same symptoms. It is not uncommon. It works well for some but not for me and a few of the other women at my gym. I liked what I was eating and I stuck to it through the stall but no. With the guidance of my trainer I have modified it, lost weight and feel great. Sleep helps!
I was on keto for 4 months. Lost 65 lbs At first, I felt good, but my workouts became more intense and I lost so much energy. Sleep sucked; I only got about 4 hours a night. I was miserable and had zero energy. I went off; gained about 20 back and then went on the Bulletproof program. It was okay; I just hated so many restrictions. So then I decided to go on a low carb, NOT KETO program. I feel great; I lost 11 pounds my very first week! Keto didn’t even produce those results! I have a shake in the AM (grass fed protein powder, 1/2 tbsp. olive oil and 1/4 cup strong brewed coffee and 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese), mid AM snack is bone broth mixed with 1 scoop of collegen protein powder, lunch is 3 oz. roasted chicken and steamed veggies, 1 slice of Ezekiel bread and 1/2 tbsp. Kerry gold butter. Afternoon snack is 1 oz macadamian nuts and 1/2 oz. cashews. Dinner is a shake; grass fed vanilla protein powder, 1 1/2 cups fresh spinach, 1/2 tbsp. olive oil and 1/2 cup fresh strawberries. Filling and a total YUM because I have enough carbs to keep me asleep! And I average 2 lbs. loss a week. I do 30 minutes of cycling, weight training daily (one body part a day), abs daily (switch between obliques and front abs). I also do a resistance band on my legs and do clams; trying to build my hip flexers and strengthen lower back. It’s working 🙂 No more keto for me. It prevents me from working out hard and zaps my sleep and energy. It was good for what it was; taking off a good portion of weight.
So glad to hear that I’m not the only one that’s not dropping pounds/inches like gangbusters…I’ve been “pretty” low carb/keto, lift twice a week and cardio 3 other days and nothing…nothing happens. I’d like to lose 10-15 pounds and just can’t seem to get anywhere…55…post menopausal. I’d say that my carbs are generally around 30 per day or less and I do IF. Love to hear your thoughts.
Melanie, curious to know what the quality of the foods you are eating? Organic? Grass fed Beef/butter? What oils are the using for fats? And do you think you are getting enough dark leafy greens, which give you the nutrient density needed to detox well? toxins stored in fat cells can cause issues with weight lose. looking into these topics and some light tweaks may help you with your goals! Best of luck!
Yes, I love Dr Berg. It is because of him I found you while searching for sugar-free recipes. I LOVE your recipes and my picky husband and son do as well. My husband was having joint issues and putting on some fat in his middle. Since starting Keto he has trimmed down and has much less joint pain. I feel so much better on a Keto diet. Thinking is more clear, more energy, less body aches and pains and much less fatigue. I have a long way to go. The diversity of your recipes make it so much easier to stick to the Keto lifestyle. I am a big fan and really appreciate your work. 🙂
Thank you so much! How did you find me through Dr.Berg?
Hi Brenda,
Thanks so much for sharing your results. You look so good, and you have inspired me to try a more structured version of the Keto Diet. I lost some weight recently on HCG 2.0, which puts you into ketosis (keto flu and all!). I have tried to maintain my weight loss with a version of the Keto Diet, but I know that I am probably still eating too many carbs and not enough fat. I am 47, and I contine to have issues with keeping the weight off despite a healthy diet and exercise. I am sure it is hormone-related.
I really appreciate all of your recipes. I have tried many of them, and my favorite (and my daily breakfast) is the blueberry english muffin bread. It helps so much when you miss bread.
I wish you well moving forward and can’t wait to see your future posts!
So happy that I inspired you! Thank you!
Hello Brenda,
I have a couple of questions; does this promote diabetes if you fall back to your old diet? How do you stick to the diet? How does this affect kidneys?
thank you for your help!
No definitely does not promote diabetes and can in fact help people get off meds too! Drinking lemon in your water helps you not to get kidney stones.
Hello Brenda, I have been reading your blog for awhile now. I have a hard time sticking to the Keto diet, is there a plan to follow? I also wanted to ask; “are you a diabetic? will this cause diabetes if you fall back to your old ways? Thank you!
I don’t have a plan but I think my next post will be what I eat in a day and some ideas for recipes that are easy without much prep.
I really appreciate this article. I have done low Carb for the most part for over 15 years and was able to keep my weight down. Now that I have gone through menopause is just keeps getting harder. I try doing keto but tend to fall off the wagon a lot and go back to low Carb or Weight Watchers. Simple ideas would be great. I think some keto bloggers make it seem that you have to create difficult recipes. Thanks for all you do.
Thank you!
Awesome! Thank you I have a problem adding the fat, can you give an example of how do you add the fat to your meals? Thank you
Easily with kerrygold butter on meat, love that stuff or olive oil on veggies.
I ditto that. I’m starting the keto diet, but am struggling to get my macros right. I usuaslly end up with too much protien and not enough fat. A daily “menu” to try to copy would be great! I”m 59, almost 60 and have about 20 to get off. My birthday is October and would like to have this gone by then! Thank you for all you do. I love reading your posts!!
Thanks Debbie, I will work on it. I mean even if you’re not exact on the fat and protein the most important part is really not going over the 20 net carbs.
I’m totally with you Debbie – same age, same weight loss amount, even same birthday month!
Thank you Brenda looking forward to your next post so I can get an idea on what to eat daily when I start the Keto diet as I have about 12kg to shed.
Love your recipes been following your blog for a few years now.
At 64 I had over 125 lbs to lose. I started a Keto Diet 7 months ago and have lost 75lbs. I have a number of autominnune issues and my health was so bad I was almost bedridden. I now do a water workout twice a week and yoga. I can see a low carb diet being my way of life after I get down to my goal weight. I feel so much better and I agree I am never hungry. I recommend the Bullet Proof Coffee for Kate. Coffee with cream, coconut butter and butter, blend. Adds fat to your diet and keeps you full.
I was doing a bullet proof coffee for a while but trying to skip that because I want my body to use my fat stores instead of the fat I’m consuming.
Awesome job Brenda. Very interested in this post ad I have been low carb for quite a while but just not shedding the pounds! I’m confused about why you don’t think bullet proof coffee is a good idea when you say we have to up the fat intake??? I’m still reading further so maybe I will spot the answer. Michelle
Well from what I’ve learned and of course there is conflicting info, no one is really an expert and every person is different, but I lose the bullet proof coffee but I’d rather “eat” my fat amount later in the day I guess. Like in the form of a sweet fat bomb or something. I’ve read that too much fat for where I’m at with just like 5 pounds to lose, I may not see the scale move because my body will only be burning the fat I’m eating. I’m still experimenting to see what works best for me. Right now I’m slowly losing and seeing results. I guess if the I stop seeing any results I will have to change things up. I will be sure to post about it.
I am doing keto for 2 weeks and see no results or difference at all! I feel very good but no weight loss. I have been low carb for a while before keto. Is this normal in your opinion?
Well it depends. How much weight do you need to lose? If you are like me, and only 5-10 pounds then yes you might be a slow looser as I was. But if you do have a lot of weight to lose and haven’t seen any chances in two weeks I would ask if you’re counting your macros or just guessing on amounts. I would definitely start tracking your food because often you are eating way more than you think.
Super helpful exchange here. Thank you. Any record on best Keto apps to track and measure macros?
I’ve been on keto for 3 months and only down 10 pounds. Check your inches though. Cholesterol levels went way down. Dr was happy
bet you didn’t do it strict or you would have lost weight.
You look great! Actually your recipes are linked on several Keto groups. That is where I found you and have been following for awhile. Sometimes just a small adaptation is needed. If you are recommending a blood meter for ketones, you should consider the Keto Mojo. They have a great meter and their strips are only $1 each.
Keep up the good work. I have been on Keto since June 15, 2017 and have dropped from a size 18 to a 10 in most brands. I can squeeze into a 6 in NYDJ. LOL. That was with 55 lbs gone.
Keto on girl!
Congrats to you and thank you!
Thank you for this post, very accessible and informative, and thank you also for all you contribute to the low-carb cause.
How funny.. my two questions are the same as Kate above, except that I’m not diabetic, but I am 51 and struggling with hormones.
Hi Brenda. Pics look fabulous!! You are an inspiration! I’ve been following you for a while now. I’ve really been enjoying your recipes. It’s an added bonus that you are a Patriots fan!
Quite by coincidence I started Keto around the same time as you. I’m 48 and had been struggling with hormones. I’ve lost 10 pounds, not bragging as I had far more to lose than you. I have 2 questions. First, I’m struggling with getting all of my fat in. Never thought I’d tire of avocados. Do you have any good fat bomb recipes? I’ve tried many online and they just don’t taste good at all. Hoping with all your experience you may have some ideas. Most websites have the same recipes as others.
Second, I have not started exercising yet. I am Tupe 1 diabetic and trying to level out my blood sugar before starting (so far so good). From all I’ve read Keto does reduce your strength some. Most report a challenge with high intensity workouts or sports. Have you had any challenge with working out? Or needed to adapt your plans?
Thanks. Keep up the good work!!
I think my 3 ingredient Peanut Butter Fudge is an awesome fat bomb! I’ve not had too much trouble with my workouts and I’m doing them in a fasted state. I’ve heard consuming bone broth before a workout can definitely help because of the sodium.
Hi Brenda, I’m a fan! I love what you do! Pictures look great! I’m 61 Keto for 14 months and 60 lbs off! 10 more to go. I eat at TDEE to loose it works for me. I’m 5’8” 1900 calories 20 total carbs 50 protein and 182 fat. Copious amounts of fat! I speed walk. I live too far a gym to go. Rural MS! Blessings on your journey. Thank you for all you do!
Thank you!
Hi Vivian – I am 60 yo and researching Keto and would love more information from you since we are same age. What is TDEE? What fat sources do you use and how much daily? What are some meals you make regularly and what does a day of food look like? What is the easiest/best way to count carbs getting started? If you and Brenda are ok with you giving me your email I would love to learn more from you! I just need some help getting started. Brenda – thank you for all your information and recipes!