Low Carb Keto Meal Plan Week 22

Ketogenic Low Carb Dinner Meal Plans sent right to your email each week!


Low Carb versus Keto

A low carb diet usually consists of 100 grams or less of carbohydrates, moderate protein and fat. But a keto diet is higher in fat, more like 75-80% of your daily intake and much lower in carbs, only about 5% of your daily food intake.

It’s somewhat difficult to adjust if you’ve feared fat all your life, but once you start enjoying more healthier fats you will begin to crave and love it. You’re body will love it, you’ll be more satiated and you feel fuller for longer. The best part of being on a keto diet is the ability to not need to snack as you once did. Once your body starts using your own fat for fuel as opposed to being a sugar burner and using glucose, you will not need to eat as frequently and if you’re trying to lose weight you won’t be as hungry as you once were. That has been the biggest and greatest transition for me going from a low carb diet, with carbs mostly coming from vegetables, I constantly needed to snack. My body on a low carb diet did not use fat for fuel, therefore I was hungry every 2-3 hours. It does take some time, about 3-5 days to get into ketosis, and some people it may take even longer depending on your diet before trying keto, but it is worth it. If you’re looking for a great way to enjoy losing weight and remove sugar cravings from your diet for good, I would highly recommend the keto diet. You can read more about my 6 week results in this most, Low Carb vs. Keto diet. 

This week on the meal plan you’ll enjoy some delicious new meals form my first cookbook, BBQ Bacon Turkey Burgers and Coconut Crusted Chicken Tenders. Recipe from my blog will be Crock Pot Chicken Marsala, Short Ribs, Maple Egg Loaf and desserts include Key Lime Pie Bars and Raspberry Cheesecake Mousse.

Meal Plan Membership

If you love recipes like this for yourself and family, you might be interested in my meal planning membership. Weekly low carb keto meal plan sent to your inbox every Friday with shopping list. The best part about my meal planning feature is that if you aren’t interested in one of the dinner meals you can swap it out for something else! You can even change serving sizes and the shopping list will adjust! It pretty amazing software and I hope you’ll take advantage of it. You can have a sustainable low carb/keto lifestyle when you’re well prepared and planning meals is the key!  LEARN MORE TODAY!

Since January 1st I’ve added a meal planning membership that provides you a weekly menu plan with detailed shopping list. Once you receive the meal plan in your email, all you have to do is print the shopping list. You get the new weeks menu each Friday and the week begins on Sunday so that allows you to food shop Friday or Saturday to get ready for the week ahead.

Unlike other meal plans you may have tried, this meal plan is adjustable! This means if you’re not crazy about a particular meal, you can swap it out for something else and the best part is that the shopping list adjusts accordingly! Besides that, if you don’t have a large family like I do, you can adjust the servings of all the meals and again the shopping list will adjust. It’s pretty amazing software!

Week 22 menu is up today and will be mailed out tomorrow for all those who are members. This means you can get started this weekend! LEARN MORE!


About Brenda

Brenda Bennett is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, certified Sugar Detox Coach, certified Keto Coach and certified Life Coach. She has been Sugar Free & Refined carb free for 17 years and has written 2 cookbooks, Sugar-Free Mom, and Naturally Keto and her 3rd book The 30-Day Sugar Elimination Diet, is a four part program to help you detox from sugar, eliminate cravings, balance blood sugar and lose weight all while eating a delicious, nutrient dense whole foods. Meal plan offers two tracks to follow, low carb or keto. She is the founder of the Sugar Free Fresh Start course and Sugar Free Tribe weight loss membership. Learn more.

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