Naturally Sweetened Lemonade


Have lemons? Make Lemonade! All naturally sweetened of course! You knew I couldn’t let spring and summer begin with out a healthy sugar-free lemonade did you?!

My kiddies LOVE lemonade and when I made my healthy sugar- free version they were quite skeptical and so was the hubby. BUT I promised them it would be as delicious as buying a pre-made mixture and it was! They couldn’t believe it was sugar- free. Even the hubby said it was delish!

You only need 2 ingredients besides water, that’s it!


And don’t waste anything because once you get all the lemon juice out of the lemons, you can throw the rinds in your garbage disposal. Makes it smell oh so good in your kitchen sink!




 How can you not love this? Just like drinking water BUT with awesome TASTE haha!!

Need a snack with that lemonade?

Check out my Healthy Dessert Page!

Note: If you don’t have liquid stevia, replace with 1 teaspoon powdered or 6 packets.


Naturally Sweetened Lemonade
Author: Brenda Bennett
Serves: 8
  • 6 fresh lemons, juiced
  • 1 lemon to slice and add to pitcher
  • 1 teaspoon Liquid Stevia, Lemon Drop
  • 2 quarts of water
  • 1 cup ice cubes
  1. Slice lemons in half, squeeze out juice into a bowl, remove seeds. Add juice to a large pitcher.
  2. Add 2 quarts of water to a pitcher.
  3. Stir in 1 teaspoon of stevia. Taste it and decide if you want it sweeter. We were happy with this amount.
  4. Slice one whole lemon and add to pitcher.
  5. Add the ice cubes and serve!
  6. Makes 64 ounces.
Serving size: 8 ounces Calories: 9 Fat: 0 Carbohydrates: 3g Sugar: 0 Sodium: 0 Fiber: 0 Protein: 0 Cholesterol: 0
Weight Watchers PointsPlus: 0














What do you think?

Think your family will choose this over the pre-made mixture?

Do a blind taste test and see which they prefer!





About Brenda

Brenda Bennett is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, certified Sugar Detox Coach, certified Keto Coach and certified Life Coach. She has been Sugar Free & Refined carb free for 17 years and has written 2 cookbooks, Sugar-Free Mom, and Naturally Keto and her 3rd book The 30-Day Sugar Elimination Diet, is a four part program to help you detox from sugar, eliminate cravings, balance blood sugar and lose weight all while eating a delicious, nutrient dense whole foods. Meal plan offers two tracks to follow, low carb or keto. She is the founder of the Sugar Free Fresh Start course and Sugar Free Tribe weight loss membership. Learn more.

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  1. Your link to purchase stevia is unaccessible. FYI. BTW, I love that you boldly put that you are a Christian! Way to be bold about your faith!

  2. Hey Brenda I am a head teacher of a school and the school decided we should make a lemonade stand for the summer i thought it was a great idea so me and some students tried this recipe and it was great all the kids loved it.each cup costs 20p and in the last 3 weeks we have made £54 We will definitely make these more often.I tried one myself and I was amazed it was lovely I actually don’t know how to describe it! Thanks so much for sharing this recipeXxxxxx

  3. Probably already told you, but I have been making this for a year or two and it is one of my favorites. I think Stevia can be a little sour so it works well when making lemonade. I make this every day, winter or summer.

  4. I just made this and its absolutely delicious … i have a pitcher of lemonade in my fridge to keep cool .. tomorrow i am making the strawberry lemonade .. thank you for your recipes

  5. I only have the powdered stevia in the packets. do you know how much i would need to make it as sweet as this recipe?

    1. Hi Tiffany, I would start with 4 packets and continue to taste it to see if it is sweet enough to your liking, adding more if you need.

  6. Made this today with my 10 year old son and he declared it the best thing we have done all summer! He said it’s a ‘must make’ for our 4th of July family gathering. 🙂 Your blog has been so helpful to me in trying to pare down my sugar and my family’s too in a way that keeps everyone happy. thanks!!

    1. Oh that is awesome! Winning over a 10 year old with a healthy lemonade, I love it! Thank you for sharing!

  7. Hi, Brenda! I thought I’d follow up and let you know that the kids loved it at the birthday party! Even my picky seven-year-old called it “perfectly sweet.” 🙂 And I really like the lemon drop liquid stevia even more than I thought I would. I’ve discovered that sparkling water, a squeeze of lemon juice, and a few drops of lemon stevia is my new favorite kick-back and relax summer evening beverage! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Oh yes, besides water this is our family’s beverage. I use just plain liquid stevia & bottle lemon concentrate from Costco. I use berry stevia to sweeten green smoothies & tried it in the lemonaid rather than plain stevia. AMAZING!! It tastes like strawberry lemonaid, so yummy!!

  9. Sounds delish! Think I’ll try it w/the flavored sparkling water so it will have fizz 🙂 I love all your recipes/ideas that I’ve tried (and there’ve been lots!). Thank you for sharing so unselfishly…..

  10. So excited to try this… Lemonade was a big summertime fave of mine before my big sugar reduction. I had figured it was just out now, so this makes me so very happy !!!

    1. I really just made it for the kiddies, I’m not much of a lemonade fan but when I tried it myself I couldn’t believe how good it was LOL!

  11. Yippee! Thanks! I have been dying to try your ice cream (with the toffee) and frozen yogurt recipes too, so I’m going to try several. Would you say that the chocolate liquid stevia is important to your chocolate frozen yogurt recipe, or would plain liquid stevia work just as well with the addition of the cocoa powder?

    1. You could use plain, the chocolate stevia just adds more chocolate flavor than just the cocoa, but it should be ok.

  12. Ooh! My son’s birthday party is coming up, and I would love to try this instead of some sort of sugary drink mix! I don’t know where to find these cool flavored liquid stevias though. I believe that I saw elsewhere on your site that you order online through And there was a code if people use your referral? Is that still on the table? I wouldn’t want to use anything without permission!

    1. Oh Yes you can still use the code its YAJ035. Have a wonderful Bday party for your son, the kids will totally love this! They really won’t know the difference!

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