Personal Sized Baked Oatmeal with Individual Toppings: Gluten Free & Diabetic Friendly

Personal Sized Baked Oatmeal with Individual Toppings: Gluten Free & Diabetic Friendly

 Do you have picky family members? Do you make a meal and almost always one child is not as thrilled as the others because of one little ingredient you might have put into the recipe?

Well that’s my family. If I make a large baked oatmeal in a 9 by 13 baking dish and add one type of fruit, like blueberries for instance, I have one child who will not eat it. If I make it with raisins which I love, none of my kids will eat it!  And then there’s the hubby who wants nuts and the boys are allergic.


So you see this recipe came out of a DEEP desire to please everyone in my family! So everyone will eat what I am putting in front of them for breakfast and I won’t have to make 3 different breakfasts (which I really hate to admit I have certainly done, shame on me I know!

My original recipe began in a large baking dish as I mentioned, delicious for overnight guests, can be made ahead, wonderfully yummy! But freezing it was hard because I didn’t like the size of it in my freezer. I then used that same recipe to accommodate it in portion perfect muffin cups because I was often eating to much of this yummy breakfast. I guest posted that freezer friendly baked oatmeal and you can find it at Money Saving Mom.

This is the third and final version I am super happy with because the toppings are what wins everyone over! I made 4 plain, 4 topped with walnuts and added some frozen blueberries in the batter for the hubby, 4 topped with chocolate chips for kiddies and 4 topped with raisins for me!!

This recipe is completely free of added sugar and lower in calories as well!

I think this finally fits our family to a tee so I think it will be perfect for you and yours as well! Enjoy!

Additional Notes:

  • Use a half cup to one cup of honey in place of stevia if you don’t have any.
  • Nutrition info is without any toppings.
  • The batter will look RUNNY, don’t worry!
  • Freeze them in an airtight container or Ziploc bag after they have cooled. Thaw overnight in refrigerator for morning you want them.
  • Reheat 45-60 seconds.
  • Spray the cupcake liners with nonstick cooking spray.
  • Adding cream or milk over the top after warmed is very yummy!
  • If you are gluten free, make sure you are using certified gluten free oats and baking powder.
  • If you don’t have the stevia packets or powder only liquid, here’s the conversion chart.
  • I used a 1/4 cup to fill each muffin and the extra batter I had was about a half cup and I “topped” off some that looked smaller.
  • PLEASE SEE UDATE: 2/20/2014



{Pinning on Pinterest is welcomed.}

UPDATE 2-10-13: There has been much discussion as to why some people get more servings than 18 and why I have not. I’ve discovered that it depends on whether you use paper liners or silicone liners. Using paper liners more batter can be filled into the cups, more like 1/3 cup each. Where as using the silicone, only 1/4 cup of the batter will be filled. Using the silicone liners you will get 24 servings. Using the paper you will only get 18. I’ve included the nutrition info for both below.

Other OATMEAL recipes you might like:

*Before you comment please see the Q&A Post for this recipe to see if your question has already been addressed.

UDATE: 2/20/2014: I’ve remade this recipe and changed the amount of milk used from the original 2 3/4 cup reduced to 2 1/4 cup. Also please note I changed the 1 banana to 1/2 cup measured as the difference in size of bananas could have been the difference in why some of you were getting different amounts in this recipe. I also reduced the flaxseed from 1/4 cup to 2tbsp. With this change and without using paper liners or silicone liners, I sprayed muffin cups and poured  1/3 cup measure into each and filled 18.

Personal Sized Baked Oatmeal with Individual Toppings: Gluten Free & Diabetic Friendly
Recipe Type: Breakfast
Author: Brenda Bennett | Sugar-Free Mom
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 18
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 cups applesauce, unsweetened
  • 1/2 cup or 1 banana, mashed
  • 6 packets of Sweetleaf Stevia or 1 1/2 teaspoons[url href=”″ target=”_blank”] stevia powder[/url] or use 1/2 cup honey
  • 5 cups, Old Fashioned rolled oats { I used Bob’s Red Mill}
  • 2 tablespoons flaxseed meal*
  • 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
  • 3 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 1/4 cups milk (I used 1%)
  • Optional toppings: raisins, walnuts, chocolate chips
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Mix eggs, vanilla, applesauce, banana and Stevia together in a bowl.
  3. Add in oats, flax, cinnamon, baking powder, salt and mix well with wet ingredients.
  4. Finally pour in milk and combine.
  5. Spray a 12 and 6 capacity muffin tin with cooking spray or use cupcake liners. Pour mixture evenly into muffin tin cups.
  6. If using toppings add them onto the tops of muffins now. If using fresh or frozen fruit, drop it right into the batter.
  7. Bake 30 minutes until a toothpick in center comes out clean.
  8. Cool and enjoy or freeze them in gallon freezer bags.
Serving size: 1 Calories: 144 Fat: 3g Saturated fat: .6g Carbohydrates: 22.9g Sugar: 2.7g Sodium: 154mg Fiber: 3.3g Protein: 6g Cholesterol: 21mg
* Whole Flax seeds may be used but grind them yourself if not using already ground. Flax seed is safe to cook with. Here is an article to support. [url href=”” target=”_blank”][/url]

**Newest Adaption!!!! This recipe can be made in the CROCK POT!!! Check it out here: Crock Pot Personalized Baked Oatmeal Bars!

  The Sugar-Free Mom Cookbook has been Released!! Hitting shelves in days and Amazon is selling it at a discount right now!


About Brenda

Brenda Bennett is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, certified Sugar Detox Coach, certified Keto Coach and certified Life Coach. She has been Sugar Free & Refined carb free for 17 years and has written 2 cookbooks, Sugar-Free Mom, and Naturally Keto and her 3rd book The 30-Day Sugar Elimination Diet, is a four part program to help you detox from sugar, eliminate cravings, balance blood sugar and lose weight all while eating a delicious, nutrient dense whole foods. Meal plan offers two tracks to follow, low carb or keto. She is the founder of the Sugar Free Fresh Start course and Sugar Free Tribe weight loss membership. Learn more.

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    1. They may dry out a bit. Try them in a preheated oven at 325 degrees and let me know how they works for you.

  1. Made these but I have to say, your recipe made WAY more than 18. Also, mine was super soupy. Is that how yours was pre bake?
    Mine are baking now… Hope they turn out!

    I used a few dark chocolate chips, toasted coconut raisins and cinnamon sugar. A good variety.

    1. Yes, they always do look soupy but that’s why they are so moist. I don’t know why you got more than 18. The texture is much better than regular oatmeal, more like a muffin. Let me know how they came out.

    2. I made these last night and my batter made WAY more than 18 also?! I got 36?! i used my regular muffin pan not mini one either. I wonder if there’s a med muffin pan and that might be what I have? They turned out AMAZING anyways but ‘m trying to figure out the nutritional values as I calculate my caloric intake daily. I guess I could divide in half the values posted:)

    3. WOW! I filled my muffins up to the top. I have a regular muffin pan. I don’t know why you got some many! Yes, just reduce the calories by half then, good for you!

    4. I have regular muffin tins to and it made 33 muffins for me. We are allergic to milk so I used coconut milk and they tasted wonderful! Thanks for the recipe.

    5. I also just made these and ended up with 24 regular size and 18 mini-muffins! They are absolutely delicious though, so I’m glad to have so many more!

    6. I made these over the weekend and got 30 muffins. I have a standard-size muffin tin, and used 1/4 cup measure to fill them. These are WONDERFUL! I made blueberry, raisin, chocolate chip, and coconut chocolate chip. Once my son gets his braces off (5 more weeks!) I’ll experiment with some nut toppings, as well. Thanks so much for the great recipe!

    7. I got 24 muffins and a pie plate full! (I ran out of tins). I’d like to try with pumpkin next time instead of banana–about how much pumpkin do you think?


  2. I have never liked to eat oatmeal because of the mushy consistency. I know it is good for you and have tired other baked oatmeal recipes without much luck. These look great! What kind of consistency do they have–muffin like or still a little mushy?

    1. I have the same problem. I know oatmeal is good for me but can’t stand the consistency. These are sort-of like bread budding in consistency, though. They don’t have that mushy / slimy texture. I’m very pleased with mine!

    2. I feel the exact same way: envious of anyone who can stand the consistency of oatmeal and therefore benefit from the goodness it provides! oatmeal always brought a slimy, unappetizing meal to mind while seeing these baked oatmeal muffins has me picturing a sweet smelling kitchen and a quick solution to breakfast and snacking. Thank You!!

    3. If you don’t like the slimy feel/texture of rolled oats, you should give steel-cut oats a try. They are much chewier – I love them!

    4. If you have a Trader Joes nearby you should give their oatmeal a try. (if you want to eat oatmeal but do not like the mushy slimy oatmeal.) They have one there called country choice organic multi grain oatmeal (it has rye, barley, oats and wheat in it) it is SO good! I was the same way as you before I found this oatmeal and now it is my favorite meal for breakfast! (best cooked on the stove with 1 teaspoon brown sugar and fresh fruit on top).

  3. Can you use almond milk in place or regular milk? I’ve been wondering if you can bake with almond milk! I didn’t know!


    1. Oh yes you can use almond milk and I would if my boys were not allergic to nuts.

    2. I’m excited to try these! I am gluten-free casein-free…use almond milk in place of regular milk all the time. Thanks for this recipe!

    1. I don’t use Splenda because it is artificial but I’m sure it will work but I don’t know how much you should put in the recipe.

    2. Do you really need to substitute 1/2 to a whole CUP of honey for a teaspoon of Stevia?

    3. I used a half a cup of honey and was just fine with it and my kids are fine with that. But some people are very used to sweetness and a half cup would not even come close to the sweetness they are used to. The half cup honey is comparable in sweetness to the amount of stevia but the stevia has just a tad bit more sweetness, especially using a flavored kind.

    4. does subbing the honey for stevia change the consistency? Adding all that extra liquid is bound to make a difference, no? Should any adjustment to cooking time be made to compensate?

    5. I have made them with 1/2 cup honey and also with just stevia. No adjustments on time were needed in my oven and they always come out perfect at about 30 minutes.

  4. Quaker Oats are not gluten free. This may fool newly gluten free people into thinking that they are. I do plan to try this recipe with Bob’s Red Mill gluten free oats though. This sounds great.

    1. Trader Joe’s also has gluten free oats now…they are the regular oats they sell with the other cereal, but are marked gluten free. A lot less $ than Bob’s Red Mill, if you’re on a budget.

  5. Oh, can’t wait to try these tomorrow morning! I bet the kids will love them! Toppings? Hmm…I can do a variety! Yeah! And I like the idea of using pumpkin someone mentioned. I make a pumpkin muffin with instant maple and brown sugar oatmeal sprinkled on top that the kids love! Thanks for sharing!

  6. These look yummy, BUT you should not be calling them “gluten free” unless you specify that only pure oats be used. The only oats guaranteed as such in Canada, for example, are the ones sold by Cream Hill Estates. These are subjected to testing by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. Check the Canadian Celiac Association website for more details. Thank you for the recipe!

    1. You’re very welcome! Following a proper gluten-free diet is a lot harder than people think. Fortunately, pure oats are available, so people on GF diets can still enjoy this recipe! (Although they should make sure they’re using GF baking powder, too!)

    2. most people who are GF know what oats they can and can’t eat 😉 Not everyone who is GF needs to avoid oats. I, for instance, do fine on oats as long as they’re whole oats and not cheapy off brands or quick oats. Being GF isn’t hard at all. It Just requires mindfulness.

    3. Yes, I agree most GF do know what oats then can have, but of course I had many comments from people stating my recipe wasn’t gluten free so I felt the need to clarify above. Thanks for sharing!

  7. I love this and the “portion-sized” baked oatmeal recipe. I find that you can play around with ingredients with no problem. I also, cut the sweeteners in half, if not more, as the fruit really adds a lot of sweetness. Made this for my train trip – it was a great.

    1. I made these tonight and didn’t have bananas so left that out and used wheat germ in place of the flax seed. It worked great and we all loved them!! Thanks or the great recipe!

  8. I made these tonight. They are oh-so moist. Great recipe. I used soy milk and I used 1/2C honey. A new morning favorite. Thanks

  9. These will be good, I can tell! I love that you can freeze them! I might try some pumpkin instead of banana or applesauce. We buy an organic blackberry applesauce that will be yummy in this. Thanks for this recipe!

  10. What a brilliiant mama you are! It isn’t every day you can please every single person all at once huh? This is a fantastic idea…thanks much for
    the stevia conversion chart too. I saved it and will be referring to it often.

    1. I wish I could help you but my family only has allergies to nuts and soy so I really would not know a replacement for eggs. Sorry!

    2. You can always use buttermilk to replace eggs, then you won´t lose the protein sorce 🙂

    3. When I was vegan I used Energ Egg replacer to subsitiute for eggs in recipes. It’s a powder that you mix with water. You can find it at natural food stores and in the baking aisle of some grocery stores.

    4. My mom was allergic to eggs, we used the Egg replacer mentioned by Ali. Lots of recipes and suggestions on the box. Worked best if you let the replacer and water sit for a few minutes… Snot like. The product is a potato starch.

    5. You can also make egg substitute from chia seeds. Combine one tablespoon of chia seeds and a quarter cup of water.

    6. I just made these and I think they’re awesome. Before I baked, I read several comments. I noticed the one about how many you will get. I measured exactly, used cupcake papers, and I got 30 papers almost full to the top. Also, saw the comment about putting them in a bowl when warm with milk. OH, YEAH. So good. Also, I used homemade applesauce which has a tiny bit of honey in it, so, I only used 4 packets of stevia. VERY GOOD RECIPE!!!!

    7. You can replace egg in most recipes that call for 2 or less with 2tsp baking powder and 2tbsp milk. If the recipe calls for baking powder already reduce to 1 1/2tsp baking powder, milk stays the same. I’ve used it lots as my niece used to be allergic to eggs.

    8. In pancakes and such I do
      1 1/2 T – Water
      1 1/2 t – Oil
      1/2 t – Baking Powder
      and it works wonderfully but it only calls for one egg – good luck!

    9. You can replace eggs with mashed bananas when baking. Each egg is about 1/4 cup to let you know how much mashed banana you would need.

    10. My daughter is allergic to eggs, among other things. Ordinarily I would use flax seed+oil+water, or applesauce, or banana to replace eggs in a recipe like this, but since they are all in there I think it may work for us to just leave the eggs out (and I might use a bit of EnerG egg replacer for some loft). It could change the final product somewhat, but we are used to that!

      In the original recipe, do they come out acting like cupcakes (you can hold them in your hand and eat ’em) or would they need to be eaten with a spoon?

    11. They are more like a muffin you can hold. Warm though out of the oven I usually place them in a dish and pour a bit of cream over the top and eat it with a fork.

    12. When I was vegan, we replaced eggs in baked goods with 1 T soy flour and 2 T water. Subbing some of the flour in breads and cakes with soy makes them stay fresher longer, too. Plus, higher protein, lower in carbs! Love it.

    13. Instead of Eggs you can purchase ENER-G Egg Replacer. You won’t even know there aren’t eggs in any of your baked goods.


  11. I have two family members who are allergic to bananas…and I’m one of them. Is there something else that I can substitute for the banana?

    1. How about applesauce? You could try maybe a cup of it and see how they come out. Reduce everything to make less instead of 18 in case they don’t come out well.

    2. I second the pumpkin idea! Did you try it? I don’t have bananas in the house right now so using pumpkin this afternoon. I’ll let you know how they turn out.

    3. I make a baked oatmeal (similar but not the same -I use 3/4 cup brown sugar instead of stevia or honey) and do not use bananas at all. I think you can omit it completely without adding/substituting it and it won’t alter the recipe. Give it a try – Good luck!

    4. I didn’t have bananas, and they turned out fine. Wish I would have thought to use the pumpkin. Oh well, guess I’ll have to make them again! 🙂

      I also got about 24 muffins using 1/4 cup measure.

    5. pumpkin would work too, but you will taste it in the oatmeal. I love pumpkin, but I know some are sensitive to the taste.

    6. I am allergic to bananas too, but I can eat them if they are cooked. I know this may not be true for everyone, but I just wanted to mention it. I don’t know what it is that changes once they are cooked, but the same is true for me with carrots.

    7. Interesting! Two of my children are VERY sensitive (in my mind, allergic) to banana, but only raw. Once it is cooked it doesn’t bother them at all.

    8. My child was just diagnosed w/banana and carrot allergy. He too can eat them cooked. It is due to the change in the protein that they have a reaction too. It’s changed when they are cooked. But ALWAYS check with your allergist first!

    9. My husband is allergic to bananas, but can eat them when cooked. My son is also allergic to bananas, but when they are cooked they still make him get sick… not as severe. Our allergist said it is due to the severity of his (my son’s) allergy and being more sensitive to the banana protein.

    10. The allergy is called Oral Allergy Syndrome or Pollen-Food Allergy. It’s when a person is allergic to the pollen on the food. Cooking food can eliminate the pollen.

    1. You should use the amount specified of one teaspoon, and you should add it after the milk when you are combining the mixture. Good Luck! 🙂

    2. These were excellant for a fast breakfast, I used brown sugar & walnuts on top. Also baked leftover batter in a pie pan with a struesel topping on the bottom of the pan. When done flipped it upside down, my son ate the whole thing.

    3. I used chia seeds rather then flax seed. Chia seeds are a superfood, and so much better for you then flax, and it doesn’t have the bitter taste, either.

    4. Do you have a Sprouts near you? That is where I purchased Chia seeds. Maybe Whole Foods or another health food store.

    5. you can get chia seeds at any health food store, but it is cheaper online if you check around.

    6. You can buy Chia seeds at any health food store or possibly in your health food section in your grocery store… I got mine directly from Bob’s Red Mill or you can get them from

    7. I’m so glad you said this because I only have chia seeds and really really want to try this recipe!

    8. I didn’t have any chai or flax seeds and they still came out good will buy them eventually though because I know how good they r for you.

    9. Hi, these sound delicious, and I noticed you posted that they are 18 calories each (without topping) however I did the math and for 18 muffins it came out to about 90 calories each. the 5 cups of oats alone are 1,500. how did you get around this? thanks for the info!

    10. is there anything you can substitute the banana for something else my sister-in-law is allergic

    11. How much pumpkin? I’m not a banana fan, love pumpkin though. Every fall I make my own pumpkin puree and freeze enough for the year.

    12. Are they suppose to be gooey? I baked them for 30 min. Had to put them back in for another 10, but they are still gooey inside. Also they did not taste like any thing I put in. How do yours taste?

    13. Can i bake them, cool and store at room temp and serve the next day w/o reheating at church? Do they have to be frozen and reheated for next day use? Also, how do ya store them at room temp and prevent them from getting stiff and gummy like other oat goods? Thanks

    14. Store in the refrigerator until ready to serve. You can eat them at room temp so if you are having church then eating, I would remove them from the fridge and sit on counter for about 1-2 hours or simply reheat in oven. I wouldn’t recommend storing them at room temp.

    15. Same here. She did mention pumpkin above. I was also thinking all natural, no sugar added apple sauce, just less as it has more liquid. I would love any other suggestions!

    16. I used all natural no sugar added applesauce they are delicious thanks so much for sharing this awesome recipe I topped mine with frozen triple berries and stuffed them inside the oatmeal then covered the top with the same oatmeal so when u bite through them u can taste the oats with the juicy fruit sooo good. Thanks again!

    17. They smell soooo good when they are baking and taste even better. Thanks for the great recipe! I also wound up with 30 but figure I can have 2 per serving which is even better! Maybe it has something to do with the brand of oatmeal you use. (I used Great Value from Walmart) I also used flax seeds (2 tablespoons) because I didn’t have flax meal and topped them with dried cranberries. Next time, will add pecans or walnuts to the batter.

    18. I have an extra coffee grinder I use to make flax meal from flax seed. Flax seed needs to be ground up to be used by the body.

    19. Hi Amanda, THANK you so much for finding this great article! I will share the link above in the post for others who question the use of flaxseed and cooking.

    20. The amount of milk is not mentioned. I am assuming it’s just enough to incorporate everything together? 1/4 – 1/2 cup, or would it even be that much?

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