Personalized Baked STEEL CUT Oat Cups: [No Added Sugar]

Personalized Baked Steel Cut Oat Cups will make everyone in the family happy!


Yes I know what your thinking…….This looks so very similar to my most popular recipe,  Personal Sized Baked Oatmeal with Individual Toppings  all over Pinterest,  BUT there are some simple changes I made from the original per reader requests. 🙂

So here are the differences:

  • Steel cut oats versus rolled oats
  • chia seeds versus flaxseed
  • reduction of amounts used overall
  • Layered batter/filling effect versus just topping


Moral of the story…..It is really just personal preference of whichever you like better.  I had many requests to work my original recipe with steel cut oats and also to use chia seeds so this is what I came up with.

I love both!

But just an FYI: The texture of these will NEVER be the consistency of making steel cut oats on the stove or in the crock pot. They will have a chewy texture, but it doesn’t mean they are undercooked, that is the way baking them like this will make them. I eat them warm in a bowl with a fork.


This is the middle, the filling part.  Can you see that very special one I made just for me, bottom, second from left? Oh yes, you ARE guessing correctly.


Covered here with more batter and desired toppings.

After placing filling into cupcake liners, cover only a few at a time with batter so you don’t forget what you placed inside. Ha Ha, ’cause I ALMOST did forget! Especially NOT good  if you have children allergic to certain ingredients!


My filling/topping ingredients:

  • blueberries/shredded unsweetened coconut
  • raspberry/chocolate chip
  •  dried unsweetened cherries/granola
  •  sunflower seeds
  • mango
  •  all natural peanut butter,no sugar added/ unsweetened, all-natural jam (pic below)


Oh yes, PB&J Baked Oatmeal is fantastic, unfortunately I only made one for myself to try it. AND.I.WILL.MAKE.IT.AGAIN.

But the hubby thought it sounded gross and I’d like to know your thoughts.

Gross or YUM?



How can you not want to eat THAT for breakfast or a snack, I mean really 🙂

Here’s the nutrition info for the PB&J Baked Steel Cut Oat cups if you are interested in making them.
Additional Notes:
I expected to make only about 12 since I had reduced the amount of oats from my original personal sized baked oatmeal which uses rolled oats, but I got 16 instead. I probably could have filled them more then I did and got less, but it is what it is …… I’m fine with more anyway. Hope you won’t mind either!




So I’d love to hear from you if you’ve made my original recipe using rolled oats and also if you try this recipe which you prefer, let me know!

Don’t forget……. Gross or Yum to the PB&J idea?

Can’t find the QUICK steel cut oats? You can use regular and soak them, here’s the recipe: Individual Steel Cut Oat Cups [Pre-soaked, No Sugar]

Nutrition Info {plain, no filling or topping}

Personalized Baked STEEL CUT Oat Cups: [No Added Sugar]
Author: Brenda Bennett
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 16
  • 1 banana, mashed
  • 1/2 cup applesauce, unsweetened
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 1/2 cups milk ( I used 1%)
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 2 1/2 cups [QUICK ]steel cut oats ( I used Trader Joe’s Brand, do not need to soak)
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon [url href=”″ target=”_blank”]stevia powder[/url] or use 1/2 cup honey
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. In a large bowl mix together, oats, chia seeds, cinnamon, salt, baking powder, stevia.
  3. In another bowl mix together banana, applesauce, egg, vanilla, and milk. If you are using honey instead of stevia, add it to the wet ingredients now.
  4. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry and mix to combine.
  5. Spray cupcake liners with cooking spray.
  6. Place 1 tablespoon of batter into liners, add desired filling ingredients, pour more batter, top with desired toppings.
  7. Bake for 30 minutes until a toothpick in center comes out clean.
Serving size: 1 Calories: 161 Fat: 3g Carbohydrates: 28g Fiber: 4g Protein: 6g
Weight Watchers PointsPlus: 4*




About Brenda

Brenda Bennett is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, certified Sugar Detox Coach, certified Keto Coach and certified Life Coach. She has been Sugar Free & Refined carb free for 17 years and has written 2 cookbooks, Sugar-Free Mom, and Naturally Keto and her 3rd book The 30-Day Sugar Elimination Diet, is a four part program to help you detox from sugar, eliminate cravings, balance blood sugar and lose weight all while eating a delicious, nutrient dense whole foods. Meal plan offers two tracks to follow, low carb or keto. She is the founder of the Sugar Free Fresh Start course and Sugar Free Tribe weight loss membership. Learn more.

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  1. Tried the original recipe and was suprised at how “moist” they came out…I even cooked them for an extra 5 minutes because they just didn’t seem right. I am going to try the steel cut version today and see if it works better for me.

    What sort of texture SHOULD they be when they are done?
    Thanks!!!!!!! Can’t wait to get them right.

    1. The original recipe is very moist and we don’t like dry things in our house. You could always reduce the amount of applesauce by 1/2 cup or even reduce the milk by 1/2 cup if you’d like drier oatmeal cups. That shouldn’t be the texture of the muffin. More meant to eat in a bowl with cream or milk on top and eaten with a fork.

  2. I really wanted to love these muffins but the steel cut oats came out crunchy and hard. What did I do wrong? We’re the oats supposed to be soaked beforehand?

    1. Really? Mine were not soaked before hand. What type of steel cut oats did you use? Did you change any other ingredients?

    2. I use Bob Red Mill’s steel cut oats, and the only changes I made was I used 1/2 cup brown sugar as a sweetener, and instead of 1/2 cup applesauce, I used 1/4 cup applesauce and 1/4 cup fruit purée (pear, peas, spinach), as I have a toddler and fruit purees are a plenty! Lol

    3. Here’s my take: I think the brown sugar actually absorbed some of the liquid form the applesauce and milk. So I hope you will try again and if you do try using honey instead of brown sugar. Or if using brown sugar just increase your milk a bit, maybe 1/4 cup or 1/2 cup more. So sorry though!

    4. Oh, ok! This batch made 16 muffins, and I’ve eaten 2 and froze 12. So after this batch, I will try again! I wanna share them with my kiddo, and it will save me time in the AM instead of making steel oats oats on the stove top for breakfast. Thanks!

    1. I replaced the banana with about a cup of pumpkin purée and loved them. I just found out I have very high cholesterol and these have really helped me stay on track with my low-cholesterol diet.

  3. Just wondering what I could use instead of the banana. . . more applesauce?
    don’t care for banana flavor in cooked food.

  4. Thank you so much for the recipe! I made a batch tonight and they look so delicious. Can’t wait to try it tomorrow for breakfast! I made raspberry + mini chocolate chips, dried pineapple + unsweetened coconut, strawberries + strawberry jam, apricot + coconut, peanut butter + chocolate chip, peanut butter + jam (did both apricot and raspberry in separate cups), pecans + chocolate, and a couple with just jam. I had enough batter for 12 regular muffins and 12 mini muffins. For the mini muffins, I just mixed a few chocolate chips or a small spoonful of jam right into the oats. Now I’ll never have to waste money on granola bars again! Thank you!

  5. Hi
    have just made them! Told my grown kids if they want to have ones that they will like to come and make it themselves, so have 24 regular size ones with mixtures of apple pie filling, cranberry/mandarin orange, banana/pb,
    choc chip/pb, strawberry/rhubarb pie filling, raisin/walnut, nutella/pb, and pb and jam! and have 6 jumbo ones with just peanut butter and jam for myself!! thanks so much for the recipe! my husband buys the steel cut oats online, ( 50 pounds) and love getting new recipes for them. we actually make the steel cut oats everyday in the rice cooker. soak 1 cup oats, to 3 cups water over night, then turn it on when you get up! takes about 45 minutes to cook, but worth it, you don’t have to keep stirring!! we also put raisins in at night, they plump up like grapes and sweeten it!

  6. I tried to fit all of the batter into 12 muffins since I only have one muffin pan and some of them are overflowing all over and I’m going to have a mess when I pull them out of the oven. Oops! Hopefully it will be a yummy mess.

  7. Thank you SO much! I’ve been waiting to try these until someone came up with ideas for using steel cut oats, since I have a HUGE canister full…so today is the day I finally make these yummy breakfast treats! I will report back with my results…thanks again! 🙂

  8. Do you cook the steel cut oats first??? It just seems to me you would have too.
    They look delicious.

    1. No Charlotte, you do not have to cook them first. I probably wouldn’t have made them if I needed to do that LOL!

  9. I’ll be getting steel cut oats for the next batch. I’ve been making the baked oatmeal cups for a while now and they are yummy. I love the filling ideas, especially the PB&J.

  10. PB&J looks delicious – must try. These all look delicious, too. I made the original recipe last week, so it will be a while before I can eat all of them and try this recipe, but I can’t wait!

    If I want to use this recipe but with regular oats instead of steel cut, is the amount of oats the same, or do I need to change it? (I have a big container of regular oats and don’t want to buy steel cut until I use what I have, but would like to try this one with the chia seeds!).

  11. Yes, PB&J all the way!! My daughter and I made your original recipe last weekend. I used frozen blueberries and frozen diced peaches, they are delicious! Honestly, I will probably not try this updated recipe but will definitely try the PB&J though. Need to find some good jam.

  12. My family will love this! I made your personal size baked oatmeal for Easter brunch. My husband’s family doesn’t have the most healthy of eating habits and even they loved them. In fact, they took home the leftovers. These look so dangerously good. The trouble will be stopping at one or two.

  13. I think they look and sound great! I am on an Oatmeal Quest right now…lol
    Experimenting and oating my way through 🙂
    As for the PB&J…sounds good to me! My sunflower butter with some jam (or plain fruit) and sprinkled with sunflower seeds?
    Thanks for the oat love this morning!

    1. What about the plain old fashioned chocolate oat meal cookies ? Got a recipe for them ? Please !!!

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