Q&A Saturday: 10 Personality Questions About Sugar-Free Mom
Who is Sugar-Free Mom?
I found this great post from Clean Eating Chesley and just had to share this idea with my readers and fellow bloggers.
1. When a cashier in the checkout line at the grocery store is being a grump for no reason, how do you typically react?
I smile and say something positive to them. Smiles and kind words go really far!
2. Are you the type that likes going out with your girlfriends or staying in?
I enjoy home the most, but every mother knows girlfriends are important for sanity! Enjoying close friendships with a few friends and spending some time without the children is good for the soul and well being of any woman. My group of friends and I meet once a month for dinner either going out to a restaurant or dining in at someones home.
3. Do you sob and get emotional watching romance movies?
Um… I can cry over a commercial, seriously. I .am. a. sap.
4. What stresses you out the most?
Finding a peaceful spot to enjoy a cup of coffee, read my bible, pray and rejoice in all the blessings in my life are necessary each day to refresh myself. That and a great view doesn’t hurt either……
5. What do you think people think of you?
I hope people think I am kind, genuine, honest, forgiving, trustworthy and loyal.
Unfortunately I wish it didn’t matter so much to me what I think people think of me, but often it does.
I just want to be liked and loved, just like my puppy Ruby 🙂
6. When you overindulge do you hit the gym to burn it all off, or just accept the indulgence and follow your same routine?
What do you think? These guns aren’t made naturally, LOL, I work for them!
7. Are you easily annoyed?
🙂 Depends on if it is that time of the month.
8. What do you think is your biggest personality flaw?
I am a perfectionist and I can be my own worst enemy. 🙁
9. What is one thing you don’t think people see enough of when it comes to your personality?
I can be a goof, but often it’s rarely shown because I’m so focused on getting things done. I can’t seem to fit goofy and silliness in the same sentence as being on task and accomplishing my to-do list.
It’s a flaw and I need to work on it!
10. Can you feel relaxed in a busy crowd or messy room?
Messy…..Um….look at my work space….yeah pretty relaxed I’d say. AND I’m showing you the picture of my mess which is crazy I know. But at least you know I’m so far from perfect and put together, I hope you can relate! And I promise you I did nothing to that table to make it look like that! Do you see three pens? I now know why I couldn’t find one in the drawer where they are supposed to be !
I enjoyed sharing something other than a recipe with you so you could get to know ME a little bit more than my food.
If you have a blog I’d love for you to paste the questions on your own blog and let me know you did so I can read it!
Hope you enjoyed getting to know a little more about the girl behind the title……
Sugar-Free Mom.
Have a Blessed Day,
Awesome post. Loved the pics and getting to know you better.
thank you!
Oh how fun to know more about you! I think we are alike in a number of ways…I’ve got pens all over too and always seem to be scrambling for one! Wish I was as dedicated to ‘working it off’ as you are though….great post!
Thanks Marsha!
SFM is also extremely competitive! Love you Bren!
hahaha I forgot to add that slight little flaw LOL!
love it!
love the pictures, esp. the last one of you!
you ARE a goof!
i ♥ u!
THAnk you! Love u!