Q&A Saturday: Top 3 Best Stevia Products

 It’s Q & A Saturday! This is a special weekly post of answering reader questions in more elaborate detail.

This weeks question comes from a reader in New Zealand who asks,

“What should I look for when purchasing stevia?” What brands do you recommend?”

My response:

While I’ve researched quite a bit about Stevia I am by no means an expert, but I do know there are certain ingredients that I choose to steer clear of when purchasing stevia. I look for as few ingredients on the label as possible. I stay away from brands that have additives like rebiana, dextrose and maltodextrin and here’s why:

Rebiana- is the trade name for high-purity rebaudioside, also known as Reb-A. It is a 42-step procedure to derive Rebiana from the stevia leaves, using chemicals such as acetone, methanol, acetonitrile, isopropanol, tert-butano. Rebiana is a chemically modified form of  stevia, it is NOT pure stevia.

Maltodextrin– Usually made from rice, corn, or potato starch, maltodextrin is produced by cooking down the starch. It is a processed additive. It is considered safe by the FDA, which is not the same thing as healthy. It is a basically a filler with no nutritional value. It is one of the first two ingredients in Splenda. My post “3 Splenda Myths Busted” is all about why I no longer use Splenda at all and therefore stay away from maltodextrin as well.

Dextrose- Dextrose, fructose, and glucose are all monosaccharides, known as simple sugars. These sugars can combine to form more complex sugars, including the disaccharide known as sucrose, or table sugar. I personally need to stay away from white table sugar because of the way it negatively effects me. Read this post about my sugar free journey for the reasons I’ve eliminated white flour and white sugar in my life.

Here are my top 3 brands of stevia I use because they do not contain any of the above ingredients. If you do not see the product listed in liquid or powder it is because it either had one of the above ingredients or contained alcohol which I find produces a terrible aftertaste.

1. Sweetleaf Stevia in liquid or powder (any flavor)







2. NuNaturals, vanilla, liquid form, alcohol free







3. Now Foods BetterStevia, 75 packets






Hopefully this post was informative for you to at least question the ingredients on the label when purchasing stevia. You may have been turned off from using it in the past because one of the above ingredients caused an aftertaste.

Just because products have the label stevia on them, does not mean they are all created equal.

Here’s my personal STEVIA CONVERSION CHART for you to view and pin which shares how to exchange the different forms of stevia in liquid, packets, powdered and pure extract. Needing some help in reducing your sugar consumption? Here’s 5 steps to take to reduce or eliminate how much sugar you consume!

Have you tried any of my top 3 brands? If so, your thoughts?



About Brenda

Brenda Bennett is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, certified Sugar Detox Coach, certified Keto Coach and certified Life Coach. She has been Sugar Free & Refined carb free for 17 years and has written 2 cookbooks, Sugar-Free Mom, and Naturally Keto and her 3rd book The 30-Day Sugar Elimination Diet, is a four part program to help you detox from sugar, eliminate cravings, balance blood sugar and lose weight all while eating a delicious, nutrient dense whole foods. Meal plan offers two tracks to follow, low carb or keto. She is the founder of the Sugar Free Fresh Start course and Sugar Free Tribe weight loss membership. Learn more.

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  1. I had written something earlier, it looks as though it had been deleted. Well, I went to the wholefood store and found that ALL of the organic Stevia included the ingrediant “Stevia leaf” which is rebaudiana. This is the same as Rebiana, which you say is not good to use products with this in it.

    SweetLeaf ingrediants are: Inulin soluble fiber, SweetLeaf Sweetener, and the Sweetleaf sweetener is Rebiana. I ask why are you talking against this and yet it is a part of Stevia….it is a leaf that contains Rebiana. How do you get around this leaf?

  2. you had mentioned not to buy Stevia that has one of the ingredients Rebiana. I went to a wholefood store and ALL of their organic Stevia products were labeled as Stevia leaf extract (rebaudiana).

    Then I went to a website Body Ecology and Donna Gates the founder, says “Stevia offers only the highest quality stevia extract (95% rebaudioside crystals). This extract was developed by taking only the sweet-tasting rebaudioside crystals, leaving behind the licorice-like flavor from the leaves and creating the ideal alternative to synthetic sweeteners. ” She is saying this is good.

    It seems that you cannot get around the Stevia leaf which is Rebiana.


    1. Edy, I’m not an expert on stevia, never said I was, but from what I have read and researched I have shared above. I believe Rebiana is not the same as rebaudiana, the whole stevia leaf. All the products I use do not state rebiana( which is Truvia), in their ingredients. Thanks.

    2. I never said you were an expert, I was just responding to you had said. One article said “Rebiana is the common name of Rebaudiside A, an extract of the stevia plant, or Stevia rebaudiana. It serves as a natural-sourced, non-caloric sweetener that is from 200 to 300 times sweeter than sugar. Unlike stevia, Rebaudiside A has a sweet taste without the bitterness found in the whole herb. Rebiana has been studied for safety in humans. The equivalent of daily intake by a 150-pound (68 kg) person of up to 2,000 8-ounce (237-mL) beverages sweetened with rebiana was found to not cause any adverse health effects.”

      This is why I was confused. Thanks for your comments because it did enlightened me on sweetners, because I had thought they were all the same.”

  3. I just purchased a new box of Now brand Better Stevia and discovered they have more rice maltodextrin than stevia now. Very disappointing.

  4. Hi, I bought some SweetLeaf Stevia liquid form but noticed that it says Natural Flavors in the ingredients. I am always leery of that because that isn’t very specific and can mean a lot of things or some not very good things are in there. What is your take on this? Also, do you think there is a difference when they mention the different kinds of water used in it as well? Purified? De-ionized and so forth? Thank you!

    1. Hi Brenda, I was wondering the same thing as Hillary. What ingredients make up the Natural Flavors in SweetLeaf Stevia liquid. Did the company disclose that to you when you spoke with them? Thanks.

  5. The BetterStevia from Now Foods (#3), according to their web site, includes:
    Other Ingredients
    Organic inulin (FOS), certified organic stevia extract (stevia rebaudiana) (leaf) and silica.

    I thought Rebaudiana and silica were bad…..

    1. That is a sugar alcohol and anything that ends in -itol is also. Made naturally in plants but manufactured from sugars and starches. I don’t use it as it supposedly can ferment in the intestines and cause gas, bloating and diarrhea.

  6. It’s also important to avoid Silica. Many brands use it as a filler – even organic ones! Continuous ingestion of it is known to cause kidney deterioration. Be cautious, folks!

  7. I tested stevia and have to say I’m not a fan as the taste is too bitter but maybe it isn’t all bad? I think more research over a longer period of time is needed anyhow to really see the benefits and dangers. Interesting comments though from everyone. In Germany and the UK Stevia is very new to us, only was legally allowed in our countries dec 2011 so we’re being quite cautious about it. Plus there is only one powdered brand type at the moment which is mixed with maltodextin and no liquid form unless we import it from America. http://pudding-girl.de/about-stevia/

    1. It really depends on the kind of stevia you purchase. Some brands that advertise as stevia have additives which cause that after taste you are disliking. You really need to make sure the ingredients listed have the word stevia in them and have very few if not no other added ingredients. Anything with dextrin or itol at the end is sure to give you an after taste.

  8. I looked at Better Stevia today at the store and it listed Rice Maltodextrin as an ingredient and your first comment was to avoid maltodextrin. I’m having trouble finding Stevia that doesn’t contain maltodextrin.

    1. the picture above is the correct Now Better stevia that does not contain maltodextrin. The reason I linked it to iherb.com is so people can purchase through them for the best products. If you buy through them for the first time I have a discount code YAJ035 which will give you either 5 or 10 dollars off your first purchase.

    2. Thanks for the clarification. I just saw Better Stevia and thought they were all the same. I will look for the blue box (organic) next time and will continue to read labels carefully to make sure I know what I’m getting:)

  9. Thank you for this information! Dr. Oz talked about Stevia, and how unhealthy the “-itol” ingredients are. So I looked at my brand, Truvia, and erythritol is the first ingredient! That explains so many of the problems I’ve been having.

  10. the best of the stevia products i tried is from now foods..however at $5.95 an ounce..uh let’s see that would be around $95 a pound..think isle weight until i win the lottery.

  11. Hi, thanks for all the info as I am about to begin with Stevia. I bake and do jams and wonder if the powder will work using pectin and fruit?

    Also, in answer to the problem of additives or sweetners, it is because of the FDA and the artificial sweetener lobbies!!! The FDA hasn’t or won’t let Stevia as a sweetener only as an dietary product> Gotta love our government who only wants to please BIG LOBBIES!!!

    1. Many people have asked if I’ve made jams with stevia but I have not. If you try it let me know how it goes.

    2. I used 13 packets of Wholesome Brand Stevia (It’s organic and has none of the offending ingredients.) When I made strawberry rhubarb jam for my diabetic husband. I mixed it with the pectin just like a sugar recipe, and it set up perfectly. Now I’ll be switching my kids over next time I make raspberry and strawberry jam for them! Next on the list is raspberry pie!

    1. I just bought some liquid of Now Better Stevia and it doesn’t have the three items mentioned but it does have alcohol. I usually use Splenda but trying to go the natural route and bought some flavored & unflavored yesterday. Hopefully I can exchange them!

  12. I am confused about types of stevia. I have the Kal extract which is a white powder and I have a raw, kosher stevia it is a green powder the brand is Navitas.

    Is it safe to assume the white powder is white because of the fillers and and stripping away of the natural ingredients and it is not as healthy as the raw kosher brand which is green colored (original leaf color)?

    Be Well,


    1. Hi Kevin,

      Yes I would agree with you that the white stevia powder has been more processed and the chlorophyll has been removed and only the sweetness of the plant remains. I still believe it to be a healthier alternative than using white sugar or artificial ingredients. So it is safe to assume using the green stevia is probably the better choice. If or when you are purchasing white stevia powder check for added ingredients. I usually use liquid stevia rather than white powder since it simply the extracted juices from the boiled down leaves. Hope that helps. I will investigate more about Kal stevia, thanks!

    2. I just checked out KAL Pure Stevia PLUS Luo Han, on the Vitamin Shoppe website. Not sure if this is the same stuff Kevin is referring to, but when I clicked on Supplement Facts, it lists MALTODEXTRIN, Inulin and Calcim Silcate, as “Other Ingredients”.

  13. You have to be very careful to buy the right NuNaturals product. They sell both “high” concentrate Stevia and Rebaudioside-A. The difference is that the stevia concentrate is sold as a dietary supplement while the rebaudioside-a products are sold as sweeteners. I believe this distinction is across the board with all stevia manufacturers.

    1. U r RIGHT !

      AND per my Dr a guru Internists youth DR here in Hollywood CA many celebs go see , also explained to me that the reasons the FDA wont APPROVE STEVIA , and only approved it as a Supplement is not as desired in the human body if u can avoid it.

      Because only organic pure rebaudioside-a product WAS APPROVED by FDA , AS A REAL FOOD ADDITIVE and SAFE.

      Which we would want as opposed to using just a Supplement of course.

      The FDA states that using Rebaudioside-a product is BEST and use Organic form too.

      Whole-leaf stevia or crude stevia extracts aren’t FDA-approved. (copied this sentence on Stevia truvia from WEBMD page on Stevia or to use organic pure rebaudioside-a product instead.

  14. I use KAL pure stevia extract which is alcohol free. It’s just glycerin and stevia. It taste really great!

  15. I appreciate the information you’ve provided about Stevia. I’m trying to eliminate sugar from my diet, and in the past have used Splenda in my beverages. Now that I’m looking for something more natural, your reviews have been very helpful. What are you thoughts about the “Now Foods BetterStevia, Extract Powder”? How is it different from the product you listed above? http://www.iherb.com/Now-Foods-Certified-Organic-BetterStevia-Extract-Powder-1-oz-28-g/329

  16. The SweetLeaf Powder Stevia on the website you recommend has something you haven’t mentioned: Inulin soluble fiber. Any thoughts on this? It makes me nervous to buy since you say that you want the purest form with just stevia in it. :/

    1. HI Lisa, Inulin soluble fiber is a naturally occurring fiber found in many root vegetables. It has many health benefits. It helps increase calcium absorption in the body and reduces the growth of harmful bacteria.

    1. 5-20-14 Just received an order and KAL now has Malodextrin – and more disturbing it has a label on it that says MADE IN CHINA.. I think we all need to be concerned. It never showed Other ingredients as Maltodextrin before.

    2. Yes Kal Stevia no w has maltodextrin, I’m in the process of finding another Pure Stevia. I will not purchase Kal Brand now. Can someone tell me something as good as Kal use to be?

    3. Thanks so much for this blog. I’ve been checking labels of all the brands at various websites (i.e. amazon, VitaminShoppe, etc) and they all seem to have glycerin or alcohol, at the least. Also, most of the liquids appear, in the pictures, to be clear. Only a few look dark, as I believe they are in the natural state. So it was really helpful to read about YOUR research. I’m now perusing iHerbs.com and thinking there a few other things I need, too – with the discount, I’ll be getting good prices, which matters hugely to me.
      I’m getting old now (heading towards 70), and was one of the pioneers of natural eating in the country, back in the 60s. Everyone thought I’d gone crazy, eating whole wheat, raw milk, making my own yogurt and tofu, etc. Back then, things were still organic by nature, as we hadn’t gone crazy with chemical additives yet. So now, it is SO pleasing to me to see a younger generation really getting on the bandwagon, and helping ME wend my way along the tricky path of finding best and most affordable choices for natural, healthy foods and supplements. God bless you in your efforts. I will be back to your blog!!

  17. Question for you: I see that the Better Stevia has Rice Maltodextrin in in, which is one of the ingredients you try to avoid. Just wondering your thoughts on this.

    1. I am so GRATEFUL to you! I thought I had the right one but it was the wrong one! Some I would never use! I just changed it to the correct one that doesn’t have that ingredient!Thank you!

    2. Brenda: I can’t thank you enough for posting this information. I have been at a loss and never would have thought that the “extra” ingredients would be harmful.

      The Better Stevia you posted contains Organic inulin (FOS), certified organic stevia extract (stevia rebaudiana) (leaf) and silica. Are these things safe to ingest?


    3. inulin is natural and there is only a very small amount of silica, more information is above in the comments about it.

    4. Thank you for posting this staying informed is vital to survival!

      I have an issue with inuin in stevia it causes loose bowels with abdominal cramps. This may be due to it’s prebiotic qualities. Inulin is indigestible and when it reaches the colon it ferments which could be good in itself. I can spend five – seven minutes eliminating waste. In itself that’s good when staying home. I didn’t realise at first what was going on but when your body appears to completely empty itself you research this. I have had days where I’d go several times throughout the day.
      Be aware of this side effect.

    5. Just tried the Best Stevia packets recommended. It was horrible! Bad after taste and consistency. I had been using Truvia without knowing it was an unhealthy product, so that’s what I’m comparing it to. Figures Truvia is bad since the consistency is just like real table sugar with no after taste whatsoever – my favorite because of those two things. I’m afraid I’ll have to try one of the others you recommend because Best Stevia (what a misnomer) is getting trashed!

  18. Wellll, I just got an order from Vitacost with 2 kinds of Stevia. Both of them have one of the ingredients you say not to use. I always assumed Stevia was good. Had no idea of the added ingredients. I will try to do better.

    I do have a bottle of vanilla creme that is good. Haven’t tried it yet.

  19. I just started using KAL powder based on the large amount of happy customers at Vitacost and Amazon. It is really good! No bitter aftertaste. I have used Sweet Leaf Toffee, Chocolate and Vanilla Kreme. I love the Sweet Leaf Chocolate in my coffee, which is usually Pero, a barley/chicory/hops coffee substitute, also yummy!, with some coconut sugar. Add cream and it’s like a rich dessert – who could miss sugar!?

    1. Kal has maltodextrin in it! I killed my HCG diet when I bought that instead of sweet leaf. I would stay with sweet leaf! I bought mine at an earth fare and was extremely disappointed that they even carried it!

    2. Kal organic does not have maltodextrin in it. I love it. It is very concentrated. 1/32 teaspoon equals 1 teaspoon sugar. Good taste, too!

  20. NuNaturals is BY FAR my favorite brand of Stevia – tho I usually use a powdered form (haven’t looked at the ingredients for a while – will be on my list next time i pull it out of the cabinet). I’ve been wanting to try the liquid form and plan to add it to my shopping list next time I place an order online. I have used some of the Sweetleaf liquid stevia (vanilla) and like that they offer so many flavors. I plan to order some of the lemon for my tea.

  21. Sweetleaf! Thanks for posting this. I’ve only seen Better Stevia in health foods stores but haven’t tried it yet. Now that I know you use it and like it I’ll get me some too! I quit sugar and white flour/rice about 2 years ago and have lost 42 pounds. I never knew how much those things affected me until I quit them! I first used Splenda until I started having headaches and body aches. It took some time before I figured out that it was causing them. I love Stevia and will always use it. I have started walking and doing Pilates (now that I feel like it) and love it! I never thought I would love excercise, but it is very therapeutic! Thanks again for your site!

    1. Only Organically obtained and produced Rebiana the PURE Form of Stevia is SAFE, not STEVIA OR TRUVIA.

      THIS IS FROM WEBMD ON STEVIA , I copied to show the proof.
      READ LAST SENTENCE ! especially

      Sugar Addiction


      What It Is: This natural, no-calorie sweetener, made from a South American plant, has been around for centuries.

      It’s now in sodas and sports drinks, as well as tabletop packets (usually green), liquid drops, dissolvable tablets, and spoon able products, as well as baking blends.

      Among brand names, SweetLeaf is a sweetener (made from stevia extract) , and both Truvia and Pure Via are
      STEVIA BASED (not pure)

      Some stores have generic stevia products.

      The Scoop: on STEVIA (WEBMD page)

      Highly purified stevia extracts, which are what you find on the market, are generally recognized as safe.
      Some people find that stevia can have a metallic aftertaste.

      Whole-leaf stevia or crude stevia extracts aren’t FDA-approved.

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