Quick Spinach Risotto
Can you keep a secret?
SSSShhhhh…..I’m whispering here 🙂
Creamy, luscious risotto doesn’t have to be a long and grueling process over the stove. And it doesn’t have to be against the rules when dieting either.
I’ve lightened it up and made it in the microwave! A professional chef would probably say it can’t be as good as making it on the stove, but I disagree because I’ve made it both ways. Mine can stand up against the best I tell ya 😉
If you’re looking for an easy side dish for Easter Sunday this is it friends!
Make my basic Creamy Risotto recipe then add some spinach and that.is.it.
Super easy, super fancy, super delicious. So much more tastier than basic rice. Everyone will think you slaved over the stove to make this creamy rice dish!
Never tell…….. it will be our little secret. 🙂
Just make the basic recipe then add about 2 cups of cooked chopped spinach, fresh or frozen is just fine! Add a little Parmesan on top and enjoy!
If you are on Weight Watchers then you know you don’t have to count the spinach so if you are looking for the nutrition info click here.
What wonderful food are you making for Easter Sunday?