Roasted Salt & Pepper Radish Chips
Roasted Salt & Pepper Radish Chips are a wonderful low carb side dish or snack!

Have I ever told you I hate radishes?
Always have. Problem is, hubby loves them.
Maybe the hate part is a bit aggressive, but I have never liked them and I have tried.

Kind of funny then to share a recipe about roasted radishes right?
Not really. Gotta please my hubby who loves them. But I will let you in on a little secret today.

HATE them raw, but seriously love them roasted! I don’t know what happens when they get roasted like this, but perhaps the “bite” when raw is decreased and that makes them drool worthy for me. Especially when adding oil and spices like in this recipe.

You will notice some get more crisp than others in these pics and that’s because the outer on the edges of the pan get roasted first.
I don’t mind a variety of textures so I spread them out all over. If you want them all pretty crisp like this, just spread them out along the 4 edges of the pan then watch carefully so they don’t burn.

Just another fun way to enjoy a veggie you may never have liked.
Another way to enjoy a “chip” that’s low in carbs too!
Another way to use up that bag of radishes the hubby brought home. ๐
Brenda’s Notes:
- I tried these in my dehydrator the first time and while very crisp and wonderful, they really shrunk up, but they were crispier than in the oven for sure.
- I like chips salty so if you aren’t much of a salt fan, use just 1/4 tsp of salt and pepper and taste and adjust as needed.
- Some won’t be as crispy as others if roasting them in the middle of the pan. Try to keep them along the 4 edges of the pan, but watch carefully as they can tend to burn depending on how thinly you sliced the radishes. I sliced mine by hand, but the thinner you slice the crispier they get.
Roasted Salt & Pepper Radish Chips
- 16 ounce fresh radishes
- 2 tbsp coconut oil melted or olive oil
- 1/2 tsp sea salt
- 1/2 tsp pepper
- Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
- Thinly slice radishes or use a mandolin, place in a bowl.
- Toss with oil.
- Lay radishes onto two baking sheets, don’t overlap.
- Whisk the salt and pepper together then sprinkle over the slices.
- Bake for 12-15 minutes.
I absolutely avoid raw radishes. I love roasted radishes an often add them to vegetable soup. These crispy are delicious! Thank you for an amazingly delicious and healthy recipe!
Thank you so much!
Made 1/4 of this recipe in the air fryer – 10 minutes @ 400F using coconut oil. It was a fast snack to make!
Roasting my first batch right now and took one out for a taste test and it was delicious! I will roast radishes more often! I will say I may have over salted this round but definitely a healthy alternative to potato chips! Thanks for sharing!
These are delicious!!! I found your recipe through google and soon as I read the title I wanted to go home and make them. They came out so good!!! I added shrimp to mine as well. Thanks for this recipe, I will be officially looking for more great recipes from you. Keep up the good work:)
Wow. These radish chips look is a pure combination of taste, I love healthy food. Thanks, Brenda for sharing!
You admit to hating radishes and always have.
ZERO reason to read further. Awesome job of ‘engaging’ your audience. Its akin to reading a racial tolerance article from the KKK.
Did you ever hear the phrase, “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything?!”
I believe that her point was to say that even if one is not a raw radish fan, one may end up liking this recipe. Troll.
I have my radish chips baking right now. They look scrumptious.
Thanks Kim!
I hope someday you can be happy with your life! To lash out at someone like that is coming from a pitifully sad and unhappy person!
I hate raw radishes too but I am in love with them roasted. They are my new favorite veggie. Do you have a complete breakdown for the nutrition facts? Such as sodium, fat, protein?
There is nutritional info for all my recipes but currently the recipe plug in had an update and there is a glitch so if you could come back later I’m hoping it will be all fixed. Sorry!
Hi There! I have featured your recipe in my latest blog post about in-season spring produce and roundup of delicious, healthy recipes! ๐
Mine went from rubbery ones in the center of pan to burnt with those on the edges in seconds. Too much work for a bad turnout.
These TOTALLY burned! After 8 minutes! I should’ve known better, but the smoke point of coconut oil is 350, you should never exceed this temp when cooking with it! How did this possibly work for other people?? Wish I could get those 30 min prep time back ๐
Had to laugh at yr remarks on radishes – I’ve never liked them either. BUT … I won’t say how many decades into a life of adventurous eating … a pal gave me the tip. Slice and put in any vinaigrette dressing for a few min. The bite goes away, leaving a delightfully crunchy veg. Magic.
I wonder if it would make a difference on the crispiness if they were roasted on a convection setting instead of the standard baking setting. I love radishes, but it never occurred to me to try cooking them. I am SO doing this. I think I have a convection option on my oven; if so, I’ll try it and let you know.
I need a new stove, I don’t have that option but do let me know!
Can you use a convection oven for all the types of chips?
Love radishes. How long in the dehydrator for? Got a new one that I’m keen to try out. Perfect time to make some snacks for Superbowl Sunday
Depends on the dehydrator and temperature, just check after 2-3 hours until crisp as you want them.
I love radishes, my family not so much. Always trying new recipes and this one was a hug hit. So easy and so good. Never thought to roast them like chips. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you!
Do you know about how long these last after cooked?
you said you made them in your dehydrator first. Did you prepare them the same as you did for th oven before dehydrating? Were they just not as good as the oven prepared ones?
I did prepare the same way but felt they shrunk so much, but they were crunchier.
Do you coat them with oil for the dehydrator?
425 for 20-25 minutes crisps them up nicely. Yum
hi Brenda:
I definitely do not like radishes, at all. My husband loves radishes. I made these & we both really like them!
Thanks ๐
Are they supped to be crispy when done ? After 15 minutes mine were kind of rubbery
Mine weren’t as crisp for the ones in the center of the pan, along the edges they did crisp up well.
Mine didn’t crisp at all, just soggy ๐
I cook mine in the microwave till a little soft. Then followed directions. Perfectly crispy!
I like radishes am going to try this tonight sounds tasty and also a good thing to nibble on
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I love raw radishes but usually have too many to eat. This recipe intrigues me. I never thought of roasting them. But instead of olive oil I am going to try avocado oil.
Sounds good, I need to get some avo oil!
I’ve never been one to just eat a radish either. Sometimes I’ll eat slices when they are on a salad now, but that is only a recent development haha. I love making veggie chips though and this sounds like a good way to try them!
New follower here……first time commenter. So glad I found your blog!! Have found so many recipes I can use doing the low carb high fat diet!! Thanks so much! Dona
Thank you and welcome!