Slim & Sensible Saturday Support wk 3 [Celebrations]


Does the start of Memorial Day make you feel anxious or excited?

I usually get excited about the warmer weather here in New England and yet also feel some bit of anxiety knowing I will need to deal with lots of parties, cook outs, birthdays, play dates, beach dates, and  holiday celebrations that all revolve around food. I’ve learned a few things about preparing for these outings and I’ve shared them in this post; 5 Tips to Avoid Overeating Regret.

Celebrations don’t have to be all about the food and when I remember THAT, I appreciate and cherish the conversation with whom I am with, rather than the food I’m anxious to eat!

This past week was really good for me. I am currently about 5 pounds above what I consider to be my natural weight so I am trying to lose that and get back to a place where maintaining is the focus. For now though if I don’t take care of these 5 pounds I know it can easily lead to much more gaining and I DON’T want it to go any further!

Some things I did well this week:

  • consistency in prayer and devotions; Asking God to do for me what I can not do in my own strength. He came through every time when I was weak, all because I asked for help!
  • committed my plan of food for each day faithfully to my accountability buddy.
  • eliminated the carbs that have been calling my name.

I think since it well so well this week I MUST do it again for the coming week and I know I will see the results I am looking for.

Something else I have learned on my journey over the years…..when a food starts becoming a daily habit that I NEED every day and don’t feel satisfied unless I’ve had it, EVEN if it is healthy, it has too much power over me. I will not allow any food to take first place in my life……will you?

Don’t allow any food to become something you can’t say NO to. Prepare healthy options for the weekend celebrations, enjoy the people you spend time with and find time to exercise your body through any fun activity.


YOUR TURN Friends!!!

Share your week with me! Tell me how it went, what you did well, how you are preparing for a successful and enjoyable weekend with your family.

Here’s last weeks, If you missed it: Week 2; Procrastination.








About Brenda

Brenda Bennett is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, certified Sugar Detox Coach, certified Keto Coach and certified Life Coach. She has been Sugar Free & Refined carb free for 17 years and has written 2 cookbooks, Sugar-Free Mom, and Naturally Keto and her 3rd book The 30-Day Sugar Elimination Diet, is a four part program to help you detox from sugar, eliminate cravings, balance blood sugar and lose weight all while eating a delicious, nutrient dense whole foods. Meal plan offers two tracks to follow, low carb or keto. She is the founder of the Sugar Free Fresh Start course and Sugar Free Tribe weight loss membership. Learn more.

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  1. Congrats on your great week and being so close to goal. Summer can be a great time to lose weight, even with it’s extra challenges. The days are longer so there’s more time to squeeze in exercise and fruits and vegetables are so tasty and abundant. I find the heat lessens my appetite too so I’m much more satisfied with light and tasty salads.

    I had a good week. I’m a lifetime Weight Watcher in maintenance mode who has recently become a leader/receptionist for them. It’s a great way to stay motivated and accountable.

    The things I plan to work on this week are increasing my exercise and being more vigilant with tracking my food.

    Have a great week!

  2. Thanks for your remarkable and honest comments. I just found your website and it is remarkable and insightful.. I woke up struggling with “being and feeling fat” AGAIN today.. Thanks for the encouragement and support..

  3. Thanks so much for these great reminders Brenda. Sometimes I just really need to be reminded of these simple truths! I am eating lots more veggies than I use to and am using stevia instead of splenda…making strides, one step at a time. =) Thanks for being there for all of us.

  4. Food and discussions about food have been a big focus in our home since Thursday and will continue right through Sunday. In addition to it being Memorial Day weekend, it is the end of the school year for my children so we’ve been and will be entertaining teens this weekend. Boy, can they eat, lol! I was good about writing out my food plan for this weekend so I’d be prepared. Yesterday though, I did allow myself 100 calories of potato chips. It was the first time chips had been in our home in 6 weeks. I ate them, I logged them, and moved on, no beating myself up. Then on the way to take one of my daughter’s friends home they begged me for Dairy Queen, so I gave in, I however did not order a thing! I drove while they ate in the backseat. Yeah me! I was down another 1.5 lbs last week for a total of 12 now, so I’m really focused and take it a day at a time to stay on track.

    1. Good for you on not ordering Dairy Queen!! and you lost as well! So proud of you and you sound like you are on track, keep it up girlfriend!! Thanks for sharing!

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