Slim & Sensible Saturday Support wk 4 [Discipline]



Hello and welcome to the weekend! The weekend doesn’t have to be disastrous on your dieting or maintaining a healthy weight and life style. You can succeed and feel good when Monday comes!

Part of my weight loss success has been the support and friendships of others. I pray you have someone in your life to be accountable to, exercise with, share your success with, tell your secrets and concerns with.

This weekly post is to share together as online buddies whether you have support at home or not. Being accountable  is the key to lasting weight loss. Here’s a post I wrote that you might find really helpful today, 5 Healthy Steps for Lasting Weight loss.

My Week in a Nut Shell:

Super busy but who isn’t right? I try to remember my kids are only this young for so long and before you know it they will be out of the house and I won’t be busy. So I try to find joy in the busy of my days.

Obedience and discipline are not easy. Trying to lose these 5 pounds I’ve gained is hard and frustrating because I have always been a VERY slow loser. A quick gainer but SLOW loser. I think God wants me to learn some patience because if losing took little time and no effort then I wouldn’t need to rely on Him for help. I am practicing what I’ve been preaching to you, ONE.DAY.AT.A.TIME. Each day asking for help from Him for discipline and self- control.

Losing weight can be hard but maintaining is also equally hard. I have experienced both. You get quite comfortable and used to your food and routine. Months can go by, even years without issue. Until a crisis or change in life and then the slipping of extra bites, extra desserts, slacking in exercise, you must know what I’m talking about. Well that’s what has happened to me. No issues for almost a year, then the last few months it creeped sneakily in, old habits, eating later at night, etc and there you go I am 5 pounds over my healthy weight I’ve maintained for so long.

Good News:

I’ve lost 1/2 a pound this week. Not much but moving in the right direction is what matters! I’m choosing to be obedient and continuing to track my food, weigh and measure and exercise often.

I won’t give up and will get back to my goal weight.

Don’t quit either! Take care of yourself today! Track your food, weigh and measure, get some exercise and after all that have this ………….IT’S ONLY 12 CALORIES!!

 Low Calorie Iced Coffee Vanilla Frappe [dairy free]


Your turn friends!

How was your week? Are you tracking your food? Are you trying to maintain or lose? What isn’t working? What can do you differently to make this next week better?

Check here if you missed Week 3: Celebrations.



About Brenda

Brenda Bennett is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, certified Sugar Detox Coach, certified Keto Coach and certified Life Coach. She has been Sugar Free & Refined carb free for 17 years and has written 2 cookbooks, Sugar-Free Mom, and Naturally Keto and her 3rd book The 30-Day Sugar Elimination Diet, is a four part program to help you detox from sugar, eliminate cravings, balance blood sugar and lose weight all while eating a delicious, nutrient dense whole foods. Meal plan offers two tracks to follow, low carb or keto. She is the founder of the Sugar Free Fresh Start course and Sugar Free Tribe weight loss membership. Learn more.

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  1. Yeah I lost 160 pounds about6 years ago.

    In the last year and half I’ve put on 60 pounds (college graduation, planning my wedding and my grandpa who was like my dad dying).

    I’ve found that emotional eating is my biggest struggle. But also that the first time around I weight loss was exciting and easy and now I have to work VERY hard to lose anything.

    1. It’s true Janel, the first time around is easier BUT you know you can do it. If you did it once you can do it again! At least its only 60 and not 160! I too can allow emotions to get the best of me, but if you can work out and exercise instead, that is what has helped change the pattern for me.

  2. Your blog, emails and recipes keep me motivated and moving forward. I started healthy eating and portion control 1-1-11, which was 15 months before my 50th birthday. I have gone from 187 pounds to 110 pounds. I have gone from size 16 to size 2. I feel so much better and have so much more energy. You have helped me tremendously and I look forward to everything that I receive from you. Thank you so much for all that you do.

    1. Karen, what an amazing amount of weight loss!! I would love to hear your whole story! Can you write something up for me so I could feature it on my blog if you are willing? Maybe include some before and after pics as well? Thank you for the kind words, this is why I have a blog… motivate, inspire, provide healthy options, support! Thank YOU! Send your story to my email,

    2. Wow! That is an inspiration for me…I know this is possible.
      Congratulations on your awesome success and willpower.

  3. I have been following your blog and recipes and really do want to go sugar free. I think I have a sugar addiction because I have tried so many times to cut sugar and I always keep coming back. Praying that I can find enough recipes and willpower to make this life change. Thank you for inspiring me…and giving me the tools to succeed.

    1. YOu can do this Angela! Reaching out to others for support is a great start! I just prayed for you! Plan your food by writing it out each night for the next day and just commit to one day at a time making the choices that you know will help you succeed. You can do it!

  4. Obedience, discipline, PATIENCE, you hit the nail on the head! Hang in there, keeping doing what you know you should, don’t be discouraged if you don’t see the results you think you should see.
    My week, maintained but didn’t lose anything, it’s better than a gain from my perspective. Our elliptical machine was delivered and assemble so hopefully today I’ll be able to get some exercise in. I have two teens, so I understand “busy”. I have the same philosophy, there will only be here for a short while and then they’ll be off on their own, I want to soak as much of them in as possible.!

  5. So glad to have found your blog. Love it! I totally agree….. I found the weight came off easier when I had a ton to lose. Now that I’m close to goal, it’s very hard. Every thing I choose to eat will impact my goal. Doing a similar weekly series on my blog has truly helped to hold me accountable. Accountability and Encouragement are huge in making good eating and exercise choices. Looking forward to being a regular reader here. Have a great weekend!!

    1. Thanks for joining in Kim! It’s true everything we choose can have an impact on weight loss so close to goal. Have a wonderful weekend!

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