Sugar-Free Mom 3 Year Blog Anniversary & Lily’s Chocolate Give Away
It’s my 3 year blog anniversary so I’m celebrating with chocolate , sugar-free chocolate of course!!
I can’t tell you it’s been easy or a piece of cake (pun intended) to write a blog and have it become successful enough to make a living, but it can happen because hard work truly does pay off.
Three years ago I was with some friends for a mom’s weekend away and sharing with them my idea to start I had no idea how it would work, if it would work or how I could possibly make it work. Being a mother of 3, homeschooling, tutoring part time I was all ready so busy, but I knew my passion was cooking and I was willing to work my butt off to get to the place where I could quit tutoring part time.
It certainly didn’t happen over night but consistently for a good year, I posted 6 days a week! Crazy right? Yes I know but I had a goal; to get my recipes out there sharing with people that a sugar-free way of life is attainable, enjoyable and delicious! I’ve found so many people just never realized how good it could be or how easy it could be to live sugar-free. I’ve been doing it for over 10 years and that’s why I share what I do, and what I love. I am thrilled when someone is shocked no sugar is in an amazing dessert they just tasted.
As the first year was a difficult time of working as a tutor to special needs kids, raising my 3 kids and teaching them at home and living life with busy activities for them, it was stressful, but again when you can do something you love, it’s not a chore. Cooking for my family is never the difficult part, but all the other responsibilities of course get in the way LOL, wish I could just cook, bake and take photographs all day, ha!
As the second year began I was able to quit tutoring which freed up my afternoons and evenings 4 times a week and I was able to reduce the posting to 4 times a week. That first year and even the second, I did nothing else but share my recipes and pray you all liked them. I never went to any food blogging conference, never networked with others, and didn’t even get paid to work with brands at that point.
I remember my hubby telling me, just focus on the content, be reliable and steady and the rest will come. He was right on with that!
By the start of the 3rd year brands were finally reaching out to me and I didn’t work for free. I was able to attend my first conference in the spring of this year as well as this summer. I actually went on my first paid business trip to Maine to explore the Wild Blueberry barrens as well. And the biggest news was that I was approached to write a cookbook! The Sugar-Free Mom Cookbook will be out December 9th!! If you’ve ever written one you know it’s truly a labor of love and when it’s finally complete you feel like you’ve given birth, no lie!
But again, nothing would have happened if you all didn’t try my recipes, enjoy them and share them.
I’m so very grateful for the faithful followers of my blog and appreciate every single comment I receive!
To show my appreciation in a tangible way I’m happy to share some chocolate that I love with you!
Lily’s is celebrating with me by providing 3 Sugar-Free Mom readers a chance to win their chocolate goodies!
- Creamy Milk Chocolate bar made with 40% Chocolate – Rich and smooth, this melt-in-your-mouth bar is a favorite for those who enjoy the sweet, simple pleasure of milk chocolate. With 20% fewer calories than traditional milk chocolate and no added sugar, this tasty chocolate bar is perfect for satisfying that sweet tooth, guilt-free!
- Salted Almond and Milk bar made with 40% Chocolate – Salted almonds roasted to perfection unite with velvety, smooth chocolate in this delightfully sweet-and-salty bar. Perfect for dessert, with 20% less calories than traditional milk chocolates and no added sugar.
- Bag of Premium Dark Chocolate Baking Chips – For flavorful baking, these great tasting stevia-sweetened vegan chips contain no added sugar and are so good they make a delicious snack right out of the bag!
Disclaimer: I’ve not been compensated to write this post, I just truly love this brand of sugar-free chocolate. A big thank you to Lily’s for generously providing all the winners their gifts.
Contest ends on Saturday October 25, 2014 at midnight Est. US residents only please. 18 years of age to enter. Winners will be notified via email and have 24 hours to respond before new winners will be chosen. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Yes, I have tried the candy bars. They are delish! Congrats on your 3 year Blog Anniversary. 🙂
I’d love to try Lily’s chocolate. Thank you for the opportunity. Happy Blogiversary!
This looks so good! I’d love to try it!
I can’t wait to try this chocolate!
I am a diabetic who I trying to go sugar-free (it is not easy!). Your blog has been such a big help. Thank you!
I’ve had gastric bypass and treat myself to Lilly’s chocolate (just a few squares). I love it!!!
would love some chocolate!
I would love to try this chocolate!
Congratulations on 3 years and thank you for what you offer us to help us stay on track and eat healthy. I have never tried this chocolate but I love Stevia and chocolate so it would be a double win.!!
I have been using Enjoy Life chocolate from my food coop on the rare occasions that I do bake… Ave never tried sugar free chips buy would love to!
Congratulations! I love your site and id love to try rhis chocolate!
i have never tried Lilys but would love to. I will look for it tomorrow while out.
I haven’t tried these yet but I’m dying to.
This looks awesome! I love to find vegan, gluten free chocolate!
I have not tried Lily’s Chocolate but I am a diabetic and am always looking for things that I can eat that will help my sweet tooth. I think this would work really well for me.
Love Lilly’s! Tastes just like my former chocolates I used to eat prior to going sugar free and low carb.
Yeah to 3 years and yeah for chocolate!!
Hooray for 3 years! Sometimes I feel like a grandma of the blogging world (going on almost 6 years) but there is just nothing better than doing what you love!
I have been working at my families diet over haul for going on 5 years now, it has been quite the challenge but we are succeeding. The hardest of all though has been the replacement of sugar with natural whole food sugar. I have had refined white & brown sugar out of my house for 3 years and have really only used pure maple syrup. I have been able to create all food categories except the baked goods, which I miss only from a mothers perspective to be able to bake for my children some delicious treats.
Recently symptoms of candida and parasite over growth have hit our family and I have been committed to going “sugar-free”. I happened upon your website just yesterday and have looked at many of your recipes. I am thankful for your knowledge and creativity. I can’t wait to create these foods for my family!
I have been looking for a chocolate that’s sweetened with stevia. I hope I get to try these chocolates.
Lilly’s chocolate is wonderful. Love that it does not have sugar alcohols!
Sugar is absolutely addictive…and kudos to you for giving folks a yummy alternative! Congratulations on following your heart, fulfilling your dreams, and helping a whole lot of people along the way! 🙂
I would love to try their chocolates! I have been looking for chocolates sweetened with stevia for a couple years.
I haven’t had Lily’s yet, but I would love to try it! Since starting a sugar-free diet 4 1/2 months ago, I have heard it mentioned a few times, but I haven’t seen it in my local grocery stores. I’m so thankful for sugar-free recipes online to help transition to a healthier lifestyle!