Sugar-Free Mom Cookbook Online Copy Give Aways!

Sugar Free Mom Cookbook Give Away of 3 Online ecopy versions!


The Sugar Free Mom Cookbook has been released and while I all ready gave away a few hard copies on the blog, today I’m giving away 3 online copies! If you’re new around here maybe you didn’t even know I had just released a cookbook. If that’s the case you can read more about it here and what’s included!

SFM cookbook desserts (1 of 1)

It’s not just about desserts but they sure are the best of the best in this cookbook!

SFM cookbook entrees (1 of 1)

Lots of family friendly meals and crock pot winners as well as awesome sides and lighter bites!

SFM cookbook breakfasts (1 of 1)

Tons of make ahead breakfast ideas as well!



Here’s how to win your online copy:

  1. If you are all ready a subscriber to my blog via email you are automatically entered in for a drawing and need to do nothing else but comment below and let me know you are an email subscriber. One online copy will be given to a random email subscriber!
  2. Two more online copies will be given to anyone who follows my blog and comments here today.
  4. Mandatory: You must leave a comment below to be entered in either the subscriber drawing or the blog drawings. My question is this as I would like to know you all better and what types of recipes you enjoy: How do you describe your diet? Vegetarian, vegan, gluten free, nut free, dairy free and why? Is it due to allergies in you or your family or is it simply choice? After commenting please enter the Rafflecopter for additional entries.
  5. Contest ends on Friday Feb 20th and midnight EST! Good Luck! Winners will be notified via email and have 24 hours to reply before another winner will be chosen.
  6. Here’s my Amazon link to order a copy if your prefer!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


About Brenda

Brenda Bennett is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, certified Sugar Detox Coach, certified Keto Coach and certified Life Coach. She has been Sugar Free & Refined carb free for 17 years and has written 2 cookbooks, Sugar-Free Mom, and Naturally Keto and her 3rd book The 30-Day Sugar Elimination Diet, is a four part program to help you detox from sugar, eliminate cravings, balance blood sugar and lose weight all while eating a delicious, nutrient dense whole foods. Meal plan offers two tracks to follow, low carb or keto. She is the founder of the Sugar Free Fresh Start course and Sugar Free Tribe weight loss membership. Learn more.

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  1. Thanks for you website. I am a member and receive daily emails from you. I truly would love to receive a copy of your cookbook. I enjoy your recipes as they are simply easy to make and enjoy. Annette

  2. I choose to eat sugar free by choice. I actually did a fast and I chose to eliminate sugar from my diet and I was shocked to see how much sugar was in everything!

  3. I follow a sugar-free diet because I insulin resistant/pre-diabetic. I try to follow a vegetarian diet although I eat fish sometimes. I don’t have allergies but I try to avoid gluten and dairy.

  4. I would love a copy of your sugar free mom recipe book. I am an email subscriber. I have a problem with sugar and binging.

  5. We don’t have any allergies and focus on whole, real foods. We limit sugar and love veggies. But we also love nuts and meat and dairy!

  6. We are all just trying to eat a whole lot healthier. Since I’ve cut out a lot of sugar my kids can focus a lot better. In everything they do. Start now with a healthy diet for the young ones and it will last a life time!!

  7. I am a die hard fan of this site and was only thinking the other day,’ I wish she did a cook book’!!! so would be over the moon if I got one of these free copies!! Especially I live all the way in London UK!!! x Fingers crossed!

  8. My family and I love all your recipes that we have tried so far! We try to eat clean and sugar free as much as possible. I don’t like how sugar makes me feel, the headaches I get or the mood changes. Knowing how bad sugar is I just don’t want to put it in my or my kids body/system!

  9. my family and I are all gluten free, and currently dairy free and egg free. I limit processed sugar as much as possible

  10. I just love your recipes… i follow you on facebook daily …. theyr is no excuse to not eating yourself healthy! !! 🙂

  11. Dairy free as much as possible due to allergy, also sugar free/ low sugar and low carb due to being diagnosed as a Type 2 Diabetic this past November.

  12. I eat gluten and dairy free because they don’t seem to agree with my system now after my second baby. I do not eat meat by choice. I also do not eat anything with peanuts or peanut contamination due to my nursing daughter’s sensitivity. Sadly people are usually intimidated by diet now but it’s okay because I just pack a bag of yummy stuff to eat to take along.

  13. Sugar makes me weird, so I have virtually eliminated it from my diet. I try to feed my family clean, low-sugar, home-cooked meals every day. My oldest son has Type 1 diabetes, so we made major lifestyle changes with that diagnosis. All the recipes and posts I see for feeding teenage boys involve major pasta and other high carb belly fillers…those just don’t work for us! Love your recipes, they have given us some ‘normal’ foods back!! 🙂

  14. I have followed you on Bloglovin’ for the last couple of years. Love your tips and recipes. Currently on the weight-loss track and trying to get back into condition and shape. Thanks for the opportunity.

  15. Sugar free is my number one reason for being here. I experiment, but sometimes we need that tried and true recipe to go to. Add low carb/gluten free and it’s really a recipe I must try.

  16. My Dr. Recommended that I try to eat sugar free & then gluten free to reduce inflammation in my body. I love gleaning tips & recipes from blogs & FB pages.

  17. I do not tolerate sugar (except naturally occurring in fruits – so I can use only stewia) and wheat, so your recipes gives my life taste! 😉

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