Sugar-Free Mom Cookbook Online Copy Give Aways!

Sugar Free Mom Cookbook Give Away of 3 Online ecopy versions!


The Sugar Free Mom Cookbook has been released and while I all ready gave away a few hard copies on the blog, today I’m giving away 3 online copies! If you’re new around here maybe you didn’t even know I had just released a cookbook. If that’s the case you can read more about it here and what’s included!

SFM cookbook desserts (1 of 1)

It’s not just about desserts but they sure are the best of the best in this cookbook!

SFM cookbook entrees (1 of 1)

Lots of family friendly meals and crock pot winners as well as awesome sides and lighter bites!

SFM cookbook breakfasts (1 of 1)

Tons of make ahead breakfast ideas as well!



Here’s how to win your online copy:

  1. If you are all ready a subscriber to my blog via email you are automatically entered in for a drawing and need to do nothing else but comment below and let me know you are an email subscriber. One online copy will be given to a random email subscriber!
  2. Two more online copies will be given to anyone who follows my blog and comments here today.
  4. Mandatory: You must leave a comment below to be entered in either the subscriber drawing or the blog drawings. My question is this as I would like to know you all better and what types of recipes you enjoy: How do you describe your diet? Vegetarian, vegan, gluten free, nut free, dairy free and why? Is it due to allergies in you or your family or is it simply choice? After commenting please enter the Rafflecopter for additional entries.
  5. Contest ends on Friday Feb 20th and midnight EST! Good Luck! Winners will be notified via email and have 24 hours to reply before another winner will be chosen.
  6. Here’s my Amazon link to order a copy if your prefer!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


About Brenda

Brenda Bennett is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, certified Sugar Detox Coach, certified Keto Coach and certified Life Coach. She has been Sugar Free & Refined carb free for 17 years and has written 2 cookbooks, Sugar-Free Mom, and Naturally Keto and her 3rd book The 30-Day Sugar Elimination Diet, is a four part program to help you detox from sugar, eliminate cravings, balance blood sugar and lose weight all while eating a delicious, nutrient dense whole foods. Meal plan offers two tracks to follow, low carb or keto. She is the founder of the Sugar Free Fresh Start course and Sugar Free Tribe weight loss membership. Learn more.

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  1. Love your meals and goodies! Solved all my belly troubles thank you so much!. I follow you like a be to pollen by email, and facebook! Thank you!!cant wait for your book!

  2. I truly enjoy your recipes as I’m learning to eat clean and healthy. Finding recipes without sugar isn’t easy especially when there is a birthday involved and the birthday girl or boy wants cake. After all, what’s a birthday without cake? I’m always learning new and wonderful things and someone posts a recipe and it gives me different ideas of what I would like to go with it to keep it healthy. I love experimenting! Thank you for taking the time to post these wonderful recipes.

  3. I have a genuine concern to make sure that my family eats the best quality foods without feeling deprived. My family and I are really trying to cut out any excess amounts of sugar. After having found out that I have an underactive thyroid, I have been on a search to find out ways to eat better and hopefully reduce any symptoms that come with thyroid problems. Having a site to go to and see good, healthy recipes to feed my family is very great. It helps me make smart choices while still being able to enjoy food. Thanks sugar free mom!

  4. I am an email subscriber and would love an ecopy of your cookbook. I have recently figured out that I have adrenal fatigue – not only due to stress but also due to chemical exposure (including sugar). This is all new territory for me, so I would love a copy of your ecookbook to get me started! Kudos to you for all your hard work on this – and for making it available!

  5. I enjoy your website. I love eating well and cooking and find your recipes delicious! I am trying to experiment with low carb, low sugar recipes.

  6. It should be low-carb, sugar-free, but I don’t do so well at times. LOL! I am diabetic, but I also don’t like the feeling I get after eating carbs.

  7. I subscribe to your emails and constantly go onto your blog for new good ideas. I had Bariatric surgery 4 years ago and your recipes have been perfect. I would love to win your ebook

  8. I eat gluten free because the rest of my family has celiac. I also try to avoid sugar when ever possible to avoid sugar cravings.

  9. Thankfully we have no allergies to contend with. We eat whole clean foods as often as possible. I, myself, eat a paleo/primal type diet.
    We would love this cookbook in my house! 🙂

  10. I love sweets… BUT not what sweets do to me… I found out about stevia about 7 years and found a plant to grow… YES is is a ‘sweet leaf’!

  11. Eating well has always been my goal. It’s so difficult to choose foods that are good for our health when there are so many bad choices out there. My hope is that this sugarfreemom and this blog will be a pathway to recipes and eating habits that promote health and well being.

  12. I LOVE your recipes and have told everyone who will listen to go to your blog for healthy recipes. My family has several favorites: crock pot white chicken chili, cheese stuffed turkey meatballs, and your marinara sauce is AWESOME! We try to eat clean and stay away from preservatives, sugar, and “white” foods. Your recipes really fit in well with my menus. Thank you so much for sharing!!!

  13. Love all your wonderful recipes. Have been low carb, wheat free and sugar free for two years. Thanks for all your hard work. Look forward to all your e-mails each week for new ideas to try.

  14. As a subscriber i didn’t win the hard copy, but i’d love to at least win the ecopy of your book! Being a diabetic is so hard for me.. i’d love a chance to win your book as i love the recipes on your site. Thank you for the opportunity.

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