Sugar Free Mom Weekly Support Membership
Break up with sugar and end those carb cravings for good with our new program that includes my 6 week Sugar Detox course and live WEEKLY support membership!
Tammy says , “Down 13 pounds and 7” since joining this program. Blood sugar is dropping each day. The best news of all, my husband said he wanted to give it a try. I selected Brenda’s program because he has celiac and her recipes are all gluten free. Yet all the gluten packaged items we purchased were high in sugar which was hurting me. So this gave me the best of both. Still learning to cook, measure and plan, but thankful and blessed for Brenda’s coaching and program. Thank you!”
Week 1: You’ll learn exactly what to eat and what not to eat to detox from sugar. You’ll have the option to choose the low-carb plan, keto plan or auto-immune diet plan. You’ll receive handouts on what to drink, snack on, healthy fats & oils and optional supplements.
Week 2: You’ll learn if your snacking is habit or true hunger, abstinence between meals and how to fill-the-gap instead of snacking.
Week 3 : You’ll learn about the right macronutrients for your body, food sensitivities, blood testing, and using the pulse record.
Week 4: You’ll learn the triggers and cues that lead to temptation and how to combat it. We’ll learn about how grains and gluten impact your health and intermittent fasting, and how to follow a Protein Sparing Modified Fast.
Week 5 You’ll learn how to bust through plateaus, when to get further testing and what to test for hormones, adrenals, and thyroid.
Week 6 You’ll learn how your body reacts to certain carbs by taking a 7 day carb testing protocol. (optional)
You no longer need to wait for me to share when I will offer the course again, it is now evergreen and available at any time. You can choose to do the course on your own, without any live support. But if you are someone who really prefers live weekly support during the course and when you complete it, we are excited to offer you this new opportunity with our Sugar Free Membership!
Sugar Detox Course Testimonial
Kim says, “I have been very happy with my results on this course. I have lost a total of 16 pounds and 12.25 inches but there have been so many other benefits! My joints don’t hurt anymore, I’m not as tired as I once was, I am not constantly hungry or consumed by snacking after dinner. I have learned a lot. Probably the best thing that happened was my head stopped itching so much. That had been bothering me for years with no apparent cause. I noticed that it stopped a month ago or so. Thank you so much!!!”
After the first Sugar Detox Course began in the spring of 2020, I have provided a monthly Zoom training for all alumni members. Each month, like you see in the above picture, we have a Zoom class, with my coaching on a particular topic, along with a workbook and documents to support.
There is an archive of wonderful trainings on the member website that can be viewed at any time as a member. Other trainings include:
- 2 Simple Tricks to Stick to Your Food Plan
- Evening routines
- Morning Routines
- Picking while prepping
- How to Recover after Overindulgence
- How to Stop Stress and Emotional Eating
- Fear of Missing Out
- How to Be Flexible on Vacation
- Weight Loss Stalls
- Self-Sabotage Part 1
- The Scale
- Clean Fasting
- Carb Loading
- Triggers & The HALT Method
- Immune Health
- Higher Protein & Ketosis
- Goal Settings & Atomic Habits
- Keto Pitfalls
- Carb Tolerance
- Journaling
- Self-Sabotage Part 2
- Leveling Up
- Setting Boundaries
- How to Survive Thanksgiving
- Nutrient Depletion from Stress
- Leptin Resistance
- Estrogen Dominance
But recently after completing the last Sugar Detox Course, members of the course were stating how they loved having weekly support via Zoom to be able to ask questions and meet in small groups and they were really going to miss that.
I thought it over long and hard, the best way to offer my support and then it was decided, a WEEKLY ZOOM MEETING! This is the missing piece of the puzzle for so many who are trying to lose weight. Doing so on your own can be challenging and having support from others on a weekly basis can be the change needed to keep going and also keep the weight off once you get to your goal weight.
If you have ever been involved in a program that offers live support and accountability then you know the value it offers. This is what makes most people stick to their goals, SUPPORT!!
Sugar Detox Course Testimonial
Leslie says, “As we come to the end of our 6 week course, I have to share this truly remarkable success story – my partner was diagnosed as a Type 2 diabetic in February and ended up in ICU. So scary and I didn’t have any idea how to handle – he ended up on 105 units of short term insulin and 60 units long term per day . So hard to control & now thanks to “our” Sugar Free Mom -Brenda Bennett, he is on ZERO insulin and just metformin…..he’s lost 10 pounds too! We saw the endocrinologist yesterday and she said she had never seen a Type 2 Diabetic go from that much insulin to ZERO AND his glucose is in range 99% of the time !!! I can’t thank you enough for being such a REAL person and teaching me how to cook healthy and enjoy it too!”
You don’t have to struggle alone! Let me help you make your goals a reality! Join the Sugar Free Membership and get the Sugar Detox Course with the membership! You can pay for the year upfront which is the best value or you can pay monthly, whichever is best for you. Don’t wait to see if you can do it on your own. Get the support you need now!