Sugar Freedom Webinar (Learn How to Break Up with Sugar for Good)

This is a FREE Webinar to learn how to break up with sugar for good and have complete, wonderful sugar freedom forever!

Sugar Freedom FREE Webinar

In just two weeks, on September 16th, I’ll be having a FREE Zoom webinar to help you learn how to break up with sugar and have complete freedom for lasting health and wellness to reach your goals! It was a huge success when I hosted this webinar back in April of 2020, so I decided I would do it again for those of you who missed it and share about when my Sugar Detox Course will be available again this month!

You’re eating low-carb or keto and all was well for a week or two, then all of a sudden…. BOOM, the CRAVINGS have hit and they have hit HARD!! Did you give in or did you grin and bear it and wonder what the heck happened? I’ve been there my friend, more times than I can count and I know how grueling and difficult it can be, especially when you feel like you are doing everything right!

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Sugar Addiction

There comes a time in life that you or someone you know has reached the bottom. The bottom of a pit that looks hopeless and miserable and you think you’ll never get out of it. I’ve been there, I know the struggle to say, “Tomorrow will be better, tomorrow I will do everything right, tomorrow I will change my ways and won’t give in to the sweets that call my name, tomorrow things will be better.”

Then tomorrow comes, which of course is a Monday, and you are ready to take on the day. You made a nice breakfast and have all the stamina of a bull ready to be released and charge into the pit to fight. Lunch comes around and your feeling great; had a nice salad, enjoyed veggies, protein and a fruit. Feeling wonderful and happy. Then 3 pm hits and you have some coffee to help with that sluggish feeling. You start looking in the cupboards for a healthy snack and choose some fruit. But you’re not satisfied; you can’t concentrate you need something else because certainly fruit isn’t going to hold you over until dinner right? So you go back into the cupboard and find some crackers; “ok cheese and crackers that will work, but those cookies in there for the kids look really good! I can do this, I can have one and be done, I just need a little something sweet, one won’t ruin my healthy day!!” And you take that one bite and if you can relate to this you know how it ends, don’t you?

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Now more than ever is the time to be the healthiest you can be! When you have sugar cravings and indulge, you are feeding any virus that might try to attack your immune system. Now is the time to get a handle on this once and for all so that you can live your best life! Cutting out the sugar and starch from your diet, which suppresses your immune system, will greatly help you fight off infections. Keeping your blood sugar balanced and removing inflammatory foods will only help you, not hinder you. 

I get it. Everyone, everywhere is concerned about virus and infections, and we have every right to worry. But what we do now to protect ourselves is truly the best way to keep ourselves safe from infection. Feeding our bodies with whole, unrefined, unprocessed foods, steering clear from sugar and foods that turn into sugar in our bodies, and removing toxic ingredients from our meals is the best way to fight against sickness and disease. Now is the time to learn all you can in how to take care of yourself, and to stop those sugar cravings, for the sake of you and your loved ones. I hope you’ll join me on April 15th!

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About Brenda

Brenda Bennett is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, certified Sugar Detox Coach, certified Keto Coach and certified Life Coach. She has been Sugar Free & Refined carb free for 17 years and has written 2 cookbooks, Sugar-Free Mom, and Naturally Keto and her 3rd book The 30-Day Sugar Elimination Diet, is a four part program to help you detox from sugar, eliminate cravings, balance blood sugar and lose weight all while eating a delicious, nutrient dense whole foods. Meal plan offers two tracks to follow, low carb or keto. She is the founder of the Sugar Free Fresh Start course and Sugar Free Tribe weight loss membership. Learn more.

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