The Best Sugar Detox Course

This is the Best Sugar Detox Course you will ever join! 

Best Sugar Detox

Why would I ever say this is the best sugar detox course you could ever join? Because I’m not going to tell you that you need to be following a keto diet. I’m not going to be telling you, you need to go dairy free. I’m not going to even tell you how many carbs you need to eat each day! I am going to help you figure out what is right for YOUR body! You will discover how many carbs to eat by taking this course. You will discover what carbs are a good fit for your body and what are not. You will finally find a way to remove sugar and carb cravings once and for all so you will reach a healthy weight for your body. It’s about bio-individuality and no one should ever be telling you what vegetables are off limits for your body because every body is different and is effected differently by certain foods. Some can eat sweet potatoes without any raise in blood sugar while others can not. This sugar detox course is the only one that will meet you where you are at, to help you find what works for you to balance your blood sugar and have food freedom! 

Sugar Addiction

Top right corner of this collage above, I was miserable and overweight in 2006. I had my third child in 2005 and could not get off the sugar and carbs. I had known sugar freedom in 2004 after my second child was born, but once pregnant with the third I chose to throw it all out the window because, “I did it once, I’ll just go back to sugar free after he’s born” is what I told myself. I truly believed it was that easy and I was so very wrong. The pull for sugar was even worse trying to go sugar free a second time and with out any support. It took me about a year to truly break free from sugar and I’ve never touched it since! 

I’m not more special than you. I don’t have more will power then you. I don’t have more discipline than you. I just found what to eat to avoid cravings for good. That doesn’t mean I don’t overindulge some days in more whole, natural carbs, it happens. But I NEVER touch sugar and I never touch processed, refined carbs. End of story. You can get there too if that is your desire. If you truly are motivated to make a change, I am here to help.

You can successfully become sugar free: You just need support and a step by step guide to tackle this one day at a time. Living sugar free can be done I’ve done it and I’ll show you how .

Back in 2012 I wrote a Sugar Detox Plan that was a wonderful 6 week program, but it was pre-recorded videos and self-paced. There was no live element to it and you were essentially doing it on your own. In 2019, I removed the plan from my website because I could no longer promote the course as some of the ideas I recommended, I no longer recommend today. It needed to be revamped and updated and that’s exactly what I did! 

Introducing my first ever LIVE Sugar Detox Course!

Spots are limited as I want to have a small group this first time around. This course WILL NOT be offered again until September. 

Learn More Here about the Sugar Detox Course and reserve your spot.  


About Brenda

Brenda Bennett is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, certified Sugar Detox Coach, certified Keto Coach and certified Life Coach. She has been Sugar Free & Refined carb free for 17 years and has written 2 cookbooks, Sugar-Free Mom, and Naturally Keto and her 3rd book The 30-Day Sugar Elimination Diet, is a four part program to help you detox from sugar, eliminate cravings, balance blood sugar and lose weight all while eating a delicious, nutrient dense whole foods. Meal plan offers two tracks to follow, low carb or keto. She is the founder of the Sugar Free Fresh Start course and Sugar Free Tribe weight loss membership. Learn more.

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  1. I Would love to know more about your detox class that starts tomorrow but when I click the link it takes me to a page where it doesn’t exist anymore

  2. I would love to join this event but at this time my budget will not
    allow me too. I hoping to be able to in September, for now I have your cook book and looking forward to the plan and recipes!

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