Three Day Cleanse & Detox Plan











After reading the book,“Hungry for Change – Ditch the Diets, Conquer the Cravings, and Eat Your Way to Lifelong”,

I knew I wanted to try a 3 Day Cleanse for myself.  Seeing the Skinny Ms. site advertise the book and cleanse I was ready to give it a try. Since I already eat quite healthy, no refined flours or sugars, I didn’t think I’d notice much difference in 3 days. How wrong I was! I am lactose intolerant, but do have some dairy. Removing all forms of dairy, removing animal protein except for egg whites in my smoothies and also removing certain carbs for the cleanse was just what I needed. I felt fantastic and a lot less bloated too and I didn’t even remove the caffeine as suggested.

So this 3 day cleanse is simply an adaption from the book I read. It really helped clean my insides so to speak! If you are unsure as to why a cleanse is helpful to your body you can read this post by my friend, Dr. Heather Manley: Get Clean: How and Why to Cleanse. And if you like Dr.Oz, here’s a link to his 3 day cleanse.

If you have been unable to kick the sugar habit, this cleanse will certainly kick start you into gear!

*This detox does not include added sweeteners (with the exception of stevia), caffeine, dairy, wheat or gluten, or animal protein (with the exception of egg whites and edamame).

 Be sure to drink plenty of water while doing the detox. It’s recommended to drink four 12 ounce glasses a day of either spring, filtered or distilled water.
Use the breakfast smoothie recipes twice daily. Pick one meal for either lunch or dinner. Drink tea or water throughout the day. Choose up to 2 snacks a day. Continue for 3 days.

Wakeup Drink Recipe:

  • Morning Detox Tea from Dr.Oz
  • Lemon water-{8 ounces of water with the juice of half a lemon, stevia to taste}.
  • Sunrise Lemon Ginger Detox Drink from Skinny Ms.

Breakfast Recipes: (choose one)

Lunch and/or Dinner Recipes: (choose one for each meal)


  • raw vegetables, an ounce of raw nuts, any of the smoothies above, vegetable soup

As with any change in diet, it is recommended that before beginning the cleanse & detox you check with your doctor. If you are allergic to any ingredients do not include them in your cleanse.  You may use an alternative.

Disclaimer: The 3 Day Cleanse and Detox plan provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from a physician or other healthcare professional.   The 3 Day Cleanse and Detox has not been officially evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration nor has the results of 3 Day Cleanse and Detox been established as medical fact.

Consult a physician regarding the applicability of the 3 Day Cleanse and Detox with respect to your individual health. If you are nursing or diabetic please consult your physician prior to starting any cleanse.

Sugar-Free Mom makes no warranties or representations regarding the results to be achieved from the 3 Day Cleanse and Detox, and results are likely to vary from participant to participant.  Furthermore, disclaim any and all liability resulting from injuries or damage caused by following the 3 Day Cleanse & Detox.

I’m starting on Monday, Dec.3, 2012. If you would like to participate comment below with the date you are starting. Start anytime after today but before the week is over. Then we can come back here see how everyone did!

 MY RESULTS 12-6-12:

I was pleasantly surprised and shocked my body didn’t have a caffeine withdrawal from not having my usual 3 cups of coffee in a day. To be honest I thought I would be sluggish and extremely tired as well, I was NOT!  In fact I even fell asleep each night without trouble (usually I need to take melatonin). I wasn’t hungry during the cleanse and I certainly didn’t crave anything in particular, (I think the lemon water/tea really helped with that), but by the 3rd day I really wanted some meat and potatoes, oh and some popcorn with the kids!I am definitely less bloated and my stomach is flatter which after 3 C-sections….ha! you get the point! I haven’t weighed myself yet but I will later and check back and let you know. Also, I’ve had no stomach digestion issues either. Most likely it is from the small amount of dairy I like to have regularly…… ok ok more like daily and I’m dairy intolerant, shame on me.

I lost 2 pounds which is great since this wasn’t about losing weight anyway. For me it is pretty awesome since I’m already at an average weight and I didn’t starve myself in 3 days to lose 2 pounds.

Lesson of the Cleanse for me: Incorporating a green smoothie each morning started me on a healthy note, a good attitude, a lighter “skip in my step” as opposed to eating my usual oatmeal/eggs. I think I may have a green smoothie Mon-Fri and enjoy a regular breakfast on the weekends. I also realized if I want to fall asleep without trouble I must eliminate the coffee in the afternoon and  have tea or decaf. I am hoping I can have just a morning coffee without wanting more. 🙂 As far as the food I eliminated, I know I can not be a vegetarian full time that is for sure, I want meat! BUT I think eliminating it once or twice a week is a great idea because I feel the all the veggies could do their job and release toxins in my body without having to digest animal protein. So for the next two days I am only having some meat at dinner and will continue with the green smoothies and soup/ salad at lunch until the weekend.

Please share your results or what you learned from doing this cleanse.


About Brenda

Brenda Bennett is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, certified Sugar Detox Coach, certified Keto Coach and certified Life Coach. She has been Sugar Free & Refined carb free for 17 years and has written 2 cookbooks, Sugar-Free Mom, and Naturally Keto and her 3rd book The 30-Day Sugar Elimination Diet, is a four part program to help you detox from sugar, eliminate cravings, balance blood sugar and lose weight all while eating a delicious, nutrient dense whole foods. Meal plan offers two tracks to follow, low carb or keto. She is the founder of the Sugar Free Fresh Start course and Sugar Free Tribe weight loss membership. Learn more.

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  1. I might have missed this somewhere but most of the recipes you link to are 2-4 servings. When I do the detox I just eat 1 serving right? So if I make a smoothie that you say is 2 servings that should be the 2 smoothies I’m supposed to have that day, right (let’s say one for breakfast and one for lunch)? Same with the meals…most of them serve 4 so I should only eat 1/4? THANKS!

    1. Right, if the servings have more than one, yes enjoy one serving but if you are still quite hungry has a second serving if needed.

  2. Brenda, I’m so thrilled to have found you, where have you been all my life? I’m so into healthy everything, and really tired of going to web sites thinking we are of like minds…BOOM! NOT…you’re the real deal, thank you for all you do, for those of us who walk the walk, but still need to milk(non-dairy of course) the brains of precious angels like you! I’ve been on a lifestyle program for over 13yrs & have lost 150 lbs, I went through all the BS “diet” plans, loss 60, gain 80 back…finally the light dawned! I’ve been a model & actress, had been anorexic, so NOT eating was/is a place I’ve visited many times. Part of my crazy diet mania was a fast that was 3 weeks, I lasted 2, it was only 3 protein smoothies a day, zero solid food, water/herb tea…I was working 6 nights a week & had a 3yr old & a teen! OMG what could I have been thinking of? Your detox/cleanse is so doable, and yes I Tivo Dr OZ everyday, no I don’t need to lose any more weight, but I totally believe in cleansing our bodies…it’s like what we do for our car, a little tune up. I went away from dairy milk only because Almond was less calories, then I ran out for a few days & my tummy was upset,(we had fat free in for hubs & kids) I was what’s different? DUH…Who knew? Not me, it also tastes so much better, I mean come on, blind taste test dairy tastes like nothing! Also adore coconut, soy…so much out there, I’m stunned by how many people don’t GET IT? This is 2014 my goodness, I have recipes emailed to me that are freakishly scary…like “Weekend Casserole” over the moon fat/carbs/SODIUM unbelievable…one had, I swear over 6,800mg of sodium per serving…just dial 911 before you take the 1st bite! Honey, I get my herbs/vities/organic stuff, from they have a great selection of almost everything. I usually buy my fish oil locally because I get a better deal…I’ve got nothing to do with them except I’ve been shopping there quit awhile now & they’re prices are good & fast S&H. I brought them up cause I just got a high protein & fiber hemp from them, I’m big on meal replacement smoothies just whenever I feel like it…this stuff is terrible! Holy cow, I tried everything to make it look & taste better…YUCK! What was I thinking of, miss know-it-all, blew it… looks & tastes like dirt (poop)! I actually love green juice and/or smoothies…this is so not that, HELP! When I stumbled upon your perfect web post I was/am in heaven, I’ve been here for like 2hrs, I have been up & down, but yup…you had me at your crustless coconut custard…Bless you and your family, Andrea

    1. You have an amazing story Andrea, I’m so happy you found my blog and love the recipes, thanks so much!

  3. Hi, Just thought it would be nice to warn people about the potentially intense aspect of this cleanse. Two of us started this morning with a lemon ginger drink and a strawberry/coconut/spinach smoothie. Since then we have both had the runs, nausea and generally felt awful! I get that a cleanse cleans you out, but this is not what I expected and not worth it to me. Note: we are both generally healthy but were just looking to eat a little less sugar and thought this cleanse would be interesting.

    1. You just had that one smoothie and the lemon ginger and had that effect?? I find that very odd and I drink that smoothie all the time as do I drink lemon water.

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