Video: How to Become A Food Label Expert: Healthy Pasta
This is my first video on youtube friends!

Let me know your thoughts about reading food labels and share any favorite pasta you like!
I can take KIND constructive criticism and I will try to stop saying ….um so much 🙂
Where did you find the Tinkyada Brown Rice Pasta?
I’ve found it at my Stop & Shop, Trader Joes has some brown rice pasta, it’s not Tinkyada but it’s really good!
So what brands are really 100% whole wheat then? I’m still a little confused
.~ Thanks
You definitely got more comfortable as the video went on. It was a great video! You know what you’re talking about, and that’s what matters!
Wear a blue or green shirt against the white background next time – white on white’s not a good combo.
Keep it up!
I didn’t think about the color, thanks for the tip!
So I am wondering I pulled out the box I bought at our local store Winco. It is Hodgson Mill. Whole Wheat Whole grain Lasagna. In ingredients in list one: 100% Durum whole wheat flour.
So does that mean it is whole wheat or not. I am a little confused.
Thanks for the vlog. Great to see your face and hear your voice. Thanks for answering questions too
I’m sorry to say but no its not 100% whole wheat. Durum is a class of wheat, just as semolina “white” pasta is also 100% durum wheat. It has more nutrients in it than regular white pasta but it still has been refined and processed more than true 100% whole wheat.
Great vlog, can’t wait for the rest. I have been sugar free white flour free, well anything processed really since the beginning of the year. I find my body is so much happier off all these things. Keep the vlog and blogs coming and thanks for sharing with us.
What would you say are your top 5 ingredients you keep highly stocked and use most often? Great Vlog by the way, I always wondered about the ‘durum’ flour word. Its a lot tougher to find 100% whole wheat but definitely possible. I love your recipes.
Great question! I will need to write a post about that! I can tell you my number one is oatmeal!
What an awesome “vlog”!
I’m so proud of you!
I, of course, know all this.
From YOU!
And you have “commercials” on the side now!
iHerb, Hoover, Cuisinart…
Thank you sweet friend 😉
Perfect voice quality, tone and pitch for a vlog Brenda! Many women, myself included, have higher pitched voices (we’ll always sound like we’re a child or very VERY excited) and they can be quite grating, especially when listened to through laptop/desktop quality speakers.
“Um” was not distracting to me. You came across very personable. A woman’s woman. A mom’s mom.
I work from my home office in Iowa for a company based out of Ohio and with no office noise to keep me from going insane (*smile*), I listen to a lot podcasts/vlogs/pre-recorded broadcasts throughout the work day. I can assure you, you’ll have at least one listener each time you post!
Thank you for sharing your story through this site!
YOU ARE A SWEETHEART! I so appreciate your encouraging and kind words! thank you!