Finding Your Motivation To Lose Weight
Back in 2003, I was a proud momma of a 1 year old baby girl and a 4 year old little boy. Although I was completely in love with my little bundles of joy, I was not completely in love with my extra weight that was still hanging on to me one year after giving birth. I was completely disgusted with myself and lack of discipline. Have you been there?Can you relate?
I ventured out to find a program that would work for me, helping me to curb my appetite for sweet treats and carbs that were my fix.
I desperately wanted to feel better about my body and size and get healthy. I wanted to set an example for my children, but I just completely lacked any effort to do so.
So when I heard about a friend whose mom was on a program that eliminated white refined sugar and flour I was ready and desperate to try it. But this time was so different then other times of wanting to lose weight.
My daughters birth really triggered something in me I just can’t even explain. Losing weight was no longer just about me and my personal desires to fit into my older, smaller sized jeans, it was seeing my daughter as a mini version of myself . Her future motivated me!
What would become of her If I continued on this self destructive path? Would she become just like me in her eating patterns? And the more and more I thought about this, it horrified me and fueled a desire for change I never would have thought was there. I didn’t want to see my daughter follow the pattern of self LOATHING and lack of discipline. I was not going to allow her to grow up watching me complain about my weight yet continue to see me plunge my hand into a cellophane bag or boxed sugary treat. This pattern was going to stop with me!
Finding my motivation was the key that finally turned this yo-yo dieting cycle to a screeching halt. Everyone needs to have something that triggers a reaction, a response that pumps you and pushes you forward to be better.
What is it for you?
Everyone’s motivation factor will of course, be different, but I use mine as an example to spark your own if you are still in the place of uncertainty.
Maybe just fitting into your skinny jeans is enough for you to truly make lasting change.
Maybe your motivation has not happened because nothing negative has come from your being overweight. I promise you this, there will be a time that changes as well. Being overweight does not happen overnight, it is continuum of bad habits that cause that creeping weight gain over time. We’ve all seen the Biggest Loser participants haven’t we?
So I ask you, have you found your motivation to begin your weight loss journey?
Please leave a comment if you have.
Reading about others successful weight loss is very motivating and will inspire you!
I LOVE your blog! I’m currently doing the Setting Captives Free online program (check it out anyone who struggles with over-eating) and I’m realizing that eating is something that needs to be managed just like money. Your recipes look great and I think they’re really going to assist me in staying healthy and living a life that pleases the Lord. Thanks again Brenda! God Bless you and your family 😉
Recognizing overeating is a problem is a great beginning and I think that program sounds wonderful! My prayer is that these recipes here will help you achieve your weight loss goals without feeling deprived. Thank you!
I would like to understand the recognising overeating and the motivational parts for starters. I am a insulin dependent Diabetic so I have to watch my carbs. and your recipes look great— have a piece of fudge without the guilt, I just have to get controls to walk away and do things to occupy my time and get food off my mind. When I go to sleep at night I lay there wonderig what to make for meals the next day. Being Bipolar is part of it I think because of the compulsion and obsession. Is there help for me ? I was 180 pounds in 2005 when I got married and 10 yrs later I’m 261 with several health issues. I love my fruits and veggies but its a problem with the amounts. I do see my endocrinoligist and his nutritionist I understand what they are telling , it is the part of applying myself and the self control. I do use a log book with each individual meal along with carbs, blood readings before and after the meals and my morning weights. I want to be more organized and put my time to good use but I don’t know where to start. We adopted a 7 yr old Lab who is traumatized from being in a cage for 5 1/2 of his 7 years at a No Kill Shelter. He doesn’t know how to be a dog so I am working on caring and expressing love to him but it has been almost 8 months and we have acomplished but its 2 steps forward and 1 back. He is very timid. He trusts my husband 100% but he works 12:00 PM til 9:00PM five days a week. Tim ( the dog) was also the runt of the litter and was born with no nostrils so had to under go emergency laser surgery when he was born and shortly after that got pnemonia and was not expected to live. His life after that was adopted out for 6 months and returned and was in a gage (5 1/2 yrs) until we adopted him on July 3rd, of 2014 ( last year) , 2 weeks after our Lab / Great Dane passed from cancer and AFIB . sometimes I think stress might be my food problem, can this be part of my problem ? Now that you have read my Biography ( haha) what advice do you have for a 60 year old female. Any questions email me.
Well that sounds like your motivation right there and that’s enough to make lasting change! Good for you Rhonda!
Well….I haven’t found my motivation yet, I want the Lord to be my true motivation so I am committing to Him everyday my eating habits and asking Him to change me completely….forever. So, right now for me there is no plan, but there is a small desire to please Him that is starting to consume me. Putting food down when I am full. Obeying His small soft voice within me that says, not that way, this way.