What I Ate Wednesday #10








Welcome all new SFM readers! This post is one of my favorites every week! YOU get to see what I’ve been eating for at least one day in my life. This day happened to be on Saturday last weekend. Having accountability with all of you is wonderful. I highly suggest finding a buddy to be accountable to, totally makes a world of difference if you are on a mission to lose weight or just eat healthier! Jen from Peas and Crayons invites other foodie bloggers to share their eats once a week. Some share recipes as well so if you’ve never checked out the linky party now is your chance as it is every Wednesday. 🙂



I started my morning with a late breakfast coconut strawberry protein smoothie. I find that to be the easiest way to make sure I don’t skip breakfast as well as being able to do all the things I need to do as a mom of 3. I can carry it around the house or take it on the go, works for me!

Since I drank this fairly late morning and knew I had a 12:00 soccer game at a very wet field for my little man, I opted to grab an orange to go. And with the intent to eat a healthy lunch once I got home from the game.









The easiest transportable snack naturally made! Love them!




Here we are. My little  man……and His team WON the game! Isn’t he the cutest?



My older kiddies wanted some concession stand snacks which just could not be avoided. So yes I ate SOME of this bag I shared with my daughter.

I really did share, I did. 😉



Came home SUPER hungry so when I saw my left over butternut squash in the fridge…..yeah baby I ate that cold. It was so good too!

Are you a fan of  butternut?



I then made a better lunch type snack I guess you could say. Sweet mini peppers stuffed with spinach artichoke hummus! YUM!

Totally can eat hummus with a SPOON! Love it!



So before I headed out for the night for a very rare dinner out with my friends, I made the kids HONEY VANILLA CARAMEL APPLES!!! That recipe is Ah-MAZing! I will be posting it tomorrow!!

Oh and I LICKED THAT entire Spoon! Yep, no shame…….

But here’s a better picture!





Here we are!! That’s me in the orange-y shirt on the left. Some of us have been friends for about 22 years!!! Love my friends! We went to a fantastic restaurant called Jackie’s in Providence.



I started with a delicious salad.



We all shared some edamame too.

Who’s a fan?



I opted for sushi as I don’t get to eat it much but every chance I get I order it. A Nice and light meal. 🙂

So in case you didn’t hear, Monday was my 1 year blogiversary! And I’m giving away a HUGE Blendtec blender AND a Twister jar too.

If you’d like to enter the Giveaway just go to this post.
















What do you LOVE to get when you have a chance to eat out at a nice restaurant?





About Brenda

Brenda Bennett is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, certified Sugar Detox Coach, certified Keto Coach and certified Life Coach. She has been Sugar Free & Refined carb free for 17 years and has written 2 cookbooks, Sugar-Free Mom, and Naturally Keto and her 3rd book The 30-Day Sugar Elimination Diet, is a four part program to help you detox from sugar, eliminate cravings, balance blood sugar and lose weight all while eating a delicious, nutrient dense whole foods. Meal plan offers two tracks to follow, low carb or keto. She is the founder of the Sugar Free Fresh Start course and Sugar Free Tribe weight loss membership. Learn more.

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  1. When I get to eat out, I really enjoy seafood! We rarely make seafood at home so it’ s a nice date night treat!

  2. I occasionaly eat out and when I do I want something new and different that I don’t make at home. When I do make it at home I prefer mine over the restaurant because I know all the ingredients in it and usually like my version better. It’s a lot cheaper too.

  3. It was only 2 days ago that my kids were asking if I would make them toffee apples. I basically told them no, thinking toffee apples = lots of sugar and red food colouring… so I was thrilled to see those apples!! Showed the kids the picture, and we are all waiting excitedly for tomorrow!! At restaurants I only order savoury – if there’s incidental sugar there, then I can’t really help that and it should be minimal – but I don’t order sweets. Anything with seafood or an exotic salad with nuts in it… that’s all I crave at restaurants!

    1. My kids loved them and so did the hubby! I’m sure yours will too, totally messy but worth it!

  4. do you have a recipe for your coconut strawberry protein smoothie??? It looks yummy. I love all your smoothies!!!

  5. I have a hard time makin healthy choices when eating out. I get tempted by all the yumminess! I often split with hubby and then we split a desert 😉

  6. When I get to eat out–which feels like almost never..I love me a stuffed baked potato, with all the fixings! Also dessert too! It’s a treat for myself and when I get to eat out, I take full advantage 😉

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