What I Ate Wednesday #15

Good Wednesday Morning! It’s visual food journal day!
Each Wednesday I share what I ate one given day. I’ve postponed a few since the holidays so this is the first one for the new year of 2013! This day happens to be on Saturday over the weekend. I was quite ambitious and on a roll making about 3 new recipes that day. Some weekends and days are like that for me, crazy but I love it!
Breakfast on Saturday was a remaking of an orange scone. They were tasty, but not wheat free which is now a goal of mine since the New Year began as I think I’m allergic to wheat. So this recipe will need to be made again but my family isn’t complaining cause these are goooooood!
A little common snack I eat often, carrots and hummus!! Hubby said the garlic smell was a bit strong on my breath! Such is life and thank God for good breath mints! I will not give up my hummus. 😉
Lunch was this sun-dried tomato feta frittata! I saw some jars for sun-dried tomatoes in my pantry closet and also had some feta and whaalaa! You can eat frittata’s at any meal, don’t you agree?
Afternoon snack while working at the computer. NOTE TO SELF: One should NOT bring the bag with them while working as it will easily be half gone as soon as one realizes it!
In between helping my 3 kids in and out of snowsuits for playing outside I managed to make homemade croutons and then clam chowder for dinner AND take some pics of them before the sun went down. WHEW! I was exhausted but had a super day regardless! I’m pretty sure by evening we were watching a family movie and I had some popcorn but forgot to take a pic of it. Or maybe I purposely didn’t take that pic as I didn’t want you to see the size if my bowl! 😉
You can check out more bloggers foodie eats over at Peas and Crayons!
Have you made any new recipes this week?
What a great day! Your dinner meal looks wonderful
You might try the soaking grains to get rid of some of the gluten when making your own bread. I have read about that. Never tried it though. I also grind my own wheat and use the Prairie Gold.
Im with you.. fritattas are for any time you want.. even in the middle of the night. 😉
Regarding the wheat allergy.. my endocrinoligist says its properly wheat or gluten sensitivity unless you go into anaphylatic shock.. so yes, you may have some wheat sensitivities.
I do too.. and have for a long time. 10 years ago I went on a lowcarb diet and gave up all wheat products.. within a week I felt like a whole new person. My arthritis symptoms were gone, my chronic sinus infections (seriously10 years long) was gone, my chronic fatigue & fibromyalgia lessened considerably, and my bowels actually became somewhat regular which had never happened in my then 41 years of life.
I was tested for celiac spru and was negative but my endo says it may not be the gluten they actually test for that Im reacting with. I stay gluten free most of the time, but every once in a while a good donut or cinnamon roll just calls my name and the next day Im in massive pain and I remember again why it was I gave it up.
I agree with your reader who speaks of wheats not being the same as they used to be. This is true and the industry has bred more gluten into the wheat so that we can have fluffier white bread than it used to be, and they believe that is part of the problem, but its not the whole problem. I will all concur and say that I dont seem to react to homemade Amish wheat bread that comes from my CSA, but thats not definitive.. just something I noticed a couple times. It may have been a fluke or it may be that what I and many others are truly reacting to is something else that is added to commercial wheat in the factory. I dont know.. but I do know that life without bread is much better than with it for me.. which brings me to the name of an amazing book if you truly want to dig deep into gluten free..
Life Without Bread by Christian Allen & Wolfgang Lutz http://www.amazon.com/Life-Without-Bread-Low-Carbohydrate-Diet/dp/0658001701
Might see if your library has it.. and if they dont, ask them to buy it.. Its a great book either way. I own a copy & bought one for all my family members in 2007.. its a must read!
Good luck!!
thanks for sharing! I may look into that book!
What a great day. I agree you can eat a fritatta at any meal!
Just a heads up on wheat… I grind my own organic non gmo wheat berries to make our own bread ( and other baked goods) I only have to bake once a week as it freezes beautiful and I take it out as needed for the week. I have been doing this about 4 years now and have not bought store purchased junk wheat bread in all that time. Not only have I lost a considerable amount if weight but eat my bread 2-3 times a day in different forms. My family has never been more healthy and vibrant from all the super nutrients that you get from fresh ground wheat!
It’s life changing… Really. You should check into it. The wheat I get us Prairie Gold. The grinder I use is a Nutrimill and to make 5 loaves at a time so I only have to make bread once a week is called a Bosch.
That’s a great idea for my family. I will look into doing that but I really think I have been allergic to wheat all my life. I have dairy issues as well but I think I will detox from wheat and if I add it back I will try your idea. Thanks for sharing!
Yes, because what I meant to say really, was that wheat that you buy is a completely different make-up than that modified stuff they use in production for breads and such. Alot of people have allergies to that kind of wheat, but most people thrive on the real stuff. Just something for you to think on.
Thanks for sharing, this looks good! I hear you about bringing the whole bag.
I am excited about your wheat free journey! I am reading the book “wheat belly” and it has been a real eye opener for me. Thinking about going down the wheat-free road for my family’s health……so new recipes are always exciting to me!
It seems that going wheat free helps a lot of people’s health issues. Avoiding wheat has eliminated acid reflux for me. I will have to pick up that book Wheat Belly.
Yes me too, Leigh Anne. I really need to make an effort to eliminate it for a length of time, so far it’s been only a week or so but I haven’t had any stomach issues lately.