What I Ate Wednesday # 21

Happy Wednesday to you! Here’s another edition of What I Ate one day last week! This day was actually Sunday and I ate a lot!! On the weekends I just tend to eat more, do you? I balance it out the rest of the week with better choices and exercise but this is a very high calorie day. No idea how many calories as I didn’t even want to figure it out.

I just indulged and I just enjoyed it!


Look at this mess, right? Coconut butter has become a new favorite of mine. Now I don’t eat it every day although I’d love to but I do enjoy it on the weekends! On some Udi’s Gluten free toast with a little no sugar added jam, heavenly!



We went shopping on Sunday at Sam’s Club and the kids were hungry and wanted pizza. The one disadvantage when shopping with kids at Sam’s, if they eye spy it, they want it. As a mom who was feeling lazy on Sunday and not interested in the long ride home with whiny children I gave in. I don’t eat white flour pizza but it sure looked good, but just look at the nice salad they had there! I was totally impressed! It was a spinach salad with sides to top over; pecans, feta, dried pears and balsamic dressing! I was perfectly happy!


The other day when we had school vacation I had some friends over. One of my good friends who knows what ingredients I will and won’t eat, stopped at Whole Foods on the way over. Look at this giant delicious cookie she brought me! Not only was it fantastic, it was sweetened with brown rice syrup, score! It was 7 Weight Watchers Points + so I waited for the weekend to have it and it was totally worth every point!



So this little protein bar wasn’t right after that cookie, it was about a few hours later while doing work at the computer. And it was awesome chocolate peanut butter and full of protein. It’s sweetened with erythritol and does have a whey protein blend in it. So it’s not gluten free or milk free but I ate it to see how my stomach would react. Yes I’ve been wheat free since the new year and since it’s been 2 months and was told by a blood test I don’t have a wheat or gluten allergy I wanted to try. No issues at all and I was happy about that! Have you tried these bars?



On my menu I had planned a new recipe. I saw this idea watching Giada and adapted it, Savory flourless egg crepes! No flour in there at all! Baked and stuffed with cheese and topped with marinara and …..OH MY incredible! I will be posting the recipe soon!



I didn’t even bother to get a clean plate after the crepes and just ate some of the Parmesan crusted chicken with carrots, ranch and topped with a few slices of avocado, yummy dinner indeed!


Sunday night is often a nice movie night with the kids. Popcorn is involved. I may or may not have shared that giant bowl. Just saying.


To see more yummy eats and treats, visit the host of this foodie party, Jen over at Peas and Crayons!


About Brenda

Brenda Bennett is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, certified Sugar Detox Coach, certified Keto Coach and certified Life Coach. She has been Sugar Free & Refined carb free for 17 years and has written 2 cookbooks, Sugar-Free Mom, and Naturally Keto and her 3rd book The 30-Day Sugar Elimination Diet, is a four part program to help you detox from sugar, eliminate cravings, balance blood sugar and lose weight all while eating a delicious, nutrient dense whole foods. Meal plan offers two tracks to follow, low carb or keto. She is the founder of the Sugar Free Fresh Start course and Sugar Free Tribe weight loss membership. Learn more.

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  1. Thanks for sharing. Nice to know that someone besides me has a day now & then like this. I’m not one to go overboard on foods that aren’t good for me, just sometimes get on a binge where I overeat the good things…such as wanting 2 grapefruit instead of just 1/2 of one or an entire package of frozen spinach instead of just a serving, etc…BUT I will say that I gained a pile of weight on steroids & other meds during an extended illness in the early 2000’s (in bed 2.5 years) and we moved to Florida in 2005…I weigh 80 pounds less without truly dieting or feeling deprived due to a similar style of cooking along with some of your recipes and pointers! We went off Wheat 6/3/12 due to the Wheat Belly Diet which is how I also happened along your blog (searching for adequate food) & I am also diabetic. Your blog has been my favorite for more ideas on how to eat. I think others that just arrived here would be thoroughly surprised by how fulfilling your way of eating can actually be. My husband and I truly don’t miss much at all anymore in just this short time. I’m just waiting for someone to come out with wheat free onion rings (a comfort food in the past)! But otherwise I don’t think it would ever really get to me! Thanks for all of your wonderful recipes, product shares, and other tidbits!

    1. Congrats on a wonderful journey and weigh loss. Thank you for sharing and glad you found my blog and are enjoying the recipes!

  2. I want to try that crepe!
    I made a crepe like this and filled it with strawberries, blueberries and raspberries. A drop of whip cream and stevia on top.

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