What I Ate Wednesday #29
Good Wednesday Morning!! It’s visual food journal sharing day! These eats are from Sunday over the weekend. We had a busy day with church, a baseball game right at noon and cleaning out our attic for a renovation. I didn’t get to make the meatballs in the crock pot I had planned on making for dinner so I changed the plan to what was on the menu for the next day. Got to be flexible right? I love having a menu even if it means those meals aren’t exactly made on certain days. At least I know I’ve got all the ingredients needed to make any of those on the menu any day I choose. 🙂
This little food sharing is big on the web. I join in on the party over at Peas and Crayons, as a way for me to stay accountable to all of you. It helps me a lot knowing once a week I must share what I’ve been eating, very humbling to say the least!
I made the family something more substantial but was rushed to get myself ready and out the door so I ate this quickly while standing, (I know, don’t say it….sigh) BUT made it to church on time! It’s pretty good, that coconut milk yogurt, not like my thick Greek yogurt a lot looser but good. Definitely didn’t keep me full though. I was hungry in church!
We rushed out of church to get the little man ready for his baseball game at 11:30, worse time ever, but I was able to make a lunch for myself before we left. I knew the concession stand would be open and I was NOT going to succumb to french fries, no sirrrrr-eeee!
Doesn’t that bun look FAB? It’s gluten free by the brand, Against the Grain!!! It’s made with tapioca starch, milk, mozzarella cheese, eggs, canola oil and salt.
NO Grain, NO kidding. SO GOOD!! I found them in the freezer section of Whole Foods. I kept them frozen and defrosted for about 30 seconds, flipped it over, 30 seconds again and added ham, arugula and cheese.
Came home from the game and enjoyed some nice huge grapes!
Worked on my new recipe I shared yesterday, Homemade Peppermint Patties. Entire family loved them and I ate quite a few, only after taking a billion pics!
Like I said before I meant to make Crock Pot Meatballs, but got too busy. So I made what I was planning on making Monday for a quick dinner.
This is a baked “grilled” cheese, with smoked mozzarella, arugula, and fresh tomato on another new gluten free sliced bread I found at Whole Foods. This one has flaxseed in it and held up nice from the freezer to the baking. It’s by, Gluttino.
That’s my Sunday!
Have you ever tried either of the breads or that coconut yogurt I mentioned?
That sandwich looks fantastic…and grain-free….woohoo! If only the nearest Whole Foods wasn’t 4 hrs away….boo! Thanks for sharing your eats 🙂
Thanks, it was quite satisfying for sure!
I’m very intrigued by the coconut milk yogurt, I’ll have to see if I can find it around here. Those peppermint patties look really cute!
thank you Megan!
I have never tried those bread selections however I will be looking for them the next trip I make to town. Unfortunately I do not have a close whole foods store, however the grocery store Martins has a pretty good selection of gluten free, organic, and natural foods. I hope to find the bread with the flax seed in it. I absolutely love flax seed and use it a lot in my baking.
I love your version of grilled cheese! Your peppermint patties look so adorable, I might have to try them this weekend for my mint-loving sister!
Thank you!