What I Ate Wednesday #36
It’s What I Ate Wednesday! My Visual Food journal sharing my eats in a day last week! I’m not perfect, I have flaws, I overeat even on healthy food, but this is where I’m able to share my good or bad choices. This day happens to be a pretty darn good one if I say so myself!
The kids and I were headed to the beach for the first time so I started my day with a veggie juice!
This one has a yellow pepper, a mango, some celery and cucumber. Nice and refreshing!
The day before we went to the beach, my mom had given me some of this tuna chickpea salad she had made. I grabbed the left overs from the fridge with a fork and was good to go! I will surely be writing up this recipe for the blog, it’s a good one!
I was feeling like I was catching a cold, sore throat,nose congestion and asked many of my readers on FB what they use to stop symptoms before they turn worse. many of you recommended this! I grabbed some at Whole Foods and tried a capsule morning and night for about 3 days and felt remarkably better. The symptoms went away and never turned into a full blown cold! Have you ever tried this stuff?
With the hot weather I’ve been enjoying this recipe, Grilled Caprese Style Portobellos because it’s just so hot and I want something nice and cool to eat. I ate two and never miss having no meat with dinner!
And every night with dinner I’ve been having some of my own homegrown arugula and lettuce! Loving being able to grab it from my garden!
This is a picture of the Crustless Coconut Custard I had made for my parents house for the 4th of July. I had made 3 of them total before it was perfected. SO guess what? I had 2 in my house in the fridge that weren’t perfect but pretty good anyway. I ate a piece after dinner. 🙂 For only 125 calories, low carb and gluten and sugar free, not bad at all for a snack!
Do you have a favorite snack or dessert that is nice and healthy and doesn’t break your calorie budget, something you could eat every day if you wanted?
I was wondering when you were going to do the recipe for that awesome tuna/chickpea salad! That looks yummy!! 🙂