What I Ate Wednesday #38

 What I Ate Wednesday is a visual food journal for one day of eats in my life for all to see!



Yes you are seeing correctly, that is chocolate pudding. We were headed to the beach last Friday and I had made this recipe the day before and well, it was staring at me in the fridge! But it sure is healthy, full of fiber too, dairy free, low carb and delicious: Chocolate Chia Pudding.



Since I knew we were headed to the beach I made my life a little easier by stopping at Trader Joes on the way to buy myself a salad.


Super yummy with quinoa, chickpeas and a carrot miso dressing.


When we got home from the beach I was famished so I pulled out my favorite snack ever; hummus and carrots!


For dinner I decided to make my family a recipe from two of my RI blogger buddies who just released their cookbook, Rhode Island Recipes!

My friends, Jennifer from Savor the Thyme and Lydia from The Perfect Pantry,  have put together some amazing recipes using unique local food items from RI.


The one recipe that caught my eye and I knew would win over my family is the Rhode Island Weiner Spice Meatballs!

My hubby and children were shocked at how much they really tasted like a weiner within the meatball. NONE left over, WIN!

Some other exciting recipes I will be trying is the Italian Twist Guacamole and the Smoky Spicy Cole Slaw!!

If you’d like one you can order in paperback or a kindle version here! So happy for them!



Before bed I had some plain Greek yogurt with a peach and added some Simply Stevia Peach Liquid drops!! So delish! It case you missed it yesterday there’s a Give Away happening for the Simply Stevia, you can check it out here.


That was it! I was wiped out from the beach so called it a night!

I’m taking a POLL!!

QUESTION FOR YOU: How many of you would purchase an ecookbook or regular cookbook of my recipes, or which would you prefer?

Check out more healthy foodie eats over at Peas and Crayons!



About Brenda

Brenda Bennett is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, certified Sugar Detox Coach, certified Keto Coach and certified Life Coach. She has been Sugar Free & Refined carb free for 17 years and has written 2 cookbooks, Sugar-Free Mom, and Naturally Keto and her 3rd book The 30-Day Sugar Elimination Diet, is a four part program to help you detox from sugar, eliminate cravings, balance blood sugar and lose weight all while eating a delicious, nutrient dense whole foods. Meal plan offers two tracks to follow, low carb or keto. She is the founder of the Sugar Free Fresh Start course and Sugar Free Tribe weight loss membership. Learn more.

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  1. Being an international fan, … I imagine it would be cheaper to get an e-recipe book – I would buy it – but probably not if it only had your already blogged recipes. 🙂 Love your recipes, and many have become regulars at our house!

  2. I think I would purchase either cookbooks. I love having a hardcopy of things, but it may be easier for you to create the ecookbook. I love the idea though!

  3. A day at the beach….what a treat! We live 12 hrs from a beach so I’m a bit jealous 🙂 I so hope I win the Simply Stevia giveaway….I’m in love w/ Nunaturals but am interested in their flavors.
    I would purchase an ecookbook with your recipes for sure!

  4. Even though I have the computer and a Kindle, I would still purchase an actual book so that I could have it in the kitchen at all times. Because our budget is so tight, I am adding a few items I will need to make these different recipes every week.
    Is Stevia Vanilla available at our regular markets? I’ve been using splenda so I wanted to also know is there a reason you use Stevia?
    Once again, thank you for your site and thank you again for putting up free recipes for us! Have a wonderful Wednesday!!!!

    1. YES!! Family and I LOVED them! Great recipe and really all of them look delicious! Good Job!

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