What I Ate Wednesday #43 & Not Being Perfect
What I Ate Wednesday is a visual food journal of my foodie eat for all to see!
A day in my life is sometimes not exactly as balanced as I try. Some days are just like that. Some days I devote a lot of time into making new recipes and trying them so more often than not, I’m not taking time to “eat” a meal. Being a food blogger and a mom who home schools 3 kids is no joke. God somehow helps me do it and enjoy it as well. I love everything I do and don’t feel stressed from it thankfully! And thankfully I’m not cooking or baking 3 new recipes every day of the week, but some days I do and my eating is scattered. I said all that to say, being perfect is not required to be healthy. Choosing to make the best choices in any given situation is the key and what can keep you afloat so to speak. I’m not condoning not eating meals, but I am trying to make the point that perfection is a killer. Trying to be perfect every day of your life will most certainly cause you to fall flat on your face and condemning yourself doesn’t help. I’m not going there. So I give myself a break on the days I make a ton of new recipes and try to watch how many bites I’m making myself believe are needed to know whether the recipe is good or not LOL!
First new recipe for a single serving Peanut Butter Flax muffin! It is gluten free and low carb but it was dry so more experimenting needs to happen, although tasty so I did eat it!
Here’s left overs from another new recipe I will be sharing tomorrow, Baked Tomato cups! AND these are fantastic!
While my kids were gone for music classes I wanted to be productive so with my morning breakfast failing recipe I made a second time of these no bake pumpkin granola bars. I was so hopeful, yet they still did not hold ! Such a bummer, but they taste incredibly delicious! So I ate a FEW crumbly pieces.
Dinner was the last of my garden string beans and squash, some corn and salmon I made in an aluminum pouch in the oven. No mess! My dad always made it like this growing up and still does so I called him for the recipe and it was perfect. I shall post this one eventually when I get some more salmon. It’s kind of expensive to feed a family of 5 so I wait for it to go on sale!
My last little dessert after dinner had to do with coconut milk whipped up and then frozen. More to come on that soon but don’t they look heavenly? Little creamy, cold ice cream like bites!
Are you guilty of trying to be perfect? Can you relate to my thoughts? I hate being destructive and am working on getting rid of perfection in my life, what about you?
I agree with Leigh Anne. One bad choice doesn’t have to lead to a days worth or a week’s worth of bad choices. I used to fall flat after a bad choice, and let it affect my whole week – but now I try to pick myself straight back up and make good choices for the rest of the day – straight back on track.
I also try to keep my whole day balanced – so if I eat a stack of trial baking or overindulge, then I know I won’t need any other food till dinner… I’m trying to get in touch with my gut – eat when I’m hungry, and don’t over-fill. This ONLY works when I’m sweet-free, but it’s such a joy when it works properly!!!
Thanks for sharing Kat!
I agree!! If I try to be “perfect” and then fail, I assume the day is wasted and really fall off the wagon. …which is not good. But, if I can admit that there will be failures and the next day/meal is a fresh start then things go much better. One bad choice doesn’t have to leave to a days worth or a weeks worth. Thanks for keeping it real! Sorry your recipes didn’t quite work out, but look forward to the yummy results 🙂
Thanks so much Leigh Anne!