What I Ate Wednesday #47
What I Ate Wednesday is a visual food journal for the eats I enjoy in a day of life as Sugar-Free Mom.
This food journal is on Friday last week before we head to home school co op. It’s a full day of five classes leaving the house at 8 and returning home at around 2ish. I enjoy the day and always try to pack a healthy lunch that will keep me full till we get home for a snack in the afternoon. If I don’t pack enough and I am so hungry when we get home, I am sure to eat everything in sight!
I was sure to make enough time in the morning to make this new smoothie in my blender and actually had time to finish it before we left the house. Otherwise it’s easy enough to blend and take in a to-go cup. This is 2 small carrots, some pumpkin and an orange!
I had made this crock pot beef stew the day before for dinner for the family and took some for lunch for co op but forgot to take a pic of it. Everyone in the teacher’s lounge was asking what that amazing smell was! So I was chatting away telling them about it and before I knew it, I ate it all before the picture could be snapped LOL! Anyway, I asked many of you on Facebook if you’d like the recipe even though I think it’s just so basic but to my surprise so many of you are interested. I will be sharing my recipe next week for sure.
I don’t usually buy full fat yogurts and actually bought this by accident. BUT boy was it creamy and delicious! It was like ice cream!
When we came home I enjoyed some yummy hummus and baby carrots. I can eat hummus every day and never tire of it!
My daughter and I had some girl time shopping and eating dinner at Panera before we headed to meet the boys for a cub scout camping weekend. I got my favorite Cobb salad!
Over the weekend I knew the meals planned for the scouts and since I don’t eat wheat/gluten the pizza planned for lunch was out for me. I bought this great salad at Trader Joes.
Have you tried any of these products from Trader Joe’s? What do you think?