What I Ate Wednesday #48

What I Ate Wednesday is my visual food journal of all my eats in a day as Sugar-Free Mom!

wiaw fall into good habits buttonTwo days ago was my Blog’s 2nd Birthday!! I can’t believe how time has flown! I’ve loved every minute of all the hard work and time spent making this blog become what it is today and I’m so happy you’ve all joined me on this journey. I’m give away a DEHYDRATOR so be sure to check out that post to enter!!

The day I’m about to show you was a rough one. We needed to leave the  house at 9:15 to head to music classes and pick up a friends child along the way. I had my kids lunches ready the night before but neglected to pack my own of course. Waiting till the morning was a bad idea! My poor doggie Ruby was discovered to have a HUGE tic imbedded in her head. I wish I had taken a pic for you to see it but I was so frazzled in trying to remove it, the pic never happened. Of course we discovered the tic at 9am and my lunch wasn’t ready, I had no make up on and we needed to leave in 15 minutes! My awesome sister in law came to the rescue as I could not get that tic removed. She took a quick trip to vet and they got it out right away. Poor thing has a huge scab but she’s going to be fine.

I was able to get in some breakfast but it wasn’t my healthy smoothie or anything much and I was hungry since I had gone to the gym earlier in the morning. So….I ….resorted to…….BOXED GRANOLA! Not the greatest choice but it’s what we had in the cupboard and what the hubby likes to eat for breakfast. I snagged a bowl and we left at 9:20, not too shabby!


On the way to music classes and having to pick up my friends child, the highway ramp was CLOSED!!! YEP!!! Of all days right… since I was already late! Found another way to get there and we made it 5 minutes late to my son’s piano class. BUT at least I had my lunch otherwise I was going to be one angry momma!


I know it looks kinda messy but it was delicious! Cooked beets from our garden, avocado, chicken, cucumbers, and spinach!!


And some grapes and I was a happy girl! And then I made a trip to the coffee shop and got myself and iced coffee which was heavenly!


Afternoon snack!! Home for about 2 hours and then off again with karate class for my oldest.


Hubby made dinner! I had left him some brown rice and we had left over pork so he made his own version of a pork fried rice. Probably full of butter but hey I wasn’t complaining. I didn’t have to cook it!

Attempted a chocolate pudding but it was a fail even though it looks great, for the second time no less too…..BOO, hate when that happens! BUT I did enjoy it as  dessert even though it isn’t blog worthy yet!


Not the worst day but certainly not one of the better days. We all have them, just part of life right? It’s what we do after those crazy days that counts. Get what I’m saying?? Stuffing my face from stress wasn’t going to make my day get any better so I’m happy it all ended well with a not so perfect pudding but….that’s life.



About Brenda

Brenda Bennett is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, certified Sugar Detox Coach, certified Keto Coach and certified Life Coach. She has been Sugar Free & Refined carb free for 17 years and has written 2 cookbooks, Sugar-Free Mom, and Naturally Keto and her 3rd book The 30-Day Sugar Elimination Diet, is a four part program to help you detox from sugar, eliminate cravings, balance blood sugar and lose weight all while eating a delicious, nutrient dense whole foods. Meal plan offers two tracks to follow, low carb or keto. She is the founder of the Sugar Free Fresh Start course and Sugar Free Tribe weight loss membership. Learn more.

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