What I Ate Wednesday #49 & a New Sugar-Free Chocolate Chip Find!

What I Ate Wednesday is a visual food journal of one day of eats as Sugar-Free Mom.

wiaw fall into good habits buttonTomorrow is Halloween!! Are you ready or not? My kiddies have their costumes and will go trick or treating in case you were wondering. I’m sugar-free and don’t eat candy unless I make it myself sugar-free but I don’t require my kids to follow my lifestyle. They eat what I make them and enjoy all my sugar-free recipes but I do allow them to have candy on occasion. It’s limited of course but yes they may have it. I definitely think depriving them of trick or treating would just make them want it all the more. I am however hoping to get this brittle perfected to share tomorrow as a great alternative to passing out traditional candy if you’re opposed to it. 🙂

This day of eats was over the weekend on Saturday. My kids and I got up early since we had to go deliver bags in the neighborhood with the cubscouts for our annual food drive. Hubby made me an egg and some veggies before we all headed out into the cold outdoors for two hours. He’s pretty sweet, I’ll keep him.



After the delivering of bags to the homes in the area we headed straight to a soccer game AND IT WAS EVEN COLDER!! The wind was blowing and I could have used some earmuffs for sure. All I had was a scarf, coat and coffee. Here’s a pic of my newly colored hair the day before. Not sure if I’m liking the reddish tones, maybe go darker next time. Anyway after 45 minutes a a score of 1-0 with my little guys team winning we headed home for lunch.




Lunch was a quick salad with spinach, fennel, beats and peppers and hummus on the side. Easy, fast and enough.


Look what I happily found when I went shopping at Whole Foods in the afternoon!! I was so excited! First time I have ever found this product. I used it in my brittle you’ll see below and then used it again yesterday and melted it. Works wonderfully. Melts terrific and tastes great too!


The recipe needs a few tweaks before I can post it but I hoping to get to it today and share it tomorrow! The oldest picky teen loved it and the younger to kiddies as well. The hubby wasn’t a fan. Can’t win them all, I however think with a few changes the hubby will love it.


My daughter had a dance event with dinner included so since her friends mothers are my friends we decided to head to a restaurant for a leisurely dinner until we had to go back and get them. We went to a restaurant called Papparazzi in Garden City of Cranston, RI. Super great atmosphere and the food was amazing. I got a chicken piccata with a lemon asparagus risotto. Very yummy indeed.

So are you letting your children trick or treat??


About Brenda

Brenda Bennett is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, certified Sugar Detox Coach, certified Keto Coach and certified Life Coach. She has been Sugar Free & Refined carb free for 17 years and has written 2 cookbooks, Sugar-Free Mom, and Naturally Keto and her 3rd book The 30-Day Sugar Elimination Diet, is a four part program to help you detox from sugar, eliminate cravings, balance blood sugar and lose weight all while eating a delicious, nutrient dense whole foods. Meal plan offers two tracks to follow, low carb or keto. She is the founder of the Sugar Free Fresh Start course and Sugar Free Tribe weight loss membership. Learn more.

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  1. Just stumbled across your blog, as I was researching Sugar Free Yogurt. Thank you for helping to understand the milk sugar vs. no sugar added problem that I was having. I have a question, for you or any of your readers- I am currently having a severe issue with my thyroid , and with Candidia being OUT OF CONTROL! It is causing “yeast list syptoms” as far as any MD can tell. I cut out all caffeine (OMG I MISS COFFEE) and all sugar. My body is much healthier, in general, however, I am having a real issue with the candidia. I even cut out all natural sugars, aside from milk sugar. However, I believe this will have to be my next step. So my question is this, almond milk, soy milk? Lactose free milk? Sugar free? Good tasting? Brands any one suggests? If you have any suggestions on how to get candidia levels to even out, I AM ALL EARS! Thanks for the great sugar free recipes. Its nice to know that one is not alone.

    1. I really love unsweetened almond milk and it can be subbed for many recipes where milk is used.

  2. Hello!
    This website has been a bessing. My moth was a diabetic for many years before she died. I have two brothers and two sisters that are diabeics now. I am trying to live my life in a way to try and avoid this disease if possible. Your recipes have provided delicious alternatives that satisfy my sweet tooth. The other recipes are wonderful also. I have used many of them.

    God Bless,


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