What I Ate Wednesday #52 & My Struggle with Maintaining my Weight
What I Ate Wednesday is my visual food journal for one day in my life as Sugar-Free Mom.
Happy Wednesday Friends! Today I want to share with you my honest struggles with maintaining my weight and the weight gain I’ve seen over the last two years of blogging. If you’ve followed my blog for a while now, you know my weight has increased since I began blogging. Within the first 6 months of my blog I was making so much more food for the family and the blog and eating it that I quickly added on 5 pounds over my normal weight. To some of you this wouldn’t be a big deal but for me and maintaining my weight loss, it is a huge deal. You can read about my weight loss story here. 5 pounds makes a huge difference in my clothes, my confidence, and it’s a good strong indication that if I don’t start being more careful that 5 pounds will quickly become 10 pounds. And now another year and half later and confession time, I’ve been up another 5!!
But my birthday is coming soon which always make me want to look my best and feel my best. I’m really working hard to watch my daily food consumption. I’ve not been counting calories or using tracking which is how I’ve always lost weight it it the past, but sometimes it makes me obsess. So for now I’m just focusing on eating my 3 meals and not snacking in between except for once between my lunch and my dinner. Definitely not eating after dinner.
What can I say to why I struggle greatly in this area? I’m a foodie, I love to eat, I love to blog, I love to create and be creative with healthy eating, BUT and this is the issue, I eat too much. YOU CAN GAIN WEIGHT ON HEALTHY FOOD! I’m proof of it. My biggest downfall is the portions. I simply eat too much. I’ve never steered from my discipline of not eating white sugar or refined white flours and I can say I do not crave like a crazy women as I once did over 9 years ago of leading this sugar free life. So no cravings is fabulous, but I still have a portion issue that is just something I think I will need to work on every day. Although I share with you my visual food journal, the rest of the week while making recipes and going about the day I really just eat more servings than I should and snacking is the worst for me even if the snacks are healthy. I must forgo all snacking after dinner and make it became a habit!
As of this writing I am on a mission to lose the 10 pounds and get back to the normal weight I was when I started blogging. I believe with God’s help I will have success and achieve this goal. I’ve done it a few times before in life and on my journey and the weight loss was much bigger than just 10 pounds. I’m grateful it’s only 10 pounds and not any more than that. I’m planning on seeking out an old friend to be accountable to with my food intake and keep up my exercise which is something I love and have made a habit of over the last 20 years.
If you struggle in this area, find a support group, maybe Weight Watchers. Find an exercise buddy. Food Tracking does work when you work it. (I think I really need to get back on track with this, no pun intended!) And most of all remember it’s only one day at a time. You can do anything one day at a time. 🙂
Today I’m sharing my eats for last Tuesday when my children went to music classes and I wasn’t carpooling so I had some time all to myself, which is very very rare indeed! Lately I’ve been choosing to enjoy a healthy juice or smoothie for either breakfast or lunch, mostly because it’s quick and easy. This one consisted of a grapefruit, carrots, cucumber and celery and some lemon juice and lemon stevia. It was delicious!
My friend and I had lunch together to celebrate her birthday. We went to a quaint little country restaurant that also had a little store with unique handmade items. I wanted to buy everything! For lunch I had a wonderful side salad and this delicious chicken and bean soup. He had a little spice to it and it was quite filling.
Afternoon Snack:
While I was working on editing photos and blog posts I needed a filling snack to carry me through till dinner. I choice a whole wheat sandwich thin bread topped with peanut butter and sunflower seeds. It was perfect and I carried on.
I made a new chicken and biscuit pot pie recipe that I will be sharing soon. It’s got gluten free biscuits on top that were out of this world yummy! A reader shared with me her foolproof recipe and I loved it, so did the family!
This was also part of dinner. I enjoy hummus and veggies quite frequently. Sometimes I just don’t feel like a salad and I need to munch and crunch. Veggies and hummus are they way I do that, better than potato chips right?
Are you on the path of losing weight, maintaining your weight or simply just trying to remove unhealthy sugars and processed foods from your life? Can you relate to anything I shared today? Please share, I’d love to hear from you!
I was always the skinny one UNTIL I quit smoking at age 35 and gained 40+ pounds. I too try to eat healthy and my problem is not eating cakes and pies but portion control as well. I am just so thankful I ran across this support group on Facebook that talked about this amazing product that helped you feel full and eat less. Of course I was skeptic as I have tried many different ways of losing weight. There were so many success stories with weight and health issues disappearing they were really genuine caring people that I thought I would try this one more product…boy was I amazed!! You take this all natural product that has (not the bad for your stomach) fiber and 7 digestive enzymes that help with digestion problems and cleaning toxins from your colon wall…2 capsules 30 minutes before 2 largest meals with a large glass of water and you feel full before you start eating so you eat less….I couldn’t believe how well it works and my junk food cravings were gone! I was a soda addict (all I drank) the day I started this product I quite my Diet Mt Dew and was sooo dreading the caffeine withdrawals….didn’t happen! A month later I went to my doctor for my 4 month check up and she was amazed and asked what I was doing. Not only had I lost weight but Cholesterol had dropped from avg 250-300 down to 129 and my blood pressure had began getting lower and lower to the point that she took me completely off my BP meds WOOHOO!! I was so excited and she was as well….she is all for natural supplements and herbs that help you instead of expensive prescription meds. She is an Internal Medicine Specializing in Nephrology (kidneys) and she said “I’m going to recommend this to the many patients that need this type help also”. I was so glad she was on board with it because I hadn’t felt this good in years….so much more energy and just overall well-being. Now to tell you a little about me. I am a Breast Cancer Survivor, 5 blocked arteries to my heart that required 3 stents, many digestive issues, have had 2 strokes and a multitude of other issues that at one time I was on 20 meds a day. I have been able to come off 4 of my meds so far and hope to be able to come off more when I go back in February. I am just so excited about this product I want to shout it to the world….so sorry for rambling on. I feel if I can help just a few people that this post will be so worth it. I do love your recipes and your blog (didn’t want to leave that out)!!
Your honesty is refreshing. I’ve been following you for quite a while now and I have so enjoyed your recipes. Thank you.
I think you will be just fine losing those pounds. You can do this! Portion control is so tough, but I’m sure you’ll figure out tricks that work for you. This spring, I read Mindless Eating and it rocked my world. It might change your outlook on portions, and why and how we eat.
I’ve recently started a blog myself and I would love to return the favor of encouraging you as much as you have encouraged me. I focus on helping women stay motivated to create and maintain lifestyle changes to help them feel and look healthy and fit. If you want to check it out, I’m over at http://www.disciplineandgrace.com.
Wow – This is me too: I work out. I like it, find it easy to do yet I still gain weight. My diet is not perfect but I certainly eat better than most people. I’ve logged, not logged food / calories. I find, like some of us, the more I log and track the more I want to eat. I’ve tried the 5-6 mini meals and I eat too much. I hate this strugggle…so for now, I am trying to just eat less. I know you are not supposed to be hungry but I allow myself to be hungry so I know what it really feels like.
Good luck to all of us. I need an accountability partner.
“YOU CAN GAIN WEIGHT ON HEALTHY FOOD! I’m proof of it. My biggest downfall is the portions. I simply eat too much. I’ve never steered from my discipline of not eating white sugar or refined white flours and I can say I do not crave like a crazy women as I once did over 9 years ago of leading this sugar free life. “
Margaret, I find myself in the same situation. My workouts are not the problem, buy my relationship with food is an issue that I have struggled with since my 20s. At one point I lost 40 lbs. using WW online and kept it off for years. Then I had two babies and have never lost the last 10 lbs. even though my youngest just turned 3. I need an accountability partner, too! If you’d like to team up let me know maybe we can exchange emails via Brenda.
Brenda, thank you for your honesty. I often feel like I’m the only one who can’t figure this out! I love your blog and your recipes. You inspire me!
Weight gain is the worse battle I have ever fought. I have lost on WW and I do so good as long as I lose. When I stop losing I get so discouraged. I want to lose 20 pounds and seem to not be motivated enough to do it. If I had a choice to be rich or eat what I wanted and never have to worry about weight gain I would chose to not have weight problem.
Good Luck with your 10 pounds.
I love your blog and can relate. I struggle with overeating and still on the path to eliminating refined sugar and white flour. Your site is my favorite place to look for healthy meals.
Thank you so much for taking the time to share a healthy way to eat and live. I have my own significant health and weight issues. I really didn’t have major weight issues until I had a total hysterectomy at age 37. It absolutely destroyed my metabolism. And the increasing number of medications I needed for bipolar disorder, chronic migraines, fibromyalgia, as well as heart and kidney problems only made things worse. I had a great nursing career that I loved but my health problems brought it to an end. Luckily I had no trouble getting disability. During the last 7 years of my career, I was a certified diabetes education nurse and did some nutrition counseling as a part of that. So I have a good nutritional knowledge base but am so happy to learn more and you have taught me such useful information. My beautiful daughter is getting married this coming summer and I am trying so hard to lose weight. I have always hated to exercise but am trying to walk or go on the treadmill everyday. I am seriously thinking about taking a water exercise class as well. I am going to try some of your recipes which sound and look so good. I wish that we had a Whole Foods store in our area because it would definitely make it easier to find some of the items especially sweeteners. We do have an excellent natural foods store that is always looking to add ingredients so I am going to talk to the owners and see what they can do to help. Thanks again for your help and inspiration.
Thanks for sharing your story Ann. Congrats on your daughter soon to be married. Exercise is so important and without that as a habit of mine for so long I would probably have gained a lot more back and then some. You can purchase many of the items I mention online through iherb.com and my coupon code is YAJ035. Hope that helps!
That does help. Thanks again Brenda !
I really enjoy your blog and creativity expressed in your recipes. I race bikes professionally and maintaining a lean body mass is the difference between 1st and 10th or 60th place. By the world’s standards, I’m a skinny dude, But 5 to 10 pounds makes a huge difference! I have always enjoyed sweets and treats. Growing up my mom was a big baker and we always had sweets in the house . As a Male at 25 years old, 5’10, and 167lbs, I’m a bigger guy for cycling (essentially the less weight you carry up hill, the faster you are). In my quest to be more professional (a.k.a. lose weight), I cut back on the sweets to the point where a treat really was a treat. I remember not having ice cream or frozen yogurt for almost 2 months at one point. I ate a lot more soups/salads/ and vegetables. I cut out the calorically dense foods. I went from 167lbs to 154lbs in about 4 months.(Jan to April) I was happy. Losing 10+lbs was a big deal. I thought, “Surely I will race better, surely i will now be a top notch pro.” I had some early season success and I figured i would only get stronger as the season went on. WRONG. As time went on, i raced worse than previous years. My girlfriend at the time, a Registered Dietitian, immediately defaulted to, “you probably aren’t eating enough.” “You aren’t getting enough carbs” I immediately denied it. But after continued lackluster racing, it wore on me. The mental game got to me. “I really need to eat more, I am deficient in carbs, I’m not getting enough protein” I put a reasoning behind everything. I began to eat the sweets I once eliminated. I though “Maybe they have something in them I have been missing out on.” The poor race results continued. I was lost, confused, frustrated. Come July. My season was over, I was a mental mess. I binge ate heavily, I ate everything from entire boxes of cereal , half tubs of peanut butter, to spoonful after spponful of sugar. I was trying to find comfort, an answer. Something to silence the questions. Before long I was over the 160 mark. A tough feat when burn anywhere from 1,500 kCals to 4,500 kCals on a given day . I was gaining weight fast and specially FAT…not muscle. I was not too worried, for my next season of bike racing (cyclocross) did not involve climbing hills and weight wasn’t so crucial. It started in September. From the start I raced horribly and to this point have yet to put up a satisfying result. Long story short. It wasn’t about the weight the entire time, It was more about my body being tired from racing 2 years non-stop with no breaks. But I wanted my lack of race results to be about weight. I wanted my weight to be the answer and food the villain.
Today, I still obsess over food and the extreme health that must accompany all that i eat. It’s a constant struggle. Something that is always on my mind. The more I obsess, the more I want to eat. I have loosed the reigns a bit and it has helped me. As you know you aren’t alone in the battle of overeating and food obsession. I wanted to share my story to let you and everyone else know that people from all walks of life struggle day in and day out. Some people want to lose 100 lbs and other 5 lbs. Some do it for serious health reasons, others because they want to look a little more toned. You are doing a great thing with this blog. You are a major inspiration to all walks of life. Even “skinny” cyclists like myself are listening, can relate, and are struggling with similar issues. It’s great that you are so open. Keep up the good work and keep fighting! Food is cool, being fit and healthy is better!
Wow, what an inspiring story yourself! Thank you for sharing it! I agree, it could be 100 pounds for some of a ‘skinny” cyclist the issues of food obsession and addiction can happen to anyone. I felt if I didn’t share my struggles I’m not being an honest person/blogger to myself or to my readers. I appreciate your sharing today thank you!
I can totally relate! I love making healthy recipes, and your blog has been amazing in helping me to discover how to cook and bake with clean eating. But I also struggle greatly with portion control! I love food, and I am a stay at home mom so I have access to food all day! Also, my husband eats a lot and I feel that I have picked up on his snacking habits. I tend to do well throughout the day, but when evening hits for some reason I feel the need to eat until bed time!
Thanks for sharing Michelle. I homeschool so yes access to food all day long is difficult. The way I have overcome the snacking at night is only allowing a night time treat like popcorn on the weekends watching tv with the family, but during the week it’s tea of decaf coffee after the kids go to bed and hubby and I stay up. Also try the water test. Guzzle a full glass of water, wait 15 minutes. If you have no sense of hunger it’s habit hunger. If you’re still hungry eat some protein like a hard boiled egg. Or just simply go to bed early, that helps too.
Thank you for your honesty. I lost 80 pounds on Weight Watchers and 20 has crept back on. I am working to get it back off. It is a day to day, even meal to meal, challenge. I look forward to hearing about your journey back to your happy weight.
Thank you Angela!
Thank you so much for sharing! You have impacted my life tremendously! I have struggled for most of my life with emotional eating. We all have good days, good weeks and heck even good months. I joined Weight Watchers awhile back and I am sucking at it! I have been eating healthy lately but my portions have been out of control too! Even healthy foods can be trigger foods. I’m learning and discovering as I go. It’s a journey! You can do it Brenda! Like you said, we can do anything we put our minds too! I wish you all the best in your journey!
Thanks Marla and you can too!
I am so inspired by your story! It is so similar to my own. I have struggled with my weight from a very early age. I remember sneaking food from the kitchen when I was in elementary school to have picnics when my parents weren’t around. I finally got down to a healthy weight about a year after baby #3. That was 2 years ago. I really struggle with maintenance. I gain 5 lbs here and am fine for several months, but am unable to relose it. Then I gain 5 more and can’t relose it. I eat very healthfully, but am a foodie and love food. I tend to over eat especially healthy food. But I keep trying. I love reading your blog. 🙂
Thanks Emily!
Thank you for the time you take with us. You are a blessing. It is so hard to know what to do. I study these things for 3 hours a day. All the greens/beet greens/ beets/ almonds/ spinach that I take to heal myself has caused uric crystals due to oxalates…
The very items I eat so much of, has caused inflammation. I am trying to reduce those now. I enjoy and appreciate your site so much. I have not changed my eating but have gained 15 lbs… I am so frustrated.. blood checks out so I am trying to exercise even more, but I am in terrible pain each day. Man struggle so we appreciate what you do. Can’t wait to see the dumpling recipe. BLESSINGS
Thanks Kim!