What I Ate Wednesday # 54 & My Struggle with Discipline

What I Ate Wednesday is my visual food journal for all to see in a day of my life!

wiaw fall into good habits button

Today as I write this food journal I’m reflecting how on much we learn about ourselves as we age and push forward to be a better person in all areas of our lives. For me the recognition 9 years ago that I had a problem with sugar and needed to rid it from my life was the start of something wonderful! But over these years and even being free from sugar addiction I sit here and realize that it’s not a “be all and fix all” for the problem of discipline in my life and overeating. Overeating is a much bigger issue than I realized. I thought removing the sugar addiction would remove the cravings and it did. I truly don’t care or want the white sugar filled treats. There is nothing that calls my name for me to give in and eat that sugary thing. BUT that has not taken away my desire for MORE, more of really anything at the moment I might be enjoying. Even healthy foods I can over consume. So this process of becoming sugar free and leading a sugar free life has brought me through many interesting “light bulb” moments. Today is one of them.

Eating a clean, healthy, sugar-free life and limiting natural sugars has been the best decision I could have ever made. Has it stopped my struggle of overeating, nope. But I’m grateful for the freedom from craving. Recognition is start of something better and the hope that as this process makes me grow that each day will become easier and more of a habit. Some of you may easily be able to just lead a clean and healthy life and never struggle with sugar issues or overeating, but some of you are like me and can relate. Today my focus is not the 10 pounds I need to lose to get back to my happy weight, it’s the discipline I need to learn to say, ” this portion is enough for me, I don’t need an extra bite or helping or spoonful, this is enough” and push that plate away.

I find the time to exercise and get up way too early, but I do it. Making time for food planning is the only way I know to conquer the issue of discipline in my life. Otherwise whatever looks good as the day goes on is the surefire way I’m obviously consuming too much food in a day.

Today I’m putting my body into submission to what I want it to do, not the other way around. Get what I’m saying? So today I’ve planned out my meals and snacks and will have a successful day of being disciplined, how about you?


 BREAKFAST: Last week we went to New Hampshire with the children to go to Santa’s Village and the Polar Express. We stayed at a condo so there was a kitchen. I brought granola and we had no clean bowls so I grabbed a coffee mug. It was the perfect trick for me to enjoy a half cup then be able to go back for my other half cup and not feel deprived since the serving was just a cup. In a bowl it seems so small, but not in a mug!


LUNCH: This concoction is pea shoots I brought with me from Trader Joe’s for a new recipe I made and I added a sweet pepper and some turkey slices and dressed it with some ranch dressing.


With my lunch I toasted a brown rice tortilla again from Trader Joe’s and added a bit of shredded cheese!


Afternoon snack: Just a coffee from Dunkin Donuts while we went to a cute little country store in NH. I found this cute little sign and that is so me! I can’t function with coffee!


For DINNER we went to Harts Turkey Farm. This picture is with flash on my iphone because it was so dark in the restaurant. It was a turkey cutlet with Mediterranean toppings like feta, red onion, olives and tomatoes on a bed of lettuce and I had baked potato on the side. I loved it!

That’s it for this particular day! We watched Christmas movies at night and I tried not to snack with the family but  I did enjoy some popcorn on a few nights, not shown here. 🙂

Please share with me if you to struggle with overeating and discipline and how you deal with it.



About Brenda

Brenda Bennett is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, certified Sugar Detox Coach, certified Keto Coach and certified Life Coach. She has been Sugar Free & Refined carb free for 17 years and has written 2 cookbooks, Sugar-Free Mom, and Naturally Keto and her 3rd book The 30-Day Sugar Elimination Diet, is a four part program to help you detox from sugar, eliminate cravings, balance blood sugar and lose weight all while eating a delicious, nutrient dense whole foods. Meal plan offers two tracks to follow, low carb or keto. She is the founder of the Sugar Free Fresh Start course and Sugar Free Tribe weight loss membership. Learn more.

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  1. I have been searching the internet for sugar free recipes (using only fruit as a sweetener) and came across your site. We do not use any sweeteners, even natural ones like honey/maple syrup. They will also cause you to have the same sugar ‘cravings’, the ‘ups and downs’ and affects of regular sugar on your adrenal glands. Have you thought about cutting out all sugar – natural, artificial and even limit fruit? We do eat fruit once or twice a week but not daily – especially not multiple times a day like most Americans!

  2. I really struggle with overeating, and with discipline. I have managed to lose 20 pounds since last year, but it has been a long, slow process, with a lot of starts and stops. I know my lack of discipline in food planning is part of the problem. My other problem is with sugar addiction. I recently started following your blog, because I am thinking about taking the plunge and eliminating refined sugar from my diet. I don’t have any advice for you, but I can definitely relate!

  3. Hi Brenda,

    I have struggled with a sugar addiction for the past 26 years. I can gladly say that it has gotten a lot easier over the years. I find myself opening the kitchen cabinets r refrigerator door whenever I am bored r can’t resolve an issue that is bothering me. This is a red flag for me. The answer to my problem can’t be found in food. I must have faith that it will be resolved in time; but not always in my timing. Sugar won’t change the outcome. Wow, that looks easy when I print this, wish it were that easy @ the time. HA! Just remember ur not alone. We only have to work @ it 1 day @ a time.
    Keep up the good work,

    1. Thanks for sharing, yes without faith nothing would be possible for me. I appreciate your comment, thanks!

  4. I struggle with discipline when it comes to food and eating! I also have issues with refined sugar as although it affects my health, I still crave it! Thankfully I know I’m not alone, and websites like yours provide awesome and practical recipes to help us when we’re having a tough time so that we don’t feel deprived but are still doing the best for our bodies.

  5. I can relate to the overeating and discipline problem! So far I don’t deal with it. I don’t even want to deal with it but I want to want to overcome it. I think about it every day – it’s one of the reasons I read your blog – but when it comes right down to it, I eat whatever is in front of me at the time. Sometimes I have a few hours or even days that I eat well. I once even exercised and eat well for 9 or so months and lost 60 lbs. I can’t figure out why I stopped because it felt SO good to be healthy and in control. I’ve gained all the weight back and have spent a few years telling myself it doesn’t matter but I know that my health and sanity really do matter. This morning I am eating a low glycemic, oatmeal and protein breakfast and have plans to eat smaller low carb. (refined sugar free) meals throughout the day. I’m planning to try a tofu and veggie stir fry for dinner. I hope and pray that I’ll make it through the day eating appropriate amounts of good for me food and that I’ll have the courage to keep it up the next day and the next… Thanks for all you share with us and for the good ideas and optimism you exhibit!

  6. Have you ever tried The Fast Metabolism Diet? It’s not really a “diet”, but a food rotation plan that ramps up your metabolism. The book by Haylie Pomroy is great, and available as an ebook (which is what I got), but I really loved the Apple App. It helped me plan my week ahead of time and kept me accountable.. even for my water! I lost the last 5 lbs. I’d been trying to lose for a year and my Mother-in-law has lost 25 lbs. and is down 4 dress sizes! It’s the best because you don’t track calories, or points, you just eat REAL FOOD! ..the best part is.. sugar is off-limits! 🙂 Please try it. It helped me.

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