What I Ate Wednesday #7
Hello again!! Wednesday is “What I Ate” for all of you to see! This is linked up with a bunch of other healthy foodie bloggers that share some fantastic food over at Peas and Crayons! Be sure to check them out when you get a chance. 🙂
I really hope this won’t be a shock to you but sometimes I really don’t eat that balanced and this day last week was just one of those days. So ho….. hum…… I am still showing you my not so great day of eating and I know you’ll notice I didn’t eat much.
I only know this: it is always busy in my life with the kiddies and most days I make better choices then others. Some days I eat too much and others not enough. This is one of those not so much days……hey but I know you what judge right? pretty please 😉
Here’s my new protein green smoothie I was so excited to share with my kiddies but they burst my excitement with only one of three kiddies liking it, boo 🙁
I think the green color just freaked the other two out, but I will attempt again with them and I am totally sharing the recipe tomorrow so be sure to check back here for it!
but on a good note it was delicious and I saved the second serving in the fridge for a snack later…….
…….only it ended up being my lunch along with some cooked from the dinner the night before green beans and some “new to me” food called nutritional yeast!
You can find it here through www.iherb.com where I get many of my products. If you’re a first time buyer you’ll get a discount and even if your not you’ll still get a discount I believe using my discount code here: YAJ035.
Supposed to be a healthy alternative for adding protein for vegetarians and vegans, a great replacement for cheese too. I liked it, but I added some extra virgin olive oil over the beans too and it made the yeast less……..dry 🙂
So a side note here, this green smoothie even after a few hours in the fridge was still just as thick and delicious as when I first made it earlier in the morning……that is why it became my lunch for lack of making anything else really.
I was in a mood can you tell?
and then I was hungry because I really didn’t eat much at lunch.
I opted for the JAR of natural peanut butter, thank you very much and a SPOON.
Yep it happens.
At least I ate an apple with it. No I didn’t finish the rest of the jar, but I sure thought about it and wanted to, but knowing that would be totally wrong I removed it from my sight and forgot all about it albeit taking one more spoonful.
Out of sight out of mind really does work for me, and you?
And then there was dinner. It was left overs, which were good, but don’t look great in this iphone pic so I made it REALLY tiny so as not to gross you out.
Want to know what that concoction was in that bowl?
Left over Turkey Tettrazzini: basically turkey, gluten free pasta mixed with chopped kale and topped with shredded cheese. alot. of.it. no denying.
So that was my day in a nutshell…….hope you don’t think so terribly of me now but I am not going to show to anything but the truth here. This is after all accountability for me and hopefully next week I will share a more balanced eating day or not….
please forgive my sarcasm and please share your thoughts.
Oh and have you ever tried nutritional yeast?
I really don’t know if I’ve ever had a day that I ate too little!!! hahaha!!
I’ve been making green smoothies, also….Yummy! can’t wait to see your recipe. Never tried nutrional yeast but sounds like something I would like to since I’m lactose intolerant.
I love nutritional yeast on popcorn! I forget to put it on other things, but I should… looks like a yummy day! My daughter won’t touch my green smoothie either, but when I add frozen blueberries she gobbles it up. 🙂
Yep they too eat all kinds of smoothies except this green one, the color freaked them out I think.
Yes! We’ve tried and love the nutritional yeast. Our daughter is dairy-free and that’s how we got started. But it’s good. Our daughter will put it on many things (fish sticks, pasta) and actually scoops up what’s left on the plate. My son and I also like it on salads and when we’re home during the day will make pasta with olive oil and yeast. We think it tastes more cheesy than a lot of the non-dairy soy cheeses. Try it on popcorn too! It is very nutritional. Somehow, however, we haven’t been able to convert my husband yet.
P.S. Still think you ate pretty well yesterday, don’t be so hard on yourself.
thank you! And thanks for sharing! Maybe we will try it on popcorn too!
I am glad you were not in a mood here at my house as we already have two sick boys that are grouchy.
So sorry your boys are sick, feel better soon!