Add the crepe ingredients to your blender and blend until smooth.
Heat a small non stick pan with butter or olive oil cooking spray to coat lightly.
Add 1/4 cup of batter to the skillet, lift off the heat while you swirl it all over the bottom of the skillet. Allow to cook 2-3 minutes.
Once you start to see some bubbles forming in the center of the crepe and you can loosen your spatula around the edges without it ripping, you can carefully flip it over. Cook another minute on this side and simple slide it off the pan onto a baking pan or plate to cool while you make the rest. Remember watch the heat, if you start to see too much browning on the crepe you made, it will be crispy and hard to roll. Reduce the heat a bit until the next one is more pliable once cooked.
Once cooled you can stack these on top of each other and refrigerate in a covered container.
Net Carbs for 1 crepe: 1gNutritional Information does not include filling or toppings.This recipe was first published in Feb.2018 and updated with video in Nov.2020.